My bird is depressed

she does NOT have a mirror, sorry for being a little inactive, I will find some time to respond to you all, Just trying to finish the school year strong!
Again this is at least the third reccomendation I am receiving about releasing HER back into the wild. Please don't make an effort in even posting on my thread If you are going to reccomend this.
why will I not do this?

1) she is not fit for the enviroment, as we live on salt water, and she has had almost a year of not getting an excessive amount of exercise.

2) Not saying that it would be awful for people to have wild parrots around-they might even enjoy it- But if she were to find a male parakeet, which probably is increased risk as more and more people get birds due to it being (or was) the "perfect time" or so they thought, they could become a out of control invasive species, just like the sparrow.

3) I would be afraid that if I released her someone else would find her, catch her (just as I did) and would not treat her with as much care as I do, treat her wrong, be uneducated, keep her clipped and caged, and give her to some 5 year old to squeeze and violate her personal space.

4) Predators are becoming a real issue, we have lost 3 ducks in the past month. there are too many things that can get her.

5) There is little to no trees ( we were affected by a catagory 5 hurricane- Hurricane Michael- back in 2018.)

sooo to wrap it all up, it spells disaster.......
I agree with @stormypica ... thank you so much for being the critic so i don't have to do it all. ( I am being serious not sarcastic)
It's ok, I don't like it either. Gives me huge anxiety.
Again this is at least the third reccomendation I am receiving about releasing HER back into the wild. Please don't make an effort in even posting on my thread If you are going to reccomend this.
why will I not do this?
Also, I'm really sorry I said that the first time, I have no idea what got into me, I was not recommending it OR saying it was ok :(
I just read how you caught her. No wonder she is depressed. She probably had a mate as she had a nest, and perhaps had eggs.
you will have to give her plenty of love or take her back to where you found her and put down the carrier and see if the male bird comes by.. if so let her go as she was doing fine before you caught her. Many birds mate for life and do fine outside. There are colonies of wild keets in many states that have warm weather..
then get your self a bird that belongs in a cage, not a wild bird. Both of you will be happy then.

Do NOT advise the OP to set their bird free.

This is cruel and should never be suggested. This will be the only warning. The next person who advises this will receive a temporary ban.
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I do realize that a threat of punishment has been issued, but I would like to say I came here for suggestions to improve bluberry's quality of life as it is, not for "releasing her into the wild"
I do realize that a threat of punishment has been issued, but I would like to say I came here for suggestions to improve bluberry's quality of life as it is, not for "releasing her into the wild"
Hopefully you won't receive any more advice like that again. If someone else posts releasing your birds as an option, please let one of the Mods know.
@Terry57 , @saxguy64 , @LaManuka
Yes, and please:
It is cruel and makes them more fearful. They're not objects, they're living, sentient beings. Some may not agree, and I'm fine with that, they can have their opinion, but many others think it's cruel as well.
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Yes, and please:
It is cruel and makes them more fearful. They're not objects, they're living, sentient beings. Some may not agree, and I'm fine with that, they can have their opinion, but many others think it's cruel as well.

It is practically telling them to make their bird give up and feel like they are trapped with you.
It is practically telling them to make their bird give up and feel like they are trapped with you.
Totally. A realtionship with ANY living being shouldn't be forced!
As much as I have read over and over again it is not an option for you..
This bird is in desperate need of another bird. All birds, especially budgies, are flock animals. People with only one bird spend a lot, a lot, of time with them and even then I wouldn't recommend anyone to get only one bird.
Depression kills, yes it does. But even, even if it did not, isn't it totally inhumane to keep an animal depressed, while you know there is a solution to their depression?
Your mother says it is our responsibility to care for animals we take into our home, but this is not caring for this bird, this bird is depressed and has no quality of life like this. So this sounds harsh, but this bird is not being cared for, and if we cannot make it so this bird IS being cared for, the best thing for everyone is to rehome this bird to someone who can offer what this bird needs.
Another bird will not be much more expensive. You can actually spend less time with your birds if there is a companion as they will keep each other company. They can share food and water dishes, and parakeets especially are social and easy to introduce to each other. Ofcourse there will be instances where they don't, but take into consideration how rare these are. And I am not talking about bickering, this is perfectly normal for budgies and isn't fighting.
Pellets can be expensive, yes. But have you looked around for cheaper prices? perhaps online ordering? Different shops? And honestly pellets are unnecessary for budgies IMHO. They can cause many problems, there is too much calcium, budgies are granivores, they are not formulated for budgies, will expand and take up water, among other things. Get a good quality parakeet seed, just simply a seed mix, no vitamin coatings, pellets, dried vegetables or other things, just plain old seed. Give your bird daily leafy greens such as broccoli, lettuce (no iceberg), silverbeet, sow thistle, chickweed, dandelion, and others, varying them as much as your can. And once or twice a week, either buy or make up your own eggfood. This is hard boiled egg, and bread crumbs, at a 1/1 ratio, mix them up into little pieces and feed to your bird, you can make your own bread crumbs out of bread, toast it and crumble it up and/or bake it low temperature in the oven. This is the food I have fed my birds for years and they are all fine. The thing about seeds being fatty and innutritious is wrong, most seed mixes have the same fat content as pellets, and no seeds do not have all the essential nutrients, that is where the leafy greens and eggfood come in. I know this an unpopular opinion but I believe it is right, you do not have to listen.
This is not to sound harsh or rude or make you feel bad at all. I am only trying to be straight to the point. I know you are in a hard situation right now and I really do feel for you. Regardless if if you listen to me or not, I hope that you can figure out a solution, and things get better for you and Blueberry.
Actually, I would consider pellets neccasary as well as chop since they are prone to fatty liver disease.. correct me if I am wrong?
You're correct, but they don't really NEED pellets. Mine just have a high-quality seed mix, and a veggie chop. Honestly, you could cut the costs a fair bir if you just did that.
links to high quality seed brands?
I just use a base of cheap dove or budgie seed, then add healthy seeds to it, such as flax seed, chia seed, various nuts, rolled oat, etc.
Pellets can be expensive, yes. But have you looked around for cheaper prices? perhaps online ordering? Different shops? And honestly pellets are unnecessary for budgies IMHO. They can cause many problems, there is too much calcium, budgies are granivores, they are not formulated for budgies, will expand and take up water, among other things.
Agree with most of this, pellets aren't essential, you can just make make good seed mix containing grains, nuts, etc, and supplement with veggies, fruit, etc. More healthy imo.
Get a good quality parakeet seed, just simply a seed mix, no vitamin coatings, pellets, dried vegetables or other things, just plain old seed.
Dried veggies are good to add to seed mix if they like it but not nessecary.
Give your bird daily leafy greens such as broccoli, lettuce (no iceberg), silverbeet, sow thistle, chickweed, dandelion, and others, varying them as much as your can. And once or twice a week, either buy or make up your own eggfood. This is hard boiled egg, and bread crumbs, at a 1/1 ratio, mix them up into little pieces and feed to your bird, you can make your own bread crumbs out of bread, toast it and crumble it up and/or bake it low temperature in the oven. This is the food I have fed my birds for years and they are all fine. The thing about seeds being fatty and innutritious is wrong, most seed mixes have the same fat content as pellets, and no seeds do not have all the essential nutrients, that is where the leafy greens and eggfood come in. I know this an unpopular opinion but I believe it is right, you do not have to listen.
Yes, seeds are not evil foods that need to be removes from the diet. They contain essential fatty acids and other nutrients. Many pellets also contain lots of fats and carbs.

Sadly way too many pellets are bad...
Actually, I would consider pellets neccasary as well as chop since they are prone to fatty liver disease.. correct me if I am wrong?
Yes and no. A lot of pellets are fatty. I also don't believe birds need processed foods as a part of the diet. A good seed mix may be cheaper than pellets and even healthier than it. Don't believe people when they say, "Seed is terrible! Never feed it! Only use it for a treat!!". Regardless if they eat pellets or not, it is necessary to have some seed in the diet, budgies need 15-25% high-quality seed mix in their diet. The stereotypical "eclectus diet" of 60-80% veggies and 20-40% pellets are suitable for most birds.

I recommend 1/2-2/3 fresh food(Vegetables, fruit, etc), and 1/2-1/3 dry food (Pellets(optional), and/or seed, nuts(small amount), grains, etc).

Not saying seed should be the main part of the diet, having seed or pellets as the main part is bad, but a small amount of seed is necessary.
Agree with most of this, pellets aren't essential, you can just make make good seed mix containing grains, nuts, etc, and supplement with veggies, fruit, etc. More healthy imo.

Dried veggies are good to add to seed mix if they like it but not nessecary.

Yes, seeds are not evil foods that need to be removes from the diet. They contain essential fatty acids and other nutrients. Many pellets also contain lots of fats and carbs.

Sadly way too many pellets are bad...

Yes and no. A lot of pellets are fatty. I also don't believe birds need processed foods as a part of the diet. A good seed mix may be cheaper than pellets and even healthier than it. Don't believe people when they say, "Seed is terrible! Never feed it! Only use it for a treat!!". Regardless if they eat pellets or not, it is necessary to have some seed in the diet, budgies need 15-25% high-quality seed mix in their diet. The stereotypical "eclectus diet" of 60-80% veggies and 20-40% pellets are suitable for most birds.

I recommend 1/2-2/3 fresh food(Vegetables, fruit, etc), and 1/2-1/3 dry food (Pellets(optional), and/or seed, nuts(small amount), grains, etc).

Not saying seed should be the main part of the diet, having seed or pellets as the main part is bad, but a small amount of seed is necessary.
I agree with this. Budgies are granivores and NEED seed, however, they also need chop because they are not living in the wild where they could burn off all the calories and fat from the seed by flying a couple hundred kilometers a day. I honestly don't think pellets are needed if they have a well-rounded diet.

I also like to add cranberry juice and 1 high-quality vitamin drop (which is less than a fourth of the recommended dose) in their water. The cranberry is for antioxidants, and the vitamin drop is just to give them any extra vitamins that weren't in their chop. I don't do this every day, but it has seemed to help them.
I agree with this. Budgies are granivores and NEED seed, however, they also need chop because they are not living in the wild where they could burn off all the calories and fat from the seed by flying a couple hundred kilometers a day.
Of course, chop is nessecary. In the wild, they don't eat very good food anyway because they are only trying to survive, not necessarily thriving in the process.

Also, sorry @Bluberrytheparakeet that we have gone far off topic from the original purpose of this thread.
My bird won't eat fruit and veggies. Ive tried hiding them so she can "get into something" ive tried to "like them so she will"
My bird won't eat fruit and veggies. Ive tried hiding them so she can "get into something" ive tried to "like them so she will"
Yeah, those didn't work for me either. I just mixed some chopped veggies in with their seed, increasing the portion every 2 weeks. They were eventually converted to chop, but it can take longer for some birds, so don't give up!

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