Nike Picture thread

During the winter months when Nike is fully flighted the TV is by far her favorite perching place.

Gorgeous pic of Nike, probably enjoying the warmth of screen!
I love your pictures and your gorgeous parrot.

But I can't help but notice decreased feather quality. Has there been any weight loss?
He should keep thrm zipped up,, even if sn over preening. So of always think health issues first..
Perhaps things are dry , and some misting , humidifier might help.
So does she have a say regarding what is playing on the TV?
Thanks for the Nike Fix!
I always know Nike would be on TV one day. Maybe not like this though.
I love your pictures and your gorgeous parrot.

But I can't help but notice decreased feather quality. Has there been any weight loss?
He should keep thrm zipped up,, even if sn over preening. So of always think health issues first..
Perhaps things are dry , and some misting , humidifier might help.

Laura, no Nike has always looked like that, sometimes more disheveled than others. Her weight is steady. She has always been very rough on her feathers, especially her tail as she drags it, outside down across her perch so she can have it in front of her to preen. I also think that she's getting ready to molt but in my opinion she has never looked smooth since I've owned her and because of that I always bring it to my vets attention at each visit.

It's funny that you mentioned it as I actually thought that she was going to bathe today as she hasn't for a few weeks and she often looks the worst right before a bath.

Trust me, I keep an eye on it. Thanks for noticing it.
Gosh I needed a Nike fix - thanks for this!

[ame=""]Noisy - YouTube[/ame]

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Now, that was true music to a Nike loving Parrot Fan! :D

A Happy, Healthy Parrot is more commonly a Noise Parrot!

Thanks for the Nike Fix, good friend!
Darn it, Nike is even cute when she is being 'noisy'. I would pay good money if that was Salty's 'noisy'. Not that he is constantly like that, but once a day, when his Mom starts to prep dinner, he gives macaws and cockatoos a run for their money. I always love pics and vids of Nike, one of my favorite residents here on ParrotForums. Thanks Bill ! Such a unique and wonderful parrot deserves a similar parront . In this video, she sounds like one of those squeezy rubber duckies, but I also would wager that this is not one of her full blown sonic episodes. Thanks again.
Darn it, Nike is even cute when she is being 'noisy'. I would pay good money if that was Salty's 'noisy'.

Al, she can add a little volume to that call but for the most part that's as noisy as it gets...much more tolerable than my OWA's call.
I could listen to that all day! Unlike a certain cockatoo that I live with.:eek:
o i agree, that's cute! To cute!!
Nothing like happy screeching i have to put up with!! And when my get " noisy" ugh...
Can, wet camping weekend ahead.

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Thanks for the Nick Fix, good friend!

Looks like a green filter effect, more green than normal, cameras are such fickle things!
It's bedtime. I was sitting in the camper because it has been raining all day and Nike has settled down on my shoulder and I was rubbing hear head because it is a rare time when her head isn't loaded with pin feathers.

Kinda funny to see her messed up hair afterwards [emoji28]

[ame=""]Nike ready for bed - YouTube[/ame]

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Bored and playing with the zoom on my phone

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Feathers most definitely better! Not all oils and unzipped anymore.
Always love the pictures
Feathers most definitely better! Not all oils and unzipped anymore.
Always love the pictures
Laura, she's molting. This is what dragging a tail feather over a perch over and over does to it.

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