I adopted a parrot

Yes, I know about fluorinated polymer decomposition products and their hazards to birds. I replaced my teflon-based nonstick pans with ceramic-based ones when I got her.

EDIT- where do you get that treat toy? Did you invent it? I think I a cage with similar doors so....

Depends on which one you mean. If it's the electronic button-based one with a dispenser, I built it. The prototype is attached to a big board with hand-built electronics. I was developing integrated electronics (that would fit in the dispenser) when my work change intervened, and the circuit boards needed various revisions... so it works, but I am not yet able to offer the kit I was planning to offer.

She also has an orange rubber treat toy that I bought for her somewhere, but I don't remember where, sorry.
That is really neat. I wish I had those skills (yes the electronic one). I guess I could learn, but I just feel so clueless...I can only talk a bit about fuses and series circuits and that is about all I know...basic intro physics stuff that I have mostly forgotten.
the problem with potty training, is that the bird will only poop when you tell im to, or only in the designated area(s). Its not good for parrots to hold their poops, like we might or a dog might. stepping up is a great first lesson, after that , if he is flighted start on recall training, whic will be mush more useful.

I don't find that to be true. Comet is potty trained. It requires human training too. Comet poops when he needs to but he alerts me by crouching and lightly flapping his wings and he'll turn in circles. That was where my training took place, to learn the queues he was giving me. When I say he's potty trained he doesn't exclusively poop over the toilet or trashcan, but if he needs to go he will go as soon as I hold him away from my body on my outstretched finger. If he doesn't need to go, he lifts his foot up like he wants to step up, and I return him to my shoulder or perch. I always know he needs to poop after my morning shower, or about 20 minutes after snacks/drinks.

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