New White Fronted Amazon Owner

That is so funny. To bad you could not get it on video. That would have gone viral lol

I will have to see if I can catch him doing it again at an sngke where I can capture was really funny hee hee :)
Hahahahahaha! That's high comedy! I do hope you can catch it on video.

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Hahahahahaha! That's high comedy! I do hope you can catch it on video.

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I tried a few mins ago but he heard the camera and stopped...I will have to be more sneaky Ive caught him doing his own version of the tricks three times now but once he sees me or hears the camera he expects me to join in the game plus he gets better treats from my hand than from his bowl as he gets neither peanuts or sunflower seed in the bowl and both of those treats are his idea of Heaven on earth :)
Okay we failed miserably trying to capture Mr Biggles one man show of yesterday where he was training himself and practicing his moves I had kept watch ready to try to get him through the glass when he started his antics but instead he decided he was into playing ball and flung his little coloured balls that he plays basket ball with in all directions then he dismantled the basket and flung it too after the balls...maybe he was planning a new way of getting the balls into the basket by sending the basket after them to scoop them up hee hee (well why not he is a bright boy after all:) ) anyway I gave up in the end and did a little training with him and we took this video at the end of his session...I held the camera in my hand for this video usually it is hidden...he wasnt keen on seeing it in my hand but he didnt do too badly at all with his tricks even though the the silly camera woman ran out of treats LoL :)

[ame=""]Mr Biggles And His New Tricks - YouTube[/ame]
Well we finally got Mr Biggles picking up the dreaded red ball today...hee hee he tries to tell me that red just isnt his colour but as you can see he soon gets the hang of it...I dont have a video of this next wonderful piece of news as I didnt want to disturb him or distract him but Mr Biggles started to amuse himself today with the toys in his cage...first time he actually played with them on his own without me being there to prompt him... I was so happy to see him do this :)

Introducing the Dreded Colour Red to Mr Biggles Basketball Game - YouTube

Watched this video and the only quote that came to mind was "Put the F...ING lotion in the basket ". LOL.
Well we finally got Mr Biggles picking up the dreaded red ball today...hee hee he tries to tell me that red just isnt his colour but as you can see he soon gets the hang of it...I dont have a video of this next wonderful piece of news as I didnt want to disturb him or distract him but Mr Biggles started to amuse himself today with the toys in his cage...first time he actually played with them on his own without me being there to prompt him... I was so happy to see him do this :)

Introducing the Dreded Colour Red to Mr Biggles Basketball Game - YouTube

Watched this video and the only quote that came to mind was "Put the F...ING lotion in the basket ". LOL.

Ha ha haha Good one :)
I cant believe how comfortable Mr Biggles is growing around people most especially as I cant give him that many oppertunities to socialise living as I do in a 1 person household and in a very rural area. However yesterday he not only came out of his cage without complaint while my niece was here but he also was happy to put on a show for her and did all his tricks ...hes not even here a full 5 months yet and he has so totally changed from the timid frightened boy that wouldnt come out of his cage or even step up to this Great character that now seems to take everything in his stride. I am so proud of him....I remember when he came I had got him because Peter Pan was grieving and missing Roger and needed a distraction fast for her as she had stopped talking flock calls nothing and she was really depressed so much so that I was afraid Id lose her too. I looked for a conure but couldnt find one and reluctantly settled for a White Fronted Amazon and it was the Best decision I ever made for he (Mr Biggles) has become the heart of the flock and wins over everyone he meets with his charm, except Peter Pan I might add but none the less their love hate relationship keeps Peter Pan chattering and flock calling morning and evening and has her back to her old self again. He(Mr Biggles) doesnt talk ( except in Zon)...or so far at least hasnt spoken a word but it just goes to show that talking isnt everything when it comes to parrots and he communicates with me in his own way . Amazons are truly such Amazing companions.
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It takes an amazing person to make an amazing Amazon. 'Nuff said.
It takes an amazing person to make an amazing Amazon. 'Nuff said.
Well said. You should be proud, Mary. His complete turnaround was due, in no small part, to your patience and perseverance in earning his trust.

Well done.

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Ha ha Wrench 13 and Anansi Thank you both for your kind words but I think Mr Biggles is one in a Avian vet is convinced that at one point in his life Mr Biggles was a hand tamed baby who perhaps didnt sell or for some other reason found himself in an aviary with wilder parrots and adopted their ways... he said there is no way a wild aviary parrot would have learned to play basketball and that he didnt think Mr Biggles would have responded so well to me unless he had been previously handled more than likely as a baby and Mr Biggles being so ill when I got him and being spoon fed by me may have awakened those memories in him. So the credit really is due to whoever hand tamed him they did a wonderful job and Im reaping the benefits now.We still have a long way to go as I havent earned his trust to the point where he will let me touch him anywhere other than his foot or his beak but that will come with time I think. Im not forcing it.
As to all the compliments guys Thank you head has grown 3 sizes bigger LoL :)
I moved the basket a little farther away so Mr Biggles had to make a little effort to get to it...he did okay...I think he likes playing that game as he will play all the balls in a row placing them in the basket without looking for treats to reward him...we both have lots of fun with that game and he does sometimes hold onto the ball too and seems to enjoy my reaction to his stubborness LoL :) Video only shows one ball as it takes ages to upload a video to youtube showing him basketing all of them plus you are all probably tired watching him putting balls in baskets at this point.

[ame=""]That Basket Seems a Long Way Away From Me Today - YouTube[/ame]
Nice! And no, I'm certainly not tired of seeing his basketball videos.

One of the advantages of posting to a parrot forum is that you don't have to be as worried about your audience's eyes glazing over. Hahaha! We all get it! We understand how big a step it is to change things up and have your parrot follow through anyway.

And we too revel in your success. Great job, Mr. Biggles!

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Nice! And no, I'm certainly not tired of seeing his basketball videos.

One of the advantages of posting to a parrot forum is that you don't have to be as worried about your audience's eyes glazing over. Hahaha! We all get it! We understand how big a step it is to change things up and have your parrot follow through anyway.

And we too revel in your success. Great job, Mr. Biggles!

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Mr Biggles says Thankyou :)
Hee hee we were working on a new trick and Mr Biggles having his eye on the peanut in my hand almost lost his balance LoL :) I was afraid he had hurt himself but he seems okay ...

[ame=""]Stick Em Up Mr. Biggles - YouTube[/ame]
While playing basketball this morning and yes we play it first thing every morning after Mr Biggles has breakfast in fact some mornings he's out and at the net holding a ball in his beak before Ive even served him his breakfast so when that happens we do a ball or two in the basket before breakfast...but after breakfast this morning I played a trick on Mr Biggles and I moved away a few feet with the ball...hee hee he wasnt sure about this but after a bit he flew over to my arm and snapped the ball from me and flew back to the basket with it toying with it along the way(he likes to do that...ha ha I tell him its a foul when he holds onto the ball but he ignores me :) ) then he stepped accross to the basket and popped it in...this was the best game ever to introduce him to, there is just so much fun we both have with it each and every day and we do something different with it every day too, it has greatly helped in the bonding only cost 2 Euro thats somewhere between 1 and 2 US dollars so it has certainly given value for money and many hours of joy to me and Mr Biggles. Peter Pan isnt interested in it at all...turns her back on her a ball is for attacking and throwinhg up in the air...she's more a Rugby player than a basketballer I think :)
You've done a great job with Mr. Biggles. Love the look of white fronts, especially when they look so obviously happy.
Ah! You've gotten him to fly with the ball back to the net! Nice! Once I managed this with Jolly (with rings, not with a ball), it opened up a whole range of games we can play. Adds a whole new dimension, Mary.

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Ah! You've gotten him to fly with the ball back to the net! Nice! Once I managed this with Jolly (with rings, not with a ball), it opened up a whole range of games we can play. Adds a whole new dimension, Mary.

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Yes it does...I was expecting him first of all not to come for the ball but when he came I didnt expect him to bring it back to the basket I was sure hed drop it on the way but he didnt and then he stayed on his perch for a while with the ball still in his beak sort of playing with it but didnt put it down and then he took a couple of steps from the perch to the cage roof and placed the ball in the basket...he likes the idea of getting the ball into the basket but likes to draw it out too on occasion...Hee hee I think he teases me to see if I will do anything about it or maybe hes saying ; I got the ball and your not getting it and I'll put it in the basket when Im good and ready :) i havent got him to feel comfortable yet on a table top or on the floor...he gets all wary when I try this...he is still wary of the phone camera too but accepts it a little better if I take the jacket cover off it (jacket cover is colourful...the phone itself is black). I will try and get a video of it in a couple of days when hes into the game a bit more and less likely to notice Im videoing him :) What other games do you play with Jolly with the rings...are there videos ? I would love to see them Anansi please :)

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