She did start out just beaking around, I thought.
She continues to be talkative and varied in her vocalizations. Unfortunately, I accidentally scared her today. While trying to give her her favourite treat (a peanut, per her previous owners) as a reward for tolerating some cleaning, I accidentally knocked over a toy sitting on a table next to her cage, and she freaked. Now she won't take peanuts from me and has ignored the peanut (which I left in her cage). Not the way I wanted to wean her off them... she still takes pistachios from me though.
I've done that 20 times, Perjo is fine soon after. This past week I sneezed really hard and she flew off the cage across the house, despite me being in another room when I sneezed. I think the sudden nature of loud noises catches them off guard b/c they are so in tune with their surroundings and what is normal goings on.