Juliette's Search for the right parrot

Re: nanday vs jenday ?

is it a big problem ? the noise ?
i am so much doubt , a rainbow lorikeet , or a nanday or jenday :/
maybe even a chattering lory ...
i still dont know
but i do think it will be a conure
i dont mind noise , im just affraid my parents will mind it ...
is there like an hour they make noise ?
i leave for school at 06:30 and come back at 13:00 3 days a week
and the other 2 days i leave at 06:30 as well , and come back at 15:00
i will give it all of my time , when im home , letting it out of its cage and stuff :)
but is it as loud as people say it is ?
Re: nanday vs jenday ?

is it a big problem ? the noise ?
i am so much doubt , a rainbow lorikeet , or a nanday or jenday :/
maybe even a chattering lory ...
i still dont know
but i do think it will be a conure
i dont mind noise , im just affraid my parents will mind it ...
is there like an hour they make noise ?
i leave for school at 06:30 and come back at 13:00 3 days a week
and the other 2 days i leave at 06:30 as well , and come back at 15:00
i will give it all of my time , when im home , letting it out of its cage and stuff :)
but is it as loud as people say it is ?

It depends on how much (and what types) of noise are considered a "big problem" to your parents. While it definitely varies between individuals and also on the amount of time and effort you put into training, providing environmental enrichment, plenty of mental and physical exercise, etc., conures are going to make noise--especially nandays and jendays (along with suns who are basically jendays with yellow wings)--it's just part of who they are. Green cheek conures are generally considered the "most quiet" species of conure, but depending on a person's individual tolerance, even they might be considered "too loud". I'd suggest searching youtube for videos of pet Nandays and Jendays (as well as any other bird you're considering), turn the volume all the way up, and watch as many as possible--this will probably help give you a more accurate idea of the noises to expect than any written description could.
Green cheek or Caique ?

so , i finally made up my mind a little
i have done lots of research and decided a jenday is ruled out , i really wanted one , but i cant take the risk of my parents forcing me to send him away !

i have gotten really interested in the caique and green cheek conure , they werent even on my list to begin with !

anyway , i have read lots about caiques , and people say they are difficult birds , and can be nippy , and arent as cuddly , but i really like challenges
and they are so adorable and funny

Green cheek conure , just seems like a great parrot to own !
they probably arent too loud , cuddly , and just adorable

what i look for in a parrot :

not too much noise , i accept noise but not too much , because i dont want my parents getting mad ...

Cuddly , like to be handled

Smart , id love to teach my parrot basic tricks , like roll over , wave , etc...

and i do prefer a little bigger parrots , so this one probably goes for the caique , i also think the caique is adorable , so pretty

But is it true that they bite so much , and get so hormonal ?

which one do you guys think i should get , or what are your experiences with these birds ?:rainbow1:
Re: Green cheek or Caique ?

I've had my caique for 8 months she just turned a year this month. I think she is awesome. She is super cuddly and isn't a biter...
Re: Green cheek or Caique ?

I've never owned a caique, but I've got a GCC conure. Honestly, if you're looking for a parrot to love, you need to meet it first. I cannot stress this enough. A bird may be cuddly and awesome with one person but not someone else.

In my honest opinion, both are great picks! And both are just as prone to be nippy or cuddly, all comes down to their personality really. So go meet a few and see if you fall in love :) If you can, that is. I love my conure and I'm so glad I got to meet her first before buying her, after a week I'd already figure out her personality and knew she was the "one", haha!

If you're concerned about biting, perhaps you should stick with a conure as they have much smaller beaks. I'm glad I started with a smaller parrot, as I've made many mistakes and it's taken me time to learn parrot body language. Smaller beaks are much more forgiving :) And, honestly, any bird will be noisy. If they bond to you, they will call for you when you leave, will call if they see something, when they're happy, or for who knows what reason. But overall, I'd say a green cheeked conure is very, very quiet and couldn't recommend them enough.
Re: Green cheek or Caique ?

As a GCC owner I will agree that while they are one of the quieter birds, they are not quiet. if I'm in the room with him, he's pretty much silent, but if he gets agitated/scared/angry - I know about it. A GCC sitting in a room on his own (whilst being able ot hear people in the house) can kick out a surprising amount of noise.

If it's not your house, and your parents are likely to get upset by potentially frequent noise, perhaps consider a budgerigar; they're wonderful birds.
Re: Green cheek or Caique ?

As far as parrots go, GCCs are as quiet as you can get. In my opinion, budgies are a lot louder. Their chatter is constant. GCCs make soft peeps and quacks most of the time. Their louder vocalizations really aren't that bad and it does't last long. Keep in mind ALL parrots make noise.

I think a GCC sounds like a good fit for you. They're generally more cuddly than caiques, but they do go through a nippy stage. With proper training, you'll get through it. They're smart little birds and they learn tricks easily. What they lack in size, they more than make up for in personality.

I do agree it's a good idea to meet a few individuals of both species if you can.
Re: Green cheek or Caique ?

As far as parrots go, GCCs are as quiet as you can get

I think everyone feels that way about their "quiet" bird

I had an Amazon for 20 years in my house he was almost silent, BUT in my dads house 20 years before me he screamed his head off

All Parrots have the ability to be VERY Loud !!

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ST6cp4t872k"]Cheney Bird, green cheek conure, screams his head off. - YouTube[/ame]
Re: Green cheek or Caique ?

My conures are ANYTHING but quiet.. We live in a small studio apartment, no doors except the front door and the bathroom door. So they're in the living area. If kiwi or Loki (or god forbid both of them) are going off for any reason we have to either wait for them to subside or resort to using sign language to communicate across the apartment, as yelling over them just isn't an option.
Now, I've never had a noise complaint, so either my neighbors are very forgiving for the insulation is better than I thought. But that likely won't be the same for a bird that is in a separate room of the house. Your standard bedroom doors aren't overly sound-proof unfortunately.
I would set up a time where you AND your parents can go visit adult green cheeks and caiques. So that you can all hear the sounds they make and determine if your parents would be okay with that. You also have to make sure they understand that if the bird yells they CAN'T go in there to comfort the bird/discipline the bird. That will just reinforce the screaming.

It sounds like allot but it has to be a learning experience for every one. :)
Re: Green cheek or Caique ?

As far as parrots go, GCCs are as quiet as you can get

I think everyone feels that way about their "quiet" bird

I had an Amazon for 20 years in my house he was almost silent, BUT in my dads house 20 years before me he screamed his head off

All Parrots have the ability to be VERY Loud !!

The sound quality on the video makes it sound worse than it actually is.

LOL. Don't get me wrong, my conure is not silent. I know it's all relative, but the noise green cheeks make is not at all what I would consider loud. I lived with an amazon for 10 years. You could hear him down the street. That's what I consider loud. I can hear my cockatiel when I'm out on the back porch. I could even hear the budgie I bird sat for. I can't hear my conure while I'm outside when she's screaming at full volume. It's just *not* that bad. Maybe it's just me. *shrugs*
Re: Green cheek or Caique ?

The sound quality on the video makes it sound worse than it actually is

Yes, that is called "over modulation" it's the same thing that happens when you try to record a loud music concert LOL
In other words the bird is so loud that he is blowing the microphone away

The only reason I am bringing this up, its important to know that ANY parrot you get has the ability to be very loud

Some people believe that a lot of it has to do with the birds environment, I think that has something to do with it but not everything

WitchBaby, is your home more on the quiet, calm side?

My home is and every one of my parrots have been mostly quiet

fell inlove with a hahns macaw

So , today i went to meet some parrots , and i loved the caiques and GCC
but the one that i fell in love with , was a hahns macaw !
he was so adorable , and so friendly smart and intelligent
he is in y budget , so i think i decided what parrot it would be
i know macaws need lots of interaction , so my mom promised me , she will be in my room while im in school , and give him attention while im not home ,
he wasn't very fond of my mom though , when she tried to get him to step up , he just nipped at her finger , and got all puffy , and "big bird"
but when i tried , he stepped up without any problems , and begged me for scratches !
i really fell inlove with him ! but i do not know a lot about this species ?
what are your experiences with these birds ?
Re: fell inlove with a hahns macaw

Ah, see, this is what I was hoping for :) Falling in love with a bird is the best. My boyfriend and I LOVE Hahn's macaws, especially their helium voices! From what I know, they are known to be extreme one-person birds, so I would work with him constantly to socialize him with your family. Let them give him treats, interact positively with him, and have them also help teach/reinforce step up.

I don't have much experience with them, but I know there's quite a few members on here who have them, so hopefully they chime in soon.

I'm glad you found your bird! I hope :)
Re: fell inlove with a hahns macaw

Ah, see, this is what I was hoping for :) Falling in love with a bird is the best. My boyfriend and I LOVE Hahn's macaws, especially their helium voices! From what I know, they are known to be extreme one-person birds, so I would work with him constantly to socialize him with your family. Let them give him treats, interact positively with him, and have them also help teach/reinforce step up.

I don't have much experience with them, but I know there's quite a few members on here who have them, so hopefully they chime in soon.

I'm glad you found your bird! I hope :)

yep its the bird , im not getting it soon , but the pet shop owner said it probably wont be given a home soon , he stil isnt for sale , and the shop owner said he would gladly reserve it for me , so i am going to pass by the pet shop every day , to bond with him already , and in a month or 2 he is coming home with me :)
probably , i hope , and if not , it still will be a hahns macaw
! i absolutly fell inlove with him !!
Re: Green cheek or Caique ?

The sound quality on the video makes it sound worse than it actually is

Yes, that is called "over modulation" it's the same thing that happens when you try to record a loud music concert LOL
In other words the bird is so loud that he is blowing the microphone away

The only reason I am bringing this up, its important to know that ANY parrot you get has the ability to be very loud

Some people believe that a lot of it has to do with the birds environment, I think that has something to do with it but not everything

WitchBaby, is your home more on the quiet, calm side?

My home is and every one of my parrots have been mostly quiet


my house is really quiet , we love to give our pets lots of attention , so even if he is in my room , my mom said that she would enter the room to give him attention , play with him etc...
but i decided its probably going to be a hahns macaw :)
Re: Green cheek or Caique ?

my house is really quiet , we love to give our pets lots of attention , so even if he is in my room , my mom said that she would enter the room to give him attention , play with him etc...
but i decided its probably going to be a hahns macaw :)

A Hahns macaw is a is a much bigger bird, if you are considering that size bird, have you thought of the traits you are looking for in a Parrot companion?

A Cockatoo for example might be considered a much more "touchy-feely" parrot compared to an Amazon (my Amazon loved us dearly, but was not the kind of bird that would lay on this back and play with you)

Re: Green cheek or Caique ?

Some people believe that a lot of it has to do with the birds environment, I think that has something to do with it but not everything

WitchBaby, is your home more on the quiet, calm side?

For the most part, yes.

I do think environment as well as the individual bird's personality plays a part in how frequently a parrot will vocalize, but it's also fair to say some species are generally louder than others. That's all worth taking into consideration when trying to figure out which parrot is a good fit for your lifestyle. You can get away with owning a GCC in an apartment, but I wouldn't recommend trying to do the same with an umbrella cockatoo or even a sun conure, for example.
Re: Green cheek or Caique ?

my house is really quiet , we love to give our pets lots of attention , so even if he is in my room , my mom said that she would enter the room to give him attention , play with him etc...
but i decided its probably going to be a hahns macaw :)

A Hahns macaw is a is a much bigger bird, if you are considering that size bird, have you thought of the traits you are looking for in a Parrot companion?

A Cockatoo for example might be considered a much more "touchy-feely" parrot compared to an Amazon (my Amazon loved us dearly, but was not the kind of bird that would lay on this back and play with you)


hahns macaw is the smallest macaw out there , its also know as a mini macaw , red shoulderd macaw , the reach 12 inches or maybe 13
thats the size im looking for ,

i would like an active bird , that likes to play an learn tricks , and have some cuddly moments
this moment the 2 i am thinking about is a caique or a hahns macaw
the hahns macaw is my favorite ! i went to a pet shop and she picked me , so its probably gonna be her !
but i would like to know a little more about them before getting her
Re: fell inlove with a hahns macaw

I have a piano student who wants to give me her Hahn's Macaw because she's too loud. :) She said she spends enough time with the bird, but not every day. Her macaw screams starting at 5am! Not my type of bird. LOL :D So check out the noise levels before you take the bird. :D

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