Juliette's Search for the right parrot

Re: anyone own a hawk head

i know i also heard better about females then males :)
and i was going for female anyway , doesnt matter what parrot species , just the eclectus i wouldnt know if id go for male or female , i love the females plumage , but heard better about the males attitude
but i think its not going to be an ekkie anyways :/

I had a female Ekkie with an extremely stable temperament. She was past puberty too, and while she would occasionally bite, it was never her full strength. In fact I'd never seen a bird less prone to biting (of ANY species) than this bird.
Re: anyone own a hawk head

Charlotte as I said has a loud call. She doesn't scream for attention. But all birds can be loud. Her crest only goes up if shes scared or fighting her toys .
Re: anyone own a hawk head

I also have a Hawk Head, and she is 22, and we just got her last Oct. She is a wonderful girl, but she is not cuddly. She was never hand fed, and was always used as a breeder before she came to us, though, so she is a completely different bird than PinkBirdy's beautiful Charlotte. However, she is still a sweetheart and loves scritches. She has come a long way since we first got her. As was mentioned, she can be loud, but it is a screeching, almost whistling sound that sounds somewhat like a boiling teakettle. She is easy to quiet down however, we just talk to her in a normal tone of voice and she will start talking back. She also has a growl that sounds rather prehistoric, but it is not too loud. Darwin puts her crest up quite a bit, mostly when she is excited or scared.

I can't imagine life without her!
Here is a link to a video of her talking:)
darvideo001_zps60a622d9.mp4 Video by terryregwed | Photobucket

And here is a link with some pictures of her:

Re: anyone own a hawk head

Darwins voice sounds a little like Charlottes :)
Re: anyone own a hawk head

I would love to hear Charlotte! She is so gorgeous, and it is obvious from your pics how incredibly sweet she is:)
Re: which parrot species is best for me ?

Honestly, I'd never base a bird off YouTube videos. For example, Indian Ringneck videos all show cuddly birds who appear to love talking and are lovely, but in reality they are known to be very hands off and not all of them talk. The best way to know is to meet the bird and go from there.

My IRN Shiko was known to be cuddly with his breeder, was very hands-on, and could even be handled by strangers in her home. But, since arriving, he has not one allowed us to "love" him the way the breeder has with cuddles and scritches. We do, however, have a bond that has been created through training despite our short time together. Essentially what I'm trying to say is that you can research as much as you like, but you'll never know the bird until you meet it. There are many generalizations that hold true, but each is an individual.

If you want a bird that cuddles, you'll have to meet a bird that likes cuddling with YOU. My ringneck is a prime example of how a bird can be touched by one person and not another (not that he can't be, but he is bluffing and clearly doesn't trust us to touch him the same way). Every bird is a gamble of sorts, but it all comes down to the individual and how they are raised, like Birdman said. Whichever bird you choose, I suggest meeting it first, other wise you may be disappointed if you have high hopes for a cuddler and end up with a bird that is hands-off.
Re: which parrot species is best for me ?

Well said Chantal:). I've (mostly) bought birds sight unseen, through reputable sources. You're right, you never know what individual personality you'll get until you meet in person.
Just like Shiko, I think Raven liked his breeder more than Don and I. Although he likes Don better than me! I picked him out through a picture.

Also Juliette, even though I've had a Bronze Winged Pionus (previously before Raven) she was SO extremely different in personality than Raven, even though same exact species. Male and female does make a difference in Pionus much of the time, but I guess the point I'm trying to make is, no matter how much you study up and research on a species, you'll never have the "full picture " until a bird is actually with you.
Re: which parrot species is best for me ?

i live in brazil and the hh arent that expensive here , i already found a good breeder , that is legal :)
but im still not sure of which species , the conures just arent really for me , in the beginning i really wanted a jenday , but decided against it because of the noise level , and the other conures arent really the bird for me , i ont know how to explain it , if you look up on youtube the hawk headed parrots , seem to be cuddly , i am considering a caique as well ...
So im basically torn haha
blue fronted amazons probably arent that cuddly right ? Hahaah

the most bonded and cuddliest bird i ever owned was a blue fronted amazon. Depends on how they are raised and socialized.

ok , so now im even more torn hahah , are they loud ?

Amazons CAN be loud decibel-wise. I grew up around 2 and have one of my own. However, they tend to have a lower-pitched voice instead of the shrilly screeches of some other species (like conures). I'd prefer to hear my zon holler than a conure any day. My BFA actually makes hardly any noise at all. We have reinforced only noises we find pleasing, and over the years, those have become pretty much the only noises he uses. Though he does let loose every so often, and you can hear him 2 blocks away if you know his call:52: He is not a cuddly bird, though he is friendly and always want to be near you, just not petted on.

My mom's green cheek amazon is VERY quiet. He only makes a fuss when someone mentions a walnut, and even then, he's no where near as loud as my zon. He's bonded solely to the female DYH and is "no ones" bird (has no preference for any person). That said, he is so sweet and gentle, anyone can pick him up round the body and kiss/cuddle him even though he isn't thrilled when you do it.

My moms other zon, a double yellow head, makes noise almost constantly, but her noises are pleasant and NOT loud. Just conversation-volume chattering. She will allow me and my mom to touch and kiss on her. Other females, she will not typically behave aggressively towards. She hates my dad (and men in general) with a passion, and will go out of her way to attack them if given the opportunity.

So if you can't tell, I am quite partial to amazons personally. However, they aren't by any means "low volume" birds, nor are they known to be cuddly (though individuals can be). They are great birds for the *right* kind of person and absolutely hilarious and quite sound behaviorally so long as they're included in your day-to-day activities and get toys. They just aren't as 'sensitive' as other birds, and far more independent as a rule, which is actually a pretty good trait IMO.
Re: fell inlove with a hahns macaw

I never really thought of Hahns as screamers before...

Mini-macs often have bigger attitudes than big macs. Hahn's can be clownish, they can be fiercely territorial. They are pair bond birds, so they do have a tendency to over bond, so socialization is the key...

Some of the mini-macs tend to get spooked by little kids, and act nippy around them.

They make pretty good trick birds. On par with conures that way.

are they cuddly ?
Re: fell inlove with a hahns macaw

Very cuddly. Mine begins going to bed by sleeping under my shirt.
is this the bird for me

so , some of you may know , im looking for the right parrot species a long time , im posting way too many things , asking way too many questions ...
no one has ever recommended me a poi , but after some researching i came along this species , and they seem to be perfect ...
what i look for in a bird , is medium size to large ,
cuddly (affectionate , scratches , etc...) playful , and not too much noise , i have parents , and they told me they dont mind noise , but i dont want to take any risk ...
and untill now , the pois seem to be the best fit
i was torn between hawk head , ekkies , mini macaw , and caique
but everybody told me those birds can be loud , and i was almost convinced that an eclectus would be perfect for me , but what i look for in a bird , is one that will enjoy snuggling once in a while , and most people say ekkies do not like that ...
so i was wondering , would a poi be for me ?
and which one should i get , i was thinking about jardine's , but i still dont know
what do you guys think ? ( please posts pictures of your pois i would love to see your birds , and i havent met any pois yet , so i have no idea what size they are , so if you could post a picture of them perched on your finger that would be great haha , but id just love to meet your birds )
I HIGHLY recommend Poi's :D

I wonder how easily you can get them in Brazil where you are?
They are considered small, about the size of a Sun Conure but with a bigger head and beak. They are about as low volume as you can get! The Jardine's is medium, and I've never heard their noise, but they might be slightly louder than the small guys.

IMHO, there is no better bird! :) Quiet, independent and don't demand attention, yet at the same time, they can be very bonded to you and hands on cuddly! Most species which are more hands on tend to be a little more on the clingy side and will easily learn to scream for attention. Not Poi's! They don't have that tendency to be persistent, which should be nice for your parents. Also, when they do make their noises, it's not nearly as loud as most other parrot species.
Their feathers are also VERY soft and nice to touch. I think only Galahs are maybe softer or just as.

I'm so happy I made the decision to get my Ruppell's. For a while I wasn't sure I wanted another bird which was quite that small, but they're a nice size really.

Robin - (almost) 20 year old Red Bellied Parrot

Griffin - 3 1/2 month old Ruppell's Parrot
I HIGHLY recommend Poi's :D

I wonder how easily you can get them in Brazil where you are?
They are considered small, about the size of a Sun Conure but with a bigger head and beak. They are about as low volume as you can get! The Jardine's is medium, and I've never heard their noise, but they might be slightly louder than the small guys.

IMHO, there is no better bird! :) Quiet, independent and don't demand attention, yet at the same time, they can be very bonded to you and hands on cuddly! Most species which are more hands on tend to be a little more on the clingy side and will easily learn to scream for attention. Not Poi's! They don't have that tendency to be persistent, which should be nice for your parents. Also, when they do make their noises, it's not nearly as loud as most other parrot species.
Their feathers are also VERY soft and nice to touch. I think only Galahs are maybe softer or just as.

I'm so happy I made the decision to get my Ruppell's. For a while I wasn't sure I wanted another bird which was quite that small, but they're a nice size really.

Robin - (almost) 20 year old Red Bellied Parrot

Griffin - 3 1/2 month old Ruppell's Parrot

i think a poi it will be , my breeder doesnt have them on his website , but does breed them :)
anyway , i think its so weird no one has ever recommended them to me before , they are all , litterely all i look for in a bird
people kept recommending the GCC , they are adorable , but not the bird for me
and when i said that , they said they wouldnt know what bird i should get
HEELLLOOO , everything i heard aboit pois is like ,OMG perfect
i feel like a terrible person , because when i first saw them , i just skipped them , i did read somewhere that the jardines is as big as a timneh is this true ?
by the way yours is adorable , and im so exited because i think i have finally found THE bird :D:D:D:D
I have a Sennie who i have had for 3 or 4 weeks now. He is awesome! From day one he was right at home, happy for scratches and would go to anyone (even the dog!). He is very opinionated and sassy though haha. He is a very cool little bird, i brought him sight unseen without having even met a Senegal before (they are rare over here) and couldnt be happier with him. He is nearly a year old, and although hand raised he has spent time in an aviary and his breeder said she had him inside for two months prior to me getting him but only used to get him out every other day if she had time. He is so friendly!!! He is such a clown, always swinging upside down on his toys and doing flips for attention =D

I have a Sennie who i have had for 3 or 4 weeks now. He is awesome! From day one he was right at home, happy for scratches and would go to anyone (even the dog!). He is very opinionated and sassy though haha. He is a very cool little bird, i brought him sight unseen without having even met a Senegal before (they are rare over here) and couldnt be happier with him. He is nearly a year old, and although hand raised he has spent time in an aviary and his breeder said she had him inside for two months prior to me getting him but only used to get him out every other day if she had time. He is so friendly!!! He is such a clown, always swinging upside down on his toys and doing flips for attention =D

adorable , and she seems to be the boss over your dog hahah
i think im really getting a poi
*he* :P But yea he flew over there so he could bite his head haha poor little mutt! He is such a good dog though.
They are pretty silly! I have 2. In this pic Sammie is laying on her back on my leg chewing on my jacket.

I know you (and your parents) won't regret the decision of a Poi! Do you know what kinds are available where you are?

I think the reason maybe no one suggested a Poi at first is that while they're popular, they're not quite AS popular as the conures or some other species. They SHOULD be though :D

The Lesser Jardine's is the one you mostly see here in the US, and they are a bit smaller than a Timneh Grey. Keep in mind they might be a little louder than the small Poi's?

Glad you've narrowed it down. You won't be disappointed. Good luck!
I know you (and your parents) won't regret the decision of a Poi! Do you know what kinds are available where you are?

I think the reason maybe no one suggested a Poi at first is that while they're popular, they're not quite AS popular as the conures or some other species. They SHOULD be though :D

The Lesser Jardine's is the one you mostly see here in the US, and they are a bit smaller than a Timneh Grey. Keep in mind they might be a little louder than the small Poi's?

Glad you've narrowed it down. You won't be disappointed. Good luck!

i so glad , i was also thinking about a cape ...
(i am into larger birds if you havent noticed ...)
i think people are more into conures because of their bright colors , but pois omg
they might not be as bright , but it gives them an adorable innocent look haha
i so glad , i was also thinking about a cape ...
(i am into larger birds if you havent noticed ...)
i think people are more into conures because of their bright colors , but pois omg
they might not be as bright , but it gives them an adorable innocent look haha

Now the Capes I think make an all together different noise than the smaller guys. I haven't heard one, but people say they're louder. They're very cute.

Do you have any specific reason you want a larger bird? Many people start with small then want a larger bird after a while. After having birds now and in the past anywhere from 30 grams up to 550 grams, I feel that I prefer the small to medium size best. We each have our personal preference though. I think 'sometimes' people want a large bird for the "wow" factor of it, or for the intrigue of it after only having small birds. With this attitude, it may or may not work out. Not saying that's you specifically ;)

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