Nike Picture thread

Another head scratch video. Nike is on her sacrificial play top where she spends hours every day tearing into the furring strips. It's interesting how she acts differently with the phone out and taking a video. Normally she's saying "scratch" while I'm rubbing her head.

So I walk up to her playtop and place my hand on it and call her over for a scratch.

[ame=""]20210617 155433 - YouTube[/ame]
Thank you Bill, great vid. NIke sure is molting! Loving the scatch tho.
Camping during the 4th of July week. So far sweltering temperatures this week.
[ame=""]Nike camping, 4th of July, bath in sweltering temperatures - YouTube[/ame]

Wet jail bird

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May our break in the heat stream in your direction. That said, we are beginning to see yet another hot spell workings way in. Our far North regions of Michigan are forecasted to see temperatures into the 90 degree range. Not that its super hot, but in an area that 70 is considered hot, it is for them.

Aa, the fluctuations of temperature. It's Weather, it happens and every now and again, it can become extreme. We barely know what a 500 year variation is, let alone a 10,000 year variation.

Enjoy your camping good friend. Thanks for the Nick Fix!
Storms last night and a little less heat today

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I guess we're bored

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So beautiful.

Thank you Bill I can't get enough.
Thanks. Me either ;) The bath made her look much better. I think I'm going to start putting her in the shower a couple of times a week cuz she only bathes every 2 weeks or three.

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Thanks Bill, another great shot of Nike! Hope your summer is going great.
Thanks Bill, another great shot of Nike! Hope your summer is going great.
Thanks Al. Been very busy and now in New Hampshire we're getting signs of Fall :(
Here's a couple from today of Nike on her plant stand.

Dunking some dried fruit.

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Nick you are such a sweetheart and clearly a show-stopper! Love the photos good friend! Our Julio had his first snow day, today as he turned his corner into a near blanket of downy feathers! Puff, a taste of Winter in mid-September.

Again, Love the Nick Pics!!
Steven, I know what you mean about the weather. September is like a light switch over here as far as the introduction of cold goes.
Nike doesn't seem to have any different plumage in the winter which I suppose is strange since the house is usually between 60-64° once the heat's on.
Not Nike it's one of my animated wallpapers

That is one large display of Neck Feathers!
Nike, still wins with style and grace!

Julios general appearance between Summer and Winter requires a very close look. But under those body feathers are a ton of downy feathers. In the Summer very thin and lite and in the Winter very thick and larger in structure.

The joy of the transitional seasons!!
Remind me to shave next time.



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