Honestly, if I were in your situation, I'd release her. It's not a good idea, but at least she'll have the sky and other birds...
My question for you is this:
Why can't you get another budgie? You don't have to spend time with both of them, they don't need to go to the vet unless they're sick, you can make toys, and they can share food/water bowls.
The food and water bowls are not the issue, its the food that has to go IN the bowl that is the issue. I simply can barely afford to buy the pellets, and due to school, I don't have unlimited time to spend on chores to make money. It was $73.48 for Bluberry's annual vet visit, I had to pay that out of pocket, and they are the ONLY avian certified vet within 5 hours of me. I can make toys, but again the toys are not the issue it's the supplies that go INTO making the toys. It's a financial issue for me. My mom refuses to help me financially with the bird as I may have (at the beginning) agreed to pay for everything.
Again on the food part, I feed her Zupreem Pellets, I acidentally bought the cockatiel ones, and my mom wouldn't take me back to return them, so she is eating food too big for her.
On the vet visit, If I payed $73.48 for one bird in 2022, what would I pay for 2 birds in 2023?!! Inflation.
That is $146.80!!! I can't afford that!
So you see, the issue here (like I said already) is NOT the bird, it is The lifespan commitment and the expense of owning a parrot.
I feel like I am not being able to explain what I am trying to tell you all clearly enough

Please if you have questions, list the questions in like question form. I know I may be sounding sarcastic or rude, Im not trying to, I have ADD and ADHD, and sometime implied questions don't register if that makes sense..
As a 7th grader managing my finances is already hard enough as well as toppling another LIFE that I am responsible for. I am getting a one 12 millionth of a piece of parenting, so to all the mothers out there (to human childs, bird and animals- although humans are an animal.. but this is not a science class) I thank you.
If you hav eany suggestions on how to cut the budget while feeding her properly please LMK.