Two egg laying budgies.

OK took some pics and all three were out. This is just a temp cage and don't expect them to use it much but it keeps them safe.
Chances are more than likely that at least one of Romeo's girls will be a great mama. Of you need to you can put all the chicks with girl if you need to.
Your girls will probably be great mamas. At least one of them, and you can put all chicks with one girl if need be.
What happened to the budgie on the right sides face?
DOT is the best mother.....I was surprised to see her out. She sits on them the most. But both had the conures so damn curious they couldn't help themselves. I took them both up so they could see the budgies were fine. And they are just like...ok. They wanted to interact but I didn't allow it, after a while I can re introduce once the birds are capable of defense (flying away)/ I do want to hand feed a bit and I have formula but it's all on them for most the day. I just can't change that. The quaker is fine defending her eggs so they don't even go around her house. That's the one I'm going to have to remove eggs from.
Your girls will probably be great mamas. At least one of them, and you can put all chicks with one girl if need be.
What happened to the budgie on the right sides face?
I didn't notice went up and took another pic...Either it flew around and started hitting the screen and walls or one of the females rejected him coming into the box. Looks like he's ok though, I mean in a few weeks. I'd guess he freaked out. The room they normally live in is like 3-4 times the size of this one.
I plan to watch this thread! I am interested in what will happen.
I hope Romeo is okay because the girls really need him to feed them and the chicks.
They are coming out on their own so should be ok....but he's ok. The have figured it out I was protecting over the years. These two were flightless at first and knew I'd lift them back up.
How many eggs in each box? Do you know when they're due to start hatching?
I've sequestered Zebra the mom to her own bedroom with the same accommodations. When I came home from work Dot the mom had the same sort of attack even same side. I've left Dot and the Romeo (Clark Jr.) together because it seems Zebra is the aggressor. Zebra has shown she can forage on her own so I'm comfortable with the decision. She has all the same seeds, pellets, treat sticks, veggies, and cuttlebones etc.

Zebra looks like 2 eggs Dot has four. The Quaker looks to have 3. But those I have to remove in a couple weeks one every couple days because I only have one Quaker.

I think both birds will be ok they just got roughed up a bit by a VERY hormonal mom.

So lesson to the rest of you all don't put two pregnant budgies in the same room, before the conures were actually buffers, they were safer before. Left to their own devices they decided to be like meerkats in "meerkat manor" and only one clutch can survive.
I'm considering once moving Clark Jr. back and forth between rooms as things develop.
I'm just going to see how this goes. If one can't keep up that's always an option. I'm Just upset that one sister attacked another. this weekend I'll figure out a lot.
The polygamy set up was a good effort but girl budgies can be such witches! Your plan is a good one but I'd be prepared to let Dot raise all the babies. Most budgies are great parents so everything should be fine with Dot. You can even sneak one of Zebras chicks into her boxvwhen hatching begins and she won't know the difference. Experienced show budgie breeders tell me that they move chicks and eggs around all the time. I'd be cautious about putting Romeo back in with Zebra at all since she already attacked him once, but that's kinda what he gets for messing with sisters!

Any idea when hatching will begin?
Since the move I saw that Dot and Clark Jr. hanging out and Zebra seems fine on her own. I'll let you know how things develop.
Just did a wellness check, Sun came along.....They all doing good.
I've moved Zebra back in and they seemed to be hanging out ok when I check on them. I think the two day time out simmered her down.
It's been to long. The eggs were infertile or neglected to much. The flock is back together again.

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