My female budgie gets really week after mating


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Jan 7, 2025
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So I've had my budgie couple for 6sh months and recently i started covering 3 sides of the cage to keep them warm during the winter, i guess they got comfortable because they started mating, my female budgie laid down 4 eggs before she got sick the first time, she was so weak she couldn't walk or fly as if she was dying, even when i held her she didn't resist and try to bite me and we were so scared, hopefully we let her sleep and the next day she was somewhat better and i bought her calcium and medicine to put in her water and she was fine again, but i noticed these couple of last days they were mating alot, multiple times a day and she now has laid 6 eggs (1 broke so she has 5 rn) and today i saw them mating 2 or 3 times and that's only what i saw but now she's weak again and can't do anything i felt like she was dying when i held her, and when i put her in her wooden egg box the male kept going in to her and i could hear voices like he was mating her although she can't even open her eyes, i now separated them and i think she's asleep, why does she keep getting sick and what do i do?
She's probably exhausted. Egg laying is hard work. It's not unusual for them to continue to mate while eggs are being laid. Continue with the calcium in her water and if she has difficulty passing an egg (gets egg bound), place a couple drops of the liquid calcium straight directly in her mouth. It will help her vent muscles to contract and pass the egg. If she lays more than six eggs, I recommend removing some so she only hatches and raised four chicks. Raising chicks is a lot of work. I've had a female lay 11 eggs in one clutch! I only let her keep 4.
If she cannot walk while laying eggs she may have an egg in transit that's stuck.
Stuck eggs press on the pelvic nerves and blood vessels that supply the legs causing partial paralysis.
Do you have access to an avian vet?
If she cannot walk while laying eggs she may have an egg in transit that's stuck.
Stuck eggs press on the pelvic nerves and blood vessels that supply the legs causing partial paralysis.
Do you have access to an avian vet?

i have but it was 2am they were all closed, and she died
Egg binding is tragic and it always seems to happen after hours. I'm so sorry. I lost a lovely budgie to egg binding a few years ago and it was awful. My thoughts are with you.
Since I lost a budgie to egg binding I've learned how to try to prevent it.

Make sure the female is physically fit and not overweight. Strong muscles are necessary to expel eggs and any extra fatty tissue in the abdomen compresses and narrows the oviduct and the cloaca increasing the risks of eggs getting stuck. Lots of out of cage free flying time is necessary for fitness. A vet can tell you if your girl is too heavy. Budgies vary in size quite a bit.

The hen should be 1-3 years old. No older and no younger.

A good diet is essential with plenty of fresh vegetables. A daily bowl of chop is ideal with either seeds or pellets to supplement. Supply all budgies with a calcium source like a cuttlefish bone or a mineral block. It's best to have a liquid calcium supplement for birds on hand. If a hen becomes egg bound, rapidly raising her blood calcium levels may save her life. A few drops of Calcivet in her mouth may do the job.

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