Kingfisher with broken wing...

You should search online, with all the reptile keepers in Australia I bet you can buy bulk crickets or meal worms online with overnight shipping.

I hope the bee eater does well, they are stunning birds. With a broken wing it's possible he may have permanent damage and be unable to be released.
So i woke up at 9:30, and mum had already left for work at 7... And she didnt take him -_-

I called her and asked and she said she thought i was going to care for it :eek: I said i cant care for a bird with a broken wing?!?
So she said just to feed and water it and the only time she can get it to the vet is tomorrow morning now...


Anyways, i went and caught some flies, thank you to my lovely boy Kitai who didnt mind me slapping the flies on his legs hahaha Got 6..

then went to my brother behive and saw if there were any dead bees...

There was one on the floor rolling around, and all ants around it!

So i got it.. and killed it.. Honestly, i have never felt so cruel in my life :(

Then i removed its barb... :( Poor thing..

Then put a piece of string around its wing loosely, so if the bird pulls at it, it will come off the string!

So its hanging up in the little cage..

Then i got some tweezers and put the fly at the tip of his beak... I am fairly sure he ate it..

Then he flapped around and wanted to bite me :p So at least he is active haha

Thank you SO much Cat!!! That link is brilliant, i will go do that little wrap on his wing now!

He is sooo tiny, will have to cut the vet wrap really thin!
Tab, your so funny, I can't even imagine taking the time and the patience to go out and look for dead bees, never mind removing the stinger.
AND taking time to go and catch flies for this bird, it just goes to show you how much dedication you have for your animals, you really do have a heart of gold :)
Ok so at least the bandage has stayed on him this time.. Its not great but at least its holding the wing together rather than it hanging off the side!! :)

Gave him a little bit of water at the tip of a syringe and he drank! :)
Tab, there's gotta be a special place reserved in Heaven for people like you! Thank you *so* much for looking after this gorgeous little bloke. Seems like, if you can get him to eat and keep drinking, he ought to survive. You'd think, if he was going to pass on from shock, he'd have done that last night.

I had another idea about feeding him. Maybe you could try offering him a fly or a bee with long tweezers or needlenose pliers? Like a 'beak', y'know? Sending heaps of prayers and good thoughts for his recovery. :) :) :)
Tab, there's gotta be a special place reserved in Heaven for people like you! Thank you *so* much for looking after this gorgeous little bloke. Seems like, if you can get him to eat and keep drinking, he ought to survive. You'd think, if he was going to pass on from shock, he'd have done that last night.

I had another idea about feeding him. Maybe you could try offering him a fly or a bee with long tweezers or needlenose pliers? Like a 'beak', y'know? Sending heaps of prayers and good thoughts for his recovery. :) :) :)

Haha, he'll think your his mate and suddenly start offering YOU the food. ;)
If he doesn't recover fully - and loses his flight, looks like you'll have a forever buddy :)
Oh yes because i would just love some flies and bees ;) hahahaha

Maybe! Dont think i can care for him though, will definitely take him to the vet tomorrow, they will be able to help him alot more :p
He(?) is too cute! And gorgeous! I saw his photos and knew he wasn't a kingfisher, and thought bee eater but I didn't know what kind! Love the mascara and blue eyeliner! :p

I hope he's able to make it until he can be seen!
What a gorgeous bird!!! Some of the comments folks made was killing me, especially the one Trish made about the pink bows on the

Flies are easy to catch, I catch them all the time with my hands when they're inside the house. I used to catch them to feed them to the fish or the spiders so I'm pretty used to catching insects. :D
Hey in my defense in one of the websites about them it says- can be mistaken for some types of kingfishers! ;) haha

They are super pretty and bright.. My ipod camera makes the colours really dull!

He is still sitting there, i dont think hes happy about the bandage, but at least it has stayed on all day :D

Will go give him something to eat after i feed all the horses.. I did put a tiny dish of water in there, but he hasnt gone near it, so will drop a bit on his beak so he can have a little drink!

I think its a male, it says the males 2 tail feathers are longer than females? :p

Now how is it that you guys know all about the different types of birds in Australia.. I had no idea about them! I have never even seen them around here before :eek:

HAHA really Mikey?!?!?! You must be a better karate kid than me... I sat there for 20 minutes next to my horses legs, slapping them as they landed...... I slapped 2....

Then i was like this is ridiculous.. So got his fly veil.. and quickly put it on his leg. and it trapped the flies :D hahahahaha

Honestly, killing that fly was the cruelest thing i have ever done! And removing his barb stinger thing :O But, he was getting eaten by ants, so at least he died for a cause!
When I think of a kingfisher, I think of a bird that has a head that appears a little too large for it's body and a beak that's even bigger! Bee eaters don't seem to quite fit the same "criteria"! It's because of that that I didn't think Kingfisher! LOL Oh, and it has a pretty unique tail! :)

What about something like mealworms??? (or is it waxworms? re: photo on this page)

About Kanyana

Although, thinking about it... moist cat food or high protein cat/kitten kibble/dry food moistened with water may also be another option if you could get the bird to eat it?
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Would garden worms be ok?

Mum has one of those worm compost things, its disgusting, but has like 3 different layers with all the worms in it?

I did moisten cat food last night!! And got it in a syringe, and he ate/drank some of that! :)
Well guess who is feeling much better after his dinner tonight!!! ;)

Tried to give him that bee, but hes not interested, so just gave him the mashed up biscuits... he ate a fair bit of that! :)

Then i tried to put him back in his cage and he ran up my arm!!!! hahahahaha :D

He is hopping around the cage! :p
It's great he's doing better!

I've heard worms are not a good idea to feed simply because they could have parasites that could harm the birds. That reason alone I would advise against it.
I dunno about worms... Do they eat them in the wild? I like your idea with the moistened cat food! It's probably the closest thing to an insect diet when you think about it. I don't know why I didn't think of it before, but would you like me to ring someone at the local WiRes to see what they'd feed an injured Bee Eater? (NB. They don't always answer, but I could leave a message).
OMG sounds like you have a new pet Tab!! I bet he is super thankful you are looking after him!! I WANT HIM!!!!!!!
Wikipedia also says they will eat frogs and lizards
Just saying...

He's a little cuty. Glad he's feeling better!
HAHA i am NOT killing a frog or lizard ;)

So!!! I called the wildlife carer this morning, and said what should i do? this is what i have done..

She said everything i have done is correct.. (thank you guys ;) )

BUT.. she said there are no wildlife carers that can care for a bird with a broken wing :eek: she said no one has that skill, they can just do basic injuries..

She said to contact Bob, he would be the only vet/person who could do a single thing :S

SO... Bob is who i see for Fargo, he absolutely loves me and fargo hahaha

I just emailed him with the pictures.. and will see what he says, if he can do anything to save him, or if i should just keep him... Will wait and see!

He usually replies pretty quickly :)

He is active this morning, put him in the sunshine and he sat there tapping the cage :)

Then gave him some more mashed biscuits which he ate!

Got a little video of him doing little flap shake things, but it will take a while to load

The soaked cat food is perfect! It has the protein and high moisture content. Broken wings are hit and miss with rescued wildlife. Many are just put down because they rarely heal 100%. If they are a meat eater you can offer tiny amounts of chicken (tastes like frog :) )
Yes mum said if we take him to the normal vet they will just put him down.. Hence waiting to see what Bob says cause he is the only avian vet within a 3-4 hour radius! :)

I will try the chicken! He isnt interested in solid foods still, just prefers the mash !

Heres a little video..

When he opens his beak, does that mean hes hungry? :S But see he does little flaps!
He was puffed up cause that room isnt the brightest and he was a little scared, he is in the sunny room now !
[ame=]freddy the bee eater - YouTube[/ame]

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