Nike Picture thread

Another one of Nike's few foods that she likes, Goldenfeast Central American Preservation Blend II. She likes it cooked (as pictured) and straight out of the bag.


What a beautiful girl you have there Bill ;)

Even though it's like 7°F outside and it's a little chilly by this window, Nike love's this vantage point as there are some bird feeders right outside the window.


An afternoon in a window filled with Winter's sunlight! Now that is a dream come true!
Nike being Nike

The vid doesn't work :(
Photogenic AND adorable!
Nice! First time that I'm seeing the crest open out on video! Beautiful. As always, Nike is stunning.
Away from home again (5 o last 6 weeks) and missing Nike but luckily I have this thread and the videos especially to keep me company. Plan on hitting a parrot store later for an in person fix.
Happy that you bumped the Thread. I had missed the Nike Video. Thanks for the Nike Fix!
Thanks, I'm just missing her. Hopefully after this week work is over for the year...unless I get guilt-ed back again.
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Nike's crest cycling reminds me of some unnamed dinosaur scene rattling in my mind!
Scott, thanks. Cant wait to get home to her. The more I look at this particular video the more I awe at the progress the two of us have made in our relationship. 2 years ago i would never allow her on my shoulder in an excited condition like this and now I prod her to wind her up....she's such a blast!
First family campout for 2019

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Thank You SOOOO Much!

I've been having very serious Nike picture withdrawal. :eek:

Whew nice to get a fix :D
Thanks guys. Nike and I had a great bonding session last night before bed. Spent a half hour handling her and it was a training session for me to work on my flinching. It was good for me because even though my experience is that she will not bite to hurt, sometimes i can't restrain from pulling away. I didn't last night and we had a good time scratching and cheek rubbing and neck scratching with her crest up.
Of course I've done this many times before but there was always a few times I would withdraw out of reflex...not so last night even though there was a complaint now and then. I ended up cupping her head in my hand until she was totally relaxed and then put her in to bed.

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