Bill..what are the circumstances/Nike's mood.when she raises her "collar"?
When she does raise it,are you certain of her mood? Or does she raise it "just because I can"? :18:
If she hisses or huffs then she's pissed and may bite though never hard enough to draw blood if she bites you hand. So pretty much 98 percent of the time the crest is raised from excitement or hormones/ That was probably true since we got her but in the beginning we didn't know what was up. The key is the hiss or huff. She also does a sound like a door creaking and that is a warning as well that she's annoyed but doesn't intend to try to bite.
There's a video of her only shoulder, crest raised, making noises (no hissing) and biting my fingers...totally playing though 5 years ago I wouldn't have had her on my shoulder in that mood.
So back to your original question, because of the audible warning I'm always certain of her mood and when she gives me the warning, I probably knew that I was on shaky ground before I did whatever caused it.