Nike Picture thread

Nice! Yeah, we focus a lot on the bird-training aspect, but we need training too, don't we? Nike has a great parront.
Not a great pic but Nike enjoying her freeze dried chop while on her perch in front of a screen door.

Four years ago on December 20th we met Nike and took her into our home. There was no need for a second visit as she immediately connected with my wife and I. In retrospect it was a great decision as she is extremely well behaved and bonded with each of us. Like most hawkheads she is territorial so visitors keep their distance which they are happy to do because of her aggressive displays. I'm pretty sure I could never harness train her because she would not like other people coming near ear would surely bear the brunt of her displeasure. Instead of a harness she goes camping with us and takes walks in her Pak-o-Bird

And because this is a picture thread, here's one from the morning, 12/22/2019, of Nike eating her daily breakfast of Texas Natural Freeze Dried chop.


And one on my shoulder as I type this.

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Nike'y Photos!!! Yes, The Freshness in the Air!!!

The World is right and balance has settled the scape!!!

All based on the joy of Nike'y photos...

Thanks and Cheers!
Here's another video. Nike loves to toss all her toys onto the floor. I can stand there for an hour and pick them up and she will continue to toss them out. I think that she's channeling her inner cockatoo.

[ame=""]Nike12 22 19toys - YouTube[/ame]
You play fetch very well :)
Ta-dah sat on my shoulder to watch this. Then jealousy kicked in and she clicked the screen off lol.
I have a long stick I thread stuff on, then the birds work to get them off. It's a cheap DIY and they never seen to tire if it.
True Joy tied with... Laughter. Is she laughing there???
Yes, she has contextual laughter. Every hawkhead I've heard on youtube, including Terry's Darwin, has the same laugh. Nike does not need a human to start her laughing, which she will often do after she performs a stunt or gets some reaction from us. When I take her camping and she's outside on the table when little kids come buy they inevitably giggle, which causes her to laugh, which causes them to laugh some more and so on.
Nike loves to perch on my hand and make noises with me....that is until I grab my phone to try to record it. Here I'm prying the sounds out of here when normally she's just going crazy with vocals all by herself. Sorry for the poor quality video but she's in front of a bright background.

[ame=""]Nike12 24 19 - YouTube[/ame]
Nike Bathing and making a mess.

[ame=""]nike bathing 12 28 19 - YouTube[/ame]
Just got home from the west coast and Nike and my wife were winding down after a day of house cleaning.

[ame=""]Nike03 13 20 - YouTube[/ame]
Lousy phone pic of Nike on her new favorite perch...currently watching The Outlaw Josey Wales.

A couple more pics on the TV and no, I haven't yet looked at the back of the TV ;)



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