OMG Mishka for sale !!!!!! NEVER

:eek: Oh that is just freakishly scary stuff! :eek:

How in the world did that person get your personal info? If he's been following Mishka on YouTube, he must clearly know just HOW much you love your Mishka!

OMG, I got the chills reading this, Ant. <shudders>

What nerve! And...excuse my English...what a heartless SOB. :(

And by the way, Mishka IS famous. :) He is your baby, and our Mishka, too. :)

Thanks for the kind words Wendy.... Mishka does not need fame, he needs a loving family, wonderful friends on the forum, and he has all that.

I was shaking like a leaf, let me tell you.
My name and surname is on Youtube, not my numbers though.
He then went into facebook, then googled my name and came across my cell number under my business advert.
I have blocked his name on my cell........

This is downright scary! I'm sure if he has watched your video and such than he could see there was a unbreakable bond between you and Mishka. It's a shame that we cannot share the love of our birds publicly because people would love to get their hands on our babies just to make money! Please keep us updated if he or anyone else contacts you again. Oh, and contact the authorities if that happens again!
Oh my gosh! How horribly scary! Mishka sweetie, you just remove a finger off any strangers!
Wow Antoinette it IS scary to think where on earth did he get your number? I agree that Mishka should be kept safe, not that anyone won't recognise him if the person tries to show him off, but some folk don't think about things like that. If it was me I'd be so concerned... Mishka is too special to sell, how does one sell a child? Not even for a million bucks!
Very disturbing, Antoinette! Hopefully this person has given up and you'll never hear from him again!
Thanks Ant, his career is going well, he is auditioning all the time. I gave him his Christmas gift early as it is impossible to hide a Umbrella Cockatoo ! He has begged and researched for years and I felt like he was finally ready to handle one. He simply adores Marshmallow and takes the best care of her. He wants his own animal show on Discovery or animal planet to teach respect of animals to others.
I know you would never sell Mishka... if you are every down and out... you and Mishka have enough friends and internet family that would help you out.

I would make sure the caretaker is aware of the call you received so he/she can keep an extra close watch.
That would make me so upset and nervous!!!

I don't know why people think they can just get anything for any amount of money, especially Mishka who is a part of your family. :( What a creepy stalker...
While sitting out there someone came down the road, slowed down and stopped opposite where I was. Made me a little nervous because I'm not too sure about some of the people here in the neighborhood

I am so paranoid when it comes to things exactly like this. I don't take my birds outside, but I do walk my dogs a lot. I have a Great Pyrenees (they're actually uncommon here) and a husky and people always slow down and gawk at me and my dogs. Either they'll just watch us or some will tell me they find my dogs beautiful but I live in kind of a rough neighborhood.

I don't know if they really find them beautiful or they are more impressed by me walking two large dogs at the same time. It just really makes me paranoid, I am sure to make sure no one is following me when I return home.
That's $5,608.15 Canadian according to Google, pretty much the same in US dollars. Forgive my inquiry, but what do most CAG's go for where you are? Not that you would ever sell him, but doesn't that seem low for such an amazing bird?

I agree though, he is way to special to sell!

Not all the money in the world would be enough for Mishka ever.
AG's go for about R2800.00, last time I checked.
Very disturbing, Antoinette! Hopefully this person has given up and you'll never hear from him again!

Very disturbing indeed


Will updat members when I have replied to all the other posts

PS.... I have blocked him, he can no longer contact me :p
In one way, it's a compliment, in another, it's....well, he just doesn't understand the bond. He's only interested in the fame....

You could get another African Gray, say it's Mishka, sell him THAT one, get the cash, and when he complains he's not getting the same reactions that he would expect from Mishka, you can say, "Well, maybe he just doesn't like you! Sorry, all sales final!" Haha!

I first took it as a compliment, was very wary
Great it............... BUT I would never place another bird in that situation. How would he "Mishka" (the other bird) if he were not to speak.

Will post later on, what happened during, when he called me.
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I fhe does manage to get thru again have hubby or son answer and tell him to never call again or you will be calling the your lawyer and the police:mad:
Another thought can you find out who he is and where he is calling from by the name or phone number:mad:
OMG Ant.... That is horrible. I would've been scared, and angry.

LOL! Nice doormat, WharfRat! :D

I was shaking so much after the call, pm wenz2712, then went to bed. I hardly slept a wink, my mind was working overtime
Someone in the reptile community here had an extra large carpet python who was more or less famous. He was worth very little, especially compared to some of the other snakes in the collection. Someone broke in and stole him! I dont remember how big he was... 10 foot or 12 foot or something unusually large. I think they stole him, for his sentimental value!!! Sometimes you think its the price tag, that they will resell whatever they steal. But sometimes they plainly want what you have.

You are correct, if they want it, nothing will stop them.
This guy is just after the financial gain
Someone in the reptile community here had an extra large carpet python who was more or less famous. He was worth very little, especially compared to some of the other snakes in the collection. Someone broke in and stole him! I dont remember how big he was... 10 foot or 12 foot or something unusually large. I think they stole him, for his sentimental value!!! Sometimes you think its the price tag, that they will resell whatever they steal. But sometimes they plainly want what you have.

Not that I'd steal anything but.....if I had a goal in mind for something to steal, it wouldn't be a 10-12 foot python!!!! LOL!

Me neither LoL
That is more scary than flattering really, considering what people are like. There are too many people who think it's their right to just take whatever they see that they feel compelled to have.

It was nice today (until the clouds moved in) so I took Jasper outside for some sunshine and fresh air. While sitting out there someone came down the road, slowed down and stopped opposite where I was. Made me a little nervous because I'm not too sure about some of the people here in the neighborhood.

Mishka's not a cow on a ranch, he's a pet and a member of your family. I don't get nor trust people who regard such creatures as nothing but property. I will be praying the guy isn't a nutjob and stops there.

I too trust no-one.........I do not even take him to our park, 500m from our apartment.
I fhe does manage to get thru again have hubby or son answer and tell him to never call again or you will be calling the your lawyer and the police:mad:

I have contacted the cellphone company...... his number has been blocked...
BUT what stops him from using another cellphone :eek:

that is terribly creepy!! like the others have said, lets hope he just stops at the phone call!!

as karigan stated, that is incredibly low for such an amazing boy!! its 5414.35 australian dollars, and we pay 4500 dollars for an african grey anyway.. for one as special as Mishka i think people would pay sooo much more- even though you would never sell him of course!!

People just dont understand that pets are family members, not just animals we sell to get money..

Same thing happened to me when i was little, i was riding my pony- would stand on his back and such, and someone offered my mum 7000 or 8000 dollars cash... we were just like, he is not for sale and never will be :/

lets hope its the end of that creepy guy! :D and Mishka is already famous and we know how incredible he is! :)

Thanks for the lovely compliments...
Amazing when a pet does something "amazing" who they want the pet, ald you kept your pony !!!!


I wonder what Mishka would say, if I told him and he understood

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