I'll throw in my two cents...for what it's worth.
As mentioned previously,many times..Smokey was a wild caught TAG,estimated by her CAV to be about six months old,when she came home with me from a lousy pet store.
For the twenty-eight years she was with me,she NEVER willingly stepped up to my hand. At first it was growling like a pack of mad dogs and chomping down HARD on offered hands/fingers.
The growling continued for YEARS

Eventually it stopped,but the chomping down continued. She also would NEVER step up on a perch stick.She would either attack it viciously or run/try to fly ( when I allowed her to wear long sleeves on her arms).
Eight years or so before she flew off to Rainbow Bridge,at times,she would reluctantly step up on my hand without cussing me out,often telling me she was a "good girl/bird" while doing so,only to jump/fly off as soon as she saw an opportune moment.
Eventually,if I was in time,She'd hop onto my arm and run up to my shoulder and would stay there for hours,often gurgling in my ear,puking on my shoulder,banging my forehead with her beaky,or trying to remove my glasses

She would take food from my fingers,or toys. She would rip chicken leg bones right out of my hand,or yank the toilet paper rolls or paper towel rolls out of my hand.
She lived for "snacks".
She would walk under the coffee table and look up at me,and "shuffle" from foot to foot begging/wanting cheese doodles,then beat-feet back to her house and climb up to her roof top and munch away,only to climb back down and walk back to me and demand another..repeat/repeat/repeat.
I'd often say "OK SMOKERS..THAT's ENOUGH!!!"
She was VERY independent! She wanted what she wanted and did what she wanted..no amount of scolding or "time out" deterred her!
I lost count on how many times I had to towel her

Yep...there were many a times she would be out of her house and REFUSE to go back in! (seemed like she KNEW when I had to go someplace fast)
I'd throw the towel over her,as she growled away,eyes squinting at me,chewing the heck out of that towel,and when I put her back in her house,she'd turn to me and give out a very loud and sharp WOO!! at me..like she was saying "take that!" or "I win!!"
From what I have been reading about Ruby,and Buzz..Perjo,HRH Nigel,Timneh,Enzo and the slew of others..they ALL seem to have the same characteristics lol.
Oh...sorry...didn't mean to hijack your thread!