Oh, also, at what age do american budgies stop breeding? I finally got some background on these guys and they seem older than I thought. Apparently, all of them but the one(which is a baby from the pair on eggs now) came from a retirement home. The home allowed their residence to have small birds and, I guess, a lot of them had budgies. Unfortunately, as the owners passed away, these birds became homeless.
Lucky for them, there was a caring nurse that worked there that began to take in these budgies when their owners passed. But, at some point, she also decided that she could no longer keep them and gave them to a friend of mine.
He had them for, I think 1.5-2.5 years, and honestly, raised them the same way he did his other birds(chickens, ducks, guineas, etc). They constantly had access to their nest box and ate wild bird seed. With this information in hand, I can only assume that these birds are at least 5 years old, if not more. The one I've been calling quentin, is only about a year and a half, he is the son to the pair. I was just wondering if this could be why she only laid 3 eggs, 2 of which are fertile? Or is it more likely that it's just because she has been laying so much in the past 2 years? The way he talked, she laid eggs all of the time but there were rodents that were getting in the cage and killing the eggs
Oh, one more thing, is it spelled laid or layed? laid doesn't look right to me when referring to a bird laying an egg, but when I type "layed" it tells me it's incorrect. Sorry, I have a thing for grammar and this has been driving me batty!