Juliette's Search for the right parrot

Re: fell inlove with a hahns macaw

My Hahns will scream, but not for just any reason. Usually the volume of the TV is too loud or something frightens her. Screaming can be controlled.
Re: fell inlove with a hahns macaw

...he wasn't very fond of my mom though , when she tried to get him to step up , he just nipped at her finger , and got all puffy , and "big bird"
but when i tried , he stepped up without any problems , and begged me for scratches !
i really fell inlove with him ! but i do not know a lot about this species ?
what are your experiences with these birds ?

Socialization is key. Hahnzel will go to my son and my wife, but not my stepdaughter. Why? Because she shows no interest.

My wife has had to set boundaries and hold Hahnzel accountable by putting her off her when she's bad. If you refuse to set boundaries these little guys will be a nightmare. They are just like the big birds in personality but with a lot smaller (but sharper) beak.

If Hahnzel begins to nip everyone it's time for a beak grooming. This takes away the very sharp point and allows us to not react to his dominating behaviors.
Re: fell inlove with a hahns macaw

She said she spends enough time with the bird, but not every day. Her macaw screams starting at 5am

LOL if you don't want your bird to start calling at 5 AM all it takes is a dark quiet room (room darkening curtains)

And to be honest, they need interaction every day, opening my birds cage door is the first thing I do in the morning and closing it is the last thing I do at night

My Hahns will scream, but not for just any reason. Usually the volume of the TV is too loud or something frightens her. Screaming can be controlled.

Exactly, Most of the time the birds environment has a little something to do with it :)

when you stop by the pet shop snap a picture for his extended family HERE !!

Please keep us posted !!!

Re: Green cheek or Caique ?

Hi everyone,
I am by no means an expert on parrots but after about 6 months of consideration and research we chose a caique. I think personally that if you train a parrot and work hard to keep them occupied and tame for handling, the natural result will be that when you are not close by they will call for you. I agree with the posters who say any parrot can be loud and when you consider getting a parrot you must be prepared with a plan just in case this becomes an issue, nomatter what type of parrot. Why not seek out a breeder of both types of parrot and visit them. Have a listen and observe them in person. Discuss your concerns about biting and noise with the breeders and see what they have to say.
Since I have rescued dogs for most of my life I have learned that animals have a way of choosing you instead of the other way around. Once you visit a breeder you may just meet a little guy or girl that just warms your heart and then the decision will be made.
Re: Green cheek or Caique ?

Great choice they are awesome birds
Re: Green cheek or Caique ?

Hi everyone,
I am by no means an expert on parrots but after about 6 months of consideration and research we chose a caique. I think personally that if you train a parrot and work hard to keep them occupied and tame for handling, the natural result will be that when you are not close by they will call for you. I agree with the posters who say any parrot can be loud and when you consider getting a parrot you must be prepared with a plan just in case this becomes an issue, nomatter what type of parrot. Why not seek out a breeder of both types of parrot and visit them. Have a listen and observe them in person. Discuss your concerns about biting and noise with the breeders and see what they have to say.
Since I have rescued dogs for most of my life I have learned that animals have a way of choosing you instead of the other way around. Once you visit a breeder you may just meet a little guy or girl that just warms your heart and then the decision will be made.

Thats what happened , a noble macaw chose me , and she is probably coming home with me soon :p
Re: fell inlove with a hahns macaw

None of my birds scream, and they never wake us up. I can sleep easily until 8:30 without hearing a peep, and have slept to as late as 10:30 without an issue. One of our birds is a Mini Macaw, but a YCM.

I agree with the other folks who commented. The unwanted vocalizations can be controlled. I feel like once you really bond with them, and you give them the respect and the time they deserve, they don't feel the need to scream or act out.
Re: fell inlove with a hahns macaw

I have a hahns macaw and I love him. To be honest I do not find him loud. He doesn't just squawk but makes all kinds of strange low noises, mubbles or says some words. I swear he plays quietly when I am a sleep. To be honest I know a cage of budgies or cockatiels would be louder then him and would no doubt not stop their screeching. He is a cuddly bird. He only nips when he is startled (but never nips hard). I have to agree he would not squawk loudly unless there is something in the environment causing him to do it.
Re: fell inlove with a hahns macaw

I have a hahns macaw and I love him. To be honest I do not find him loud. He doesn't just squawk but makes all kinds of strange low noises, mubbles or says some words. I swear he plays quietly when I am a sleep. To be honest I know a cage of budgies or cockatiels would be louder then him and would no doubt not stop their screeching. He is a cuddly bird. He only nips when he is startled (but never nips hard). I have to agree he would not squawk loudly unless there is something in the environment causing him to do it.

Would you say that you have a calm quiet environment in your home?

Re: fell inlove with a hahns macaw

I never really thought of Hahns as screamers before...

Mini-macs often have bigger attitudes than big macs. Hahn's can be clownish, they can be fiercely territorial. They are pair bond birds, so they do have a tendency to over bond, so socialization is the key...

Some of the mini-macs tend to get spooked by little kids, and act nippy around them.

They make pretty good trick birds. On par with conures that way.
which parrot species is best for me ?

so these are the species im doubting between
hawk headed parrot
mini macaw

if you have any other suggestion id love to hear it just no conures
and i still havent found a breeder that sells cockatoos here in Brazil

so , i would like a bird that likes to snuggle up against my chest , or just enjoys sitting on my lap while im reading or studying , etc...
a playful bird would be awesome as well
i do not mind one person birds , i know i should socialize them and i will !
i have time , and the money for a bird
so the eclectus diet isnt a problem for me
but i would really like a bird that enjoys cuddling once in a while ...
i do have experience , talking ability would be nice but isnt the most important thing for me , just the scratches i would really really love to have a bird that likes being handled often , (so please if you have any other suggestions tell me)
and i would like a bird that is medium to large

if you have any other suggestions you can tell me
Re: which parrot species is best for me ?

and a bird that isnt too loud , that why i ruled out the conures
and the GCC isnt really for me
Re: which parrot species is best for me ?

Personally, I'd go with the macaw myself.
Re: which parrot species is best for me ?

Can I ask why you've ruled out conures?
Also, have you looked at Pionus or Poi's? They're usually regarded as more "hands off" but my pionus loves scratches, is very easy going and an over all pleasant bird. My conure Kiwi is the cuddliest bird I have ever had the joy of caring for.

I don't know much about HH parrots, as they're expensive and few and far between here in the states. But I've never known them to be "cuddly" birds, maybe there's just a lack of information though because they're so scarce as pets.

Eclectus parrots generally are "hands off" also. Mine hated hands, but he was a special case(was neglected). Some members have ekkies who will accept petting or cuddles but it greatly depends on the bird. I wouldn't be surprised if an ekkie went either way, cuddly or completely hands off.

Mini macaws that I've seen can be "cuddly" but they're also fire crackers. They're pair-bond birds, so they do tend to become "one person" and that subjects you to displacement aggression if you don't address it from a young age. (EX. Biting you because they can't bite the person/bird/thing that is upsetting them.)

I'm trying to think of another species to suggest, but it sounds to me like you want a conure.(But you don't).

Maybe a Caique..? They're generally playful, happy birds, but they also tend to have fire cracker personalities and can be difficult to read if you don't know what to look for..

Best of luck on your search. Don't give up on a species entirely, you'll never know what picks you. :)
Re: which parrot species is best for me ?

and a bird that isnt too loud , that why i ruled out the conures
and the GCC isnt really for me

If you don't want a "loud" bird, then you probably don't want a hawkie or an ekkie either.. I don't know how often HH parrots sound off, but ekkies have a severely loud fire-alarm-like scream. Though they typically don't use that scream unless they're trying to warn you of a danger(they saw something that spooked them) it is still bound to happen occasionally. I'd take my conure screams over an ekkie scream any day. And mini macs sound awfully similar to the larger conures from what I've collected on videos, as they're actually "cousins".(there have been cases of larger aratinga conures hybridizing with mini macs, like nanday X hahns.)

Not trying to discourage you at all, just sharing what I've seen/heard/experienced myself. :)
Re: which parrot species is best for me ?

Though they typically don't use that scream unless they're trying to warn you of a danger(they saw something that spooked them) it is still bound to happen occasionally. .....:)

I promise you my Jasper used his "screech" nearly around the clock. It was truly unbearable. And my Gemma, OTOH, was sweet and quiet. :54:

And yes, Ekki screams WILL feel like they pierce your brain after a few hours of it. :30:
Re: which parrot species is best for me ?

and a bird that isnt too loud , that why i ruled out the conures
and the GCC isnt really for me

If you don't want a "loud" bird, then you probably don't want a hawkie or an ekkie either.. I don't know how often HH parrots sound off, but ekkies have a severely loud fire-alarm-like scream. Though they typically don't use that scream unless they're trying to warn you of a danger(they saw something that spooked them) it is still bound to happen occasionally. I'd take my conure screams over an ekkie scream any day. And mini macs sound awfully similar to the larger conures from what I've collected on videos, as they're actually "cousins".(there have been cases of larger aratinga conures hybridizing with mini macs, like nanday X hahns.)

Not trying to discourage you at all, just sharing what I've seen/heard/experienced myself. :)

i live in brazil and the HH arent that expensive here , i already found a good breeder , that is legal :)
but im still not sure of which species , the conures just arent really for me , in the beginning i really wanted a jenday , but decided against it because of the noise level , and the other conures arent really the bird for me , i ont know how to explain it , if you look up on youtube the hawk headed parrots , seem to be cuddly , i am considering a caique as well ...
so im basically torn haha
blue fronted amazons probably arent that cuddly right ? hahaah
anyone own a hawk head

id just like to hear some basic info about them :)
i am planning on getting a parrot soon , and i just adore the hawk head
lots of people give them a bad reputation , but i dont believe all of it !
they seem to be affectionate birds , that know how to entertain themselves , and only scream/call very loud when somethings scares them or if they are very very very exited
they get mad at you if you dont share your food with them , and you will be on their poop list if you dont share food
but they are amazing little birds !
and they are number one on my list
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Re: anyone own a hawk head

I don't. My old girlfriend had one, and it was a very one person bird.

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