Help is my pet depressed?


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Jan 7, 2025
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I had 2 budgies that a bought about 6 months ago, one male and the other female, they bonded well loved each others and even started mating but the female died due to egg binding about a week ago, he seemed well this whole week and was even happy and singing usually, i even made him trust me and started feeding him from my hand and spending time with him, now i left him alone like 2 hours ago to have some alone time and when I came back I saw alot of feathers on the bottom of the cage that weren't there when I left, I'm panicking because I heard that they do that when they're depressed until they die, and that they get depressed when their birdmate dies, but i thought he was fine and wasn't depressed, please anyone help is this normal? should i return him to stay with the shop birds or get him another bird friend??
I’m sorry to hear about the passing of one of your parrots. I have no clue how long a bird stays depressed. Im sorry I couldn’t be of any help here. I can say with adding a new parrot that this can go in many different directions. It’s a toss up if they will like each other or not. Even if they do like each other that can go in a different direction. Kind of look at it like a human relationship. Sometimes we like each other, and other times not so much. Everyone reacts differently to that scenario so won’t a parrot. It can go very smoothly as well, and it’s happily ever after. It’s a 50/50 toss up.
Two things to consider:
1) your budgie could be molting which is simply the natural process of a bird losing its old feathers and growing in new ones ( like a dog or cat shedding their fur twice a year). This is perfectly normal for birds to do once or twice a year and is totally different from feather plucking. It could be that he was just ready to molt or it could have been brought on by the stress of losing his mate. If he isn’t losing big patches of feathers, it’s probably just molting.
2) I have raised budgies both by themselves and with another budgie. In my opinion, they do better with another bird companion. BUT if you are able to give your single budgie lots of attention it’s quite possible he will be perfectly happy with you as his companion.

That being said, if you do decide to get another bird, I have found budgies in general to be very accepting of new friends. Just keep them in separate cages but next to each other so they can see and hear each other for a week or two and then they are usually ok to be together ( just keep an eye on them. This is my experience but every bird is a little different!).
I’m sorry for the loss of your little budgie and hope you can work something out for you and your remaining bird ❤️
I m so sorry. Egg binding is just awful and there's so little you can do about it especially in very small birds like budgies. I agree with Jcas. He may do fine on his own but budgies are very social birds and generally do better with friend(s). If you decide to get him a companion please get him a male unless you really want to breed them. Boy budgies are usually very accepting of each other. As you can see now, breeding budgies is fraught with problems, and if successful, it's very difficult to stop them without separating the loving couple. That plus they are very prolific and you may soon find yourself overrun with budgies. Best wishes and I hope your boy adjusts soon, one way or another.
I had 2 budgies that a bought about 6 months ago, one male and the other female, they bonded well loved each others and even started mating but the female died due to egg binding about a week ago, he seemed well this whole week and was even happy and singing usually, i even made him trust me and started feeding him from my hand and spending time with him, now i left him alone like 2 hours ago to have some alone time and when I came back I saw alot of feathers on the bottom of the cage that weren't there when I left, I'm panicking because I heard that they do that when they're depressed until they die, and that they get depressed when their birdmate dies, but i thought he was fine and wasn't depressed, please anyone help is this normal? should i return him to stay with the shop birds or get him another bird friend??
Might just be molting ..Try a bird Bath...Warm water with Sprayer in Sink...Dry and make room warm so bird will not be chilled.
Please don't return him to the shop. If you do that you will have no control over his future. He could be bought as a toy for kids and forgotten about a month later and left in a small cage alone for the rest of his life. That's what I call Budgie Abuse. and it's rampant because they're so "affordable"!

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