How much did you pay for your Macaw..

I paid a $400 adoption fee for my Blue and gold, my Red front was given to me. Both of them are priceless.
i paid $4500 dollars for Fargo, he was meant to be $5000 because he was the only boy, but in the end we only had to pay the $4500 :)
this was from an excellent professional breeder in queensland, but there are small breeders who are asking over $6000

I've seen $8000 in North Queensland. No breeders up here (or very few/not well known) so no competition. =\
Hey Alasana, With those hefty prices I see you have in the Land Down Under, you might want to check into what it takes to get an export license from the USA, come get your bird here and spend a little time at Disney World all for less money.

Not sure if someone answered this, but birds are very, very hard to import. As far as I am aware, New Zealand is the only place that can export pet birds to Australia. (Legally) There was a big issue/scare with bird flu, so they stopped import of birds.

Re: Letter below

Dear Angela,

Thank you for contacting the Wildlife Trade Permits Team with your enquiry regarding the import Macaws (genus - Ara) into Australia.

The import of live animals into Australia is controlled by the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), administered by the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (SEWPaC) and the Quarantine Act 1908, administered by the Australian Quarantine Inspection Service (AQIS). These laws apply to all importers of live exotic animals.

Under the EPBC Act, the only specimens that can be imported live into Australia are those listed on the list of approved specimens. The list of specimens that are currently listed can be found at Live import list - Wildlife trade and conservation in Australia. It is prohibited to import a species into Australia if it is not on the list. If a specimen intended for live import does not currently appear on the list a person may apply to amend the list. More information on this process can be found at How to amend the live import list - Wildlife trade and conservation in Australia.

Unfortunately, live birds cannot be imported into Australia at this time due to the AQIS live bird ban. The only exceptions to this are household pet bird(s) from New Zealand (certain conditions apply).

It may be worth contacting AQIS first to ascertain whether the import of birds is being assessed by them.

Information and procedures on AQIS requirements for the live import of animals is available on their website.

Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service - Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

I hope this information is helpful. Please don't hesitate to contact the Permits team if you have any queries.


Wildlife Trade Permits Team
Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities
CITES Management Authority of Australia
Ph: +61 2 6274 1900
Fax: +61 2 6274 1921
Post: PO Box 787 Canberra ACT 2601, Australia
Hey Plax, I liked your nice list back up there in #32. Looking over the list I wonder why the blue-head macaw never made it into the pet world. Anyway, for those wanted to see what a Spix looks like, this picture came from a zoo somewhere in Europe. There is a Sultan in UAE that has about 70% of the world's population of Spixes and is breeding them. You might Google to find about this. The second picture is of two Spix (Spixes??)closer up. The last pic is of a Blue-Head

Oooooh Spixies - they are sooo adorable! I really hope they are successful in breeding them well adn healthy and hopefully get their population in the wild up again.

on a side note, my little bandit cost me 500 euro, which is 650 USD roughly.
Hey Plax, I liked your nice list back up there in #32. Looking over the list I wonder why the blue-head macaw never made it into the pet world. Anyway, for those wanted to see what a Spix looks like, this picture came from a zoo somewhere in Europe. There is a Sultan in UAE that has about 70% of the world's population of Spixes and is breeding them. You might Google to find about this. The second picture is of two Spix (Spixes??)closer up. The last pic is of a Blue-Head
Thanks. But that was actually Alisana's list from message #30 in this thread. I just quoted it in #32
Its crazy on different places is different prices. I know my next one I want to do a rescue
MacawGuy, where in Indiana are you from, just generally? I'm not stalking or anything, haha. I'm from up in northern IN! Always great to meet a fellow Hoosier. Haha. Your Scarlet is beautiful btw.

As for myself, I'm in the process of getting a B&G for free. The owner is in his 60's, and has to go back to truck driving to make a living, so he's looking for a good home for Thor (the parrot). HUGE wrought iron cage and Thor for free! He's such a priceless bird though. I'll be visiting him again this weekend, hopefully!
I'm down south. About 10 mintunes from Louisville KY
Oh yeah, that is very south. Haha. I'll be passing through there when I go with my family to Florida this New Years.
so does any one know how many different types of macaw out there right now. that's not extinct

Rarest Macaws:
Little Blue Macaw or Spix's Macaw, Cyanopsitta spixii
Indigo Macaw or Lear's Macaw, Anodorhynchus leari

Hyacinth Macaw, Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus

Blue-throated Macaw, Ara glaucogularis
Military Macaw, Ara militaris
Great Green Macaw or Buffon's Macaw, Ara ambiguus
Red-fronted Macaw, Ara rubrogenys
Green-winged Macaw and Red-and-green Macaw, Ara chloroptera
Scarlet Macaw or Aracanga, Ara macao
Blue-and-yellow Macaw or Blue-and-gold Macaw, Ara ararauna

Mini Macaws:
Chestnut-fronted Macaw or Severe Macaw, Ara severa
Blue-headed Macaw, Primolius couloni
Blue-winged Macaw or Illiger's Macaw, Primolius maracana
Golden-collared Macaw, Primolius auricollis
Red-shouldered Macaw or Hahn's Macaw, Diopsittaca nobilis

^ List of current macaws

And extinct macaws below:


Image Credit to RSNature on deviantART

Edit: Note that some are hypothetically extinct - no photo records of them, but they were documented/described and/or drawn by scientists/explorers.
Last edited:
Great chart, Alisana! :)
Plax what part of indiana u get your macaw.. do u live in indiana
I've seen $8000 in North Queensland. No breeders up here (or very few/not well known) so no competition. =\

im in south east queensland, and the 2 professional breeders (well the ones who are advertised in birdkeeper mag) are both down here which is good..
but most of the macaw breeders are elsewhere in australia haha
im not sure queensland has any greenwing breeders? i have seen a breeding pair advertised, but not any babies.

you could always just come for a long drive down :p haha

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