Kingfisher with broken wing...

ShellyBorg, I simply have to ask: just *how* do you know that chicken tastes like frog? Personal experience??? :D :D :D
I can't believe how well he looks, Tab! He's clearly not fazed by being in human company. I think your main worry is finding something he can eat that will keep him healthy. Did the wildlife person have anything to suggest? Or the vet? I think another poster suggested mealworms? He really needs the high protein of insect-based food (or a good alternative). I rang our WiRes people and left a message, but so far, nothing. Will put my thinking hat on...
Just rang my local vet. She reckons you can get an insectivore powder for native birds and mammals - it's a complete diet you mix with water and gives them all the nourishment they need. Of course, she hasn't got any and couldn't tell me the name off the top of her head (!!!), but she said to ask your vet to source it for you. Is there a zoo or wildlife park in Q'ld? They might be able to help?
Grrrrr i wish Bob would email or call me back! He must be very busy today :/

Usually he emails me back within an hour!

The wildlife lady only does kangaroos and possums basically, so she doesnt know much about birds, and she said the only other bird carer is about 2 hours away, but she doesnt deal with reallyyyy injured ones :/

So she said the cat foot is good for now!

He actually steps up really well.. He learnt quicker than Fargo did ;)

But he doesnt freak out when i try and touch him or try and fly away.. When he was in the lounge room getting sunlight this morning, when i walked near him he freaked out a little and climbed on the side.. But when he is out he is very calm!

Oh really?!?!?!? Do you think the animal produce would sell it? They sell the special powder i use for Smeagols milk!

That powder would be great!!

Hopefully Bob has it in his vet or some produce has it!
Gorgeous little bird, still! Great he's doing so well! Although I'm not sure if it's troubling or not that he doesn't seem particularly afraid of humans.

I hope Bob gets back to you with what to do with the little guy!
I think hes too scared to do anything :p and his wing is probably really hurting him so i dont think he could be bothered to try and flap away?

Do you know why he would tap his beak on the cage?
He was honestly sitting there like a wood pecker this morning in the sun, just pecking really quickly at the bar :S
I might guess it could have something to do with his eating habits.... do they bang on wood naturally to disturb the insects and make them come out?

That I don't know!
The jaw opening could be a pain response. There could also be a small injury to the jaw or neck. Any swelling in the area would cause that.
And yes I have eating frog, it tasted like dirty chicken!

As for food, if you can get meal worms fresh/frozen or powdered you could make a bug mash that could be added into the soaked cat food.
Well he was hit by a car, so i assume he has a bit of damage everywhere!! I am just surprised he didnt die :S

I guess he doesnt have any internal injuries, otherwise he would of died by now? Or can they last a few days with bleeding on the inside?

Ok!!! Would a bait/fish shop sell meal worms? Or just a pet shop with fish?

Frozen turtle food?

Trying to think.. If we order online they wont get here for a week :/
Wombaroo has a insectivore rearing powder. I googled it and you can get it freighted from vet-n-pet direct. It is under $20 for 1 kg. I know our local pet shop and rural produce place both stock Wombaroo but not if they have it not. You could try your local ones.
Wombaroo!! Brilliant.. Can get that from the produce! Got that for my baby possum, but then changed to vetafarm cause it smells nicer ;)

But will be able to get some tomorrow then!

Usually its like 16 dollars for the box of milk so should be about the same for the insect stuff
That is one of the issues with internal injuries. They can be doing great and move wrong, rip finish ripping something and just be gone in minutes. If a animal makes it 24, it has a good chance, 48 it will most likely make it. After a week as long as its on a good diet it is in the clear.
If you have a scale start doing morning weigh-ins. I have raised many birds on soaked cat food and all worked out well.
Thats like what they say when you get a baby possum or kangaroo..

If they make it 3 days, then they might make it.. But its not until 1 week that you can have a pretty good chance of survival!

I had a joey a few months ago, she was hit pretty bad, and had blood and swollen feet and tail... She drank great for 3 days.. Then on the 3rd night she just got cold and wouldnt wake up for her bottle... Took her to the emergency carer who couldnt do a single thing..

Then her chest went blue and black, which the carer said she would of had alot of internal injuries and nothing we could do!

It just took 3 days before the bruising on her chest showed up!

Thats when they told me dont get my hopes up until they live at least a week.. They say the fact that they survive getting hit is a miracle in itself.. Then they told me they lose more than they save..


I do have a scale, but it wont read it very well i done think.. it doesnt do that small.. :/

The little bird weighs nothing basically!
I reckon Monica's right about his 'woodpecking': since part of their feeding behaviour is bashing the prey item against a branch, I think he's trying to tell you he's hungry and wants to eat. Also, since he's been a bit active, it would make sense that he'd be feeling peckish by now.
Omg I am in love with this bird. Its just gorgeous!!! Looks like you are getting heaps of good advice! I wouldn't know anything about him!! Keeping an eye on this thread, I love freddy! :P
What a beautiful bird!

When this happened, I mashed up some cooked chicken meat with hot water to make a slurry which I could slowly pour into the bird's beak. It took some effort and pretending to be a regurgitating parent bird to try and feed it, but the way the bird always held its beak up in the air made it much easier. I noticed yours is doing the same thing, even opening its mouth like it wants to be fed.

When it got a slight taste of the meaty water, there wasn't any problem getting a hungry bird to gobble it down. I had it eating off a spoon within 10 minutes (it's really messy business)!
Maybe you can try something similar? ;)
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So.. we called another wildlife person, he actually lives near us, old guy, super nice... but he doesnt do it anymore.. and he was like i really hope you can save the little guy!!

But im not sure about them, so give this lady a call....

SO.. we called this lady..

You ready for this??

She was eating her dinner.. fair enough.. she sounded like a complete feral person.. just one of those people who have a horrible attitude.. and the way she spoke :eek:

Anyways.. she was like whats wrong...

and mum said we found a bee eater, blah blah it has a broken wing.. my daughter has done a figure 8 bandage blah blah

'ohhhh you shouldnt of done that, you dont know how to do it...'

and mum said... Well, she does... she owns birds... and she also works very closely and has done avian vet experience with bob donelly, who is one of the best avian vets in australia.....

and shes like who?!

and mum said.. can you please tell us what to feed him, just so he can get the right nutrition..


'I am not interested in him at the moment, because i am eating my dinner... i havent eaten all day i am starving.. So cant really concentrate and help you... '

and mum said are you serious.. you are meant to be the wildlife carer who helps animals.. we just need you to say what to feed it :/

and she said.. well how old is it..

and mum said well you cant tell the age of a bird after 6 months anyway.. so it could be a year, it could be 10 :S

and she said.. look.. im not saying you know nothing about birds.. but.. just send me a picture... because you people of the public have no bird experience so just wasting my time, so just send me a picture..

and mum said.. My daughter owns a macaw.. i think she has SOME knowledge about birds.. and she is studying zoology.. look, we will just talk to bob.. im not comfortable with this conversation anymore :/ You just enjoy your dinner...

and she said.. yep.. whatever *hangs up*


are you kidding me?!?!?! :(

Gosh i cant believe people... :/

Oh and i get im not a vet so the bandage isnt perfect, but in my opinion i did great, and it has really helped hold his wing in place! so he isnt flapping around with it making it worse!!
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Honest to god, when she said she was eating her dinner so didnt care about the bird at this particular time..
I almost lost it :@

How can you put yourself before a very injured bird.. just because you are a little hungry??!??!

Gosh i have missed many many meals looking after my injured horse!!! :/
Thank you mudkips!!!!!

Mum suggested i get flies and bees and mash it up like i am doing with the cat food.. So at least he would be eating the right stuff for now?

Will call Bob in the morning if he hasnt replied to my email.. Very strange he hasnt :S
Don't worry, Tab. If there's any justice at all in the world, she'll get a feral dose of indigestion. If we're really lucky, she'll get food poisoning! Old bag! Has the little guy shown any interest in eating anything you've offered him? I like your Mum's idea. :D

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