Juliette's Search for the right parrot

Re: which parrot species is best for me ?

and a bird that isnt too loud , that why i ruled out the conures
and the gcc isnt really for me

if you don't want a "loud" bird, then you probably don't want a hawkie or an ekkie either.. I don't know how often hh parrots sound off, but ekkies have a severely loud fire-alarm-like scream. Though they typically don't use that scream unless they're trying to warn you of a danger(they saw something that spooked them) it is still bound to happen occasionally. I'd take my conure screams over an ekkie scream any day. And mini macs sound awfully similar to the larger conures from what i've collected on videos, as they're actually "cousins".(there have been cases of larger aratinga conures hybridizing with mini macs, like nanday x hahns.)

not trying to discourage you at all, just sharing what i've seen/heard/experienced myself. :)

i live in brazil and the hh arent that expensive here , i already found a good breeder , that is legal :)
but im still not sure of which species , the conures just arent really for me , in the beginning i really wanted a jenday , but decided against it because of the noise level , and the other conures arent really the bird for me , i ont know how to explain it , if you look up on youtube the hawk headed parrots , seem to be cuddly , i am considering a caique as well ...
So im basically torn haha
blue fronted amazons probably arent that cuddly right ? Hahaah

the most bonded and cuddliest bird i ever owned was a blue fronted amazon. Depends on how they are raised and socialized.
Re: which parrot species is best for me ?

if you don't want a "loud" bird, then you probably don't want a hawkie or an ekkie either.. I don't know how often hh parrots sound off, but ekkies have a severely loud fire-alarm-like scream. Though they typically don't use that scream unless they're trying to warn you of a danger(they saw something that spooked them) it is still bound to happen occasionally. I'd take my conure screams over an ekkie scream any day. And mini macs sound awfully similar to the larger conures from what i've collected on videos, as they're actually "cousins".(there have been cases of larger aratinga conures hybridizing with mini macs, like nanday x hahns.)

not trying to discourage you at all, just sharing what i've seen/heard/experienced myself. :)

i live in brazil and the hh arent that expensive here , i already found a good breeder , that is legal :)
but im still not sure of which species , the conures just arent really for me , in the beginning i really wanted a jenday , but decided against it because of the noise level , and the other conures arent really the bird for me , i ont know how to explain it , if you look up on youtube the hawk headed parrots , seem to be cuddly , i am considering a caique as well ...
So im basically torn haha
blue fronted amazons probably arent that cuddly right ? Hahaah

the most bonded and cuddliest bird i ever owned was a blue fronted amazon. Depends on how they are raised and socialized.

ok , so now im even more torn hahah , are they loud ?
Re: which parrot species is best for me ?

Loud is a relative concept.

Can be quite loud at times. All amazons, and hawk heads are also, essentially, amazons can be quite loud.
Re: which parrot species is best for me ?

My ekkie absolutely LOVES to be out and sitting with people, but I wouldn't say that he is cuddly. He will allow us to gently stroke down his back and when he's in the mood I can put my fingers under his neck feathers and scratch a little (but not the full on scritches like you see people doing in videos with other birds, or like our conures love).

For the most part he is a quiet bird.. he's got nothing on the sun for example. Except when he does his war cry, as others have mentioned. Then it's like "Holy CRAP!" I remember the first time he did that, being so shocked. I didn't even know he was capable of getting that loud.

Have you thought about a parrotlet? I know they're very small and maybe you're looking for something larger but -- they're very quiet (they really can't even get loud) and they're smart and playful and funny. Plus, they're beyond adorable.
Re: anyone own a hawk head

I have one :) Ive had Charlotte since she was weaned . Shes a shy gentle bird ,likes the whole family. When my kids have friends over she will shyly go see them . Shes never hurt me, cuddles under my chin everynight. Mine is nothing like what you read on the internet.I met a women that had a male and female ,The female sounded just like mine. She could be this way too [because I got her when she was just weaned ] Expensive birds
Re: anyone own a hawk head

Re: which parrot species is best for me ?

My ekkie absolutely LOVES to be out and sitting with people, but I wouldn't say that he is cuddly. He will allow us to gently stroke down his back and when he's in the mood I can put my fingers under his neck feathers and scratch a little (but not the full on scritches like you see people doing in videos with other birds, or like our conures love).

For the most part he is a quiet bird.. he's got nothing on the sun for example. Except when he does his war cry, as others have mentioned. Then it's like "Holy CRAP!" I remember the first time he did that, being so shocked. I didn't even know he was capable of getting that loud.

Have you thought about a parrotlet? I know they're very small and maybe you're looking for something larger but -- they're very quiet (they really can't even get loud) and they're smart and playful and funny. Plus, they're beyond adorable.

they are a little too small for me ... and my breeder doesnt sell them ...
do you know anything about other species
and i did really fall inlove with ekkies , but i do want a bird that will enjoy cuddles once in a while so i think they are off my list
i am researching a lot about the hawk head now , but not a lot of people own them ...
Re: anyone own a hawk head

Re: anyone own a hawk head

Re: anyone own a hawk head

She also talks [has a little girl voice]
Re: anyone own a hawk head

I have one :) Ive had Charlotte since she was weaned . Shes a shy gentle bird ,likes the whole family. When my kids have friends over she will shyly go see them . Shes never hurt me, cuddles under my chin everynight. Mine is nothing like what you read on the internet.I met a women that had a male and female ,The female sounded just like mine. She could be this way too [because I got her when she was just weaned ] Expensive birds

i am planning on getting a parrot soon
and the hawk head is at the top of my list
every one gives them a bad reputation
but every hawk head owner has told me different :/
is she loud ?
(i will have a female )
Re: which parrot species is best for me ?

Never know whose going to be loud !! The Eclectus are the loudest at my house [and you see all my birds]I call them the "Bullhorn brothers" :) Waiting for my Sunconure to be loud [Was told they were :). If I could have one bird it would be a Macaw [the regular size ones ] Nothing like the love of a Macaw :)
Re: anyone own a hawk head

beautiful !
id love to know everything about her , i will be getting a parrot soon and like i already mentioned the hawk head is at the top of my list ! :)
look at my question and answer post about which species is the best for me...
i really want a cuddly bird , and all the videos ive seen shows they love to cuddle
i just find it hard to find out if they are very loud
Re: anyone own a hawk head

They do have a loud call [but she talks too]. Loudness can depend on the bird . Like my Macaws are quiet. Shes a very sweet bird loves her toys ,different food s and are attention.
Re: which parrot species is best for me ?

Never know whose going to be loud !! The Eclectus are the loudest at my house [and you see all my birds]I call them the "Bullhorn brothers" :) Waiting for my Sunconure to be loud [Was told they were :). If I could have one bird it would be a Macaw [the regular size ones ] Nothing like the love of a Macaw :)

i think for me its going to be the hawkhead though , or the mini macaw , all parrots are amazing , and im torn haha
Re: anyone own a hawk head

They do have a loud call [but she talks too]. Loudness can depend on the bird . Like my Macaws are quiet. Shes a very sweet bird loves her toys ,different food s and are attention.

is your hawk head quiet ? i read they are just loud when scared , or very exited
Re: anyone own a hawk head

Terry57 should be on here soon enough :) She has a female.

I've heard more good pet quality traits about females than males (as is the case with a lot of species). Good luck as you decide.
Re: anyone own a hawk head

Terry57 should be on here soon enough :) She has a female.

I've heard more good pet quality traits about females than males (as is the case with a lot of species). Good luck as you decide.

i know i also heard better about females then males :)
and i was going for female anyway , doesnt matter what parrot species , just the eclectus i wouldnt know if id go for male or female , i love the females plumage , but heard better about the males attitude
but i think its not going to be an ekkie anyways :/
Re: anyone own a hawk head


A week or so ago I fell COMPLETELY in Love with this type of Parrot, One is in my future (god willing)

We are getting a Green wing Macaw from a bird farm in Delaware, anyway someone on the forum is getting a HH from the same place so when we went to visit our baby I was able to video her baby

( That's when I fell in LOVE with the Hawk Head :D )


[ame="http://youtu.be/7UnbTQKqs50"]Marybeth's Hawk Head parrot - YouTube[/ame]
Re: anyone own a hawk head


A week or so ago I fell COMPLETELY in Love with this type of Parrot, One is in my future (god willing)

We are getting a Green wing Macaw from a bird farm in Delaware, anyway someone on the forum is getting a HH from the same place so when we went to visit our baby I was able to video her baby

( That's when I fell in LOVE with the Hawk Head :D )


Marybeth's Hawk Head parrot - YouTube

absolutely amazing !
this is the bird for me (i think haha )
i also fell inlove with them and i think ill be getting a female soon

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