Agitated behavior after egg was cracked


New member
Jan 8, 2025
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7 budgies,
Sun conure
Green cheek conure
So I've never had a bird lay an egg before, but a budgie laid one yesterday. It was under an old piece of collard green and i accidentally cracked the egg when removing vegetables from the day before. I feel awful about it, and the bird i identified as having laid the egg was agitated and scratching at the cage door. I ended up separating her because i was worried the other birds would bother her. She's eating and drinking, but she's been trying to escape all day. Would a fake egg be a good idea?
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So I've never had a bird lay an egg before, but a budgie laid one yesterday. It was under an old piece of collard green and i accidentally cracked the egg when removing vegetables from the day before. I feel awful about it, and the bird i identified as having laid the egg was agitated and scratching at the cage door. I ended up separating her because i was worried the other birds would bother her. She's eating and drinking, but she's been trying to escape all day. Would a fake egg be a good idea?
Yes. A fake egg, fake eggs, would be a great idea because budgies seldom lay just one. Replace every egg she lays with a fake (they call them dummy eggs. Available online. Amazon sells them) and let her take care of them if she wishes. If she ignores them you can remove them. Do not give her a nest box or anything else that she may be able to use as a nest, like coconut shells, tents, hidey sleeping toys, or anything partially enclcosed and dark.

Please make sure she had a cuttlebone and plenty of leafy green vegetables in her diet. Egg laying can deplete her calcium stores in her bones and cause egg binding which is almost always fatal without immediate help from an avian veterinarian. It's a horrible way for a sweet little girl budgie to die.

I assume (and hope) you don't have any male budgies housed with her. Once a female budgie has access to a male that responds to her "flirtations" and they start breeding its very hard to stop it. She will lay eggs and raise chicks until she dies or you physically separate them.
Good luck!

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