Kingfisher with broken wing...

Tab, you gotta get a video of him chirping! We *must* see/hear this! Also, whatsizname?

I've got all this birdy anatomy to look up! LOL! I don't think parrots have the same kind of voice-box as other birds because they make a different kind of sound. Dunno, though, for sure. Now I think about it, maybe Bee Eaters don't have crops, because I'm sure I've seen pics of them feeding live young to their chicks. Off I go to do a bit of serious reading... Back later... :)
HAHAHAHA This is like an education school! :p
Thank you Trish! I tried googling 'do bee eaters have crops' but there were no results about it! :p

I went in there again, he was doing his little chirps and tapping at the bar again!
Ok! i will try get a video of him chirping, i tried before but he stopped when i held the camera near, so might just have to have it not in his sight :o

and his name is Freddy, no idea why, the first night i got him i was just like- ohhh good boy Freddy... o.O
So did I at one point! :D

But honestly, I don't know if bee eaters have one or not! LOL I tried finding photos of one or getting information about their anatomy but I couldn't come up with anything on a short search!

At least he's feeling better and your vet said you are doing well! I would have thought that if he had a broken wing they would have wanted to do surgery on it to repair it...
Well, I found out that not all birds have crops (owls don't), but I haven't found out whether Bee Eaters do or don't. Hmmm... Maybe not? They're not too far away from owls in the bird family tree.

I also found out that most birds have a syrinx (voice box) - the only ones that don't are birds like ostriches and turkey vultures that grunt or hiss but don't have a true call. So I reckon that's what you see on little Freddy's throat.

Oh, and I also found this useful page. Dunno if it's any help to you, but I thought it sounded OK. It mentions kingfishers, which are related to Freddy.

Feeding of Casualty Miscellaneous Birds (Kingfishers, Cuckoos, Woodpeckers, Wrynecks) (Techniques)
Wow trish - Give up to 2% of body weight per feed.

I probably gave him too much then! I thought it was always like 10% of the body weight.. :(
Guess he does shake some of it out though when it was a 3ml syringe.. So was getting maybe 1.5 ? :S
When recovering they use a lot of fuel, I really do not think he will let you over feed him.
Hummingbirds can eat up to their fully body weight in food each day.....
Do hummingbirds even weigh anything? HAHA

Just went and saw him again, even more active now! He beeped as soon as i came in, so quickly tried to video and he stopped -_-

But got the tapping of the cage on camera!! So will upload it now ! :) Gave him a bit more food and he ate it realllllyyyy well!
I dunno about the % of bodyweight thing, but something I read said Bee Eaters can eat up to 250 bees per day (which is why beekeepers don't like them - don't tell your brother!) I'd reckon the squashed cat food would have to be more concentrated than essence of bee, so just keep doing what you're doing. He seems fine, after all!
Hummingbirds are pretty tiny! LOL

That little bee eater looks bigger than 30 grams to me, so it must be all that fluff!
Hahahaha that is alot of bees!

Oh he may look big but he weighs nothing! When he is perched on my finger it doesnt feel like anything! :p

Here is the video of him tapping.. He goes to the toilet an awful lot, have to keep changing his blanket! :p

Is it a wanting food type thing?
He is looking out the window there, unless he is just saying he wants to get out? :p
[ame=]freddy tapping - YouTube[/ame]

and i got a video of him chirping after i gave him some food :D internet is just taking forever to upload it ;)
When you go from handling budgies to large parrots, it's like holy crap! They're HUGE!!!!!!! LOL

I'd be guessing it's food related tapping but I honestly don't know!
and heres his little beeps :p

He sat in his water dish -_-

[ame=]freddy chirping - YouTube[/ame]
AHHHHHHHHH! Those little beeps!!! I keep falling more and more in love with this bird!! Its gorgeous!!!

That lady sounds like a rude nutcase!! I would make a complaint to her company, IF they even bothered to care! >:(
He is looking good. How is he perching? In a couple days you may think about putting something in there for him to perch on and just use paper towels. I do like that basket you are using as a hospital cage.
Any news on young Freddy today? Hope he's still improving and getting stronger? Also, have you had the chance to ride Kyros much since Freddy arrived? Wondering how he's doing as well? :D
here is a link on hummingbirds....I've been sort of skimming over the last part of this thread, they basically weigh nothing. I know my waxbill finches weight about 6-8 grams, they are about the size of a hummingbird.
sorry Tab, I can't really help you with this, your getting awesome advice!

The Hummingbird Facts and Information
Hmmmmm I think Freddy is dying

Yesterday he was perching perfectly on my finger and on the edge of the cage, and today he cant.. He is holding his head down and just wants to lie flat, so think hes going to pass away soon!

Which makes perfect sense because every single time my mum goes somewhere for business, something happens.. The last time she went away my dog died -_-

Its so weird though, last night he ate sooooo well ! and this morning he wouldn't eat.. I put it in his mouth, then he just actually did like a little cough thing and it all dribbled out! :S

The only thing different was my mums boss stayed here last night, and he slept in the same room, but dont see how that could of made him like this :S

Poor little guy

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