How much did you pay for your Macaw..

If anyone wants to give me a macaw I would gladly take it and love it to pieces!!!!
yea well the breeder that i got my scarlet from she has 2 blue throats.
Brittney, you can visit ours, but you'd have to sign a release form iffin they didn't like you :D
you can visit Roscoe he dont bite that much.. lol...only when hes in the mood
lol hes in indiana. hes sweet... dont you mean Birdnapping lol
LOL, even if they're "sweet" to you, the chances of you leaving "Daddy's" sight with them would be MIGHTY slim!!! :D
LOL, even if they're "sweet" to you, the chances of you leaving "Daddy's" sight with them would be MIGHTY slim!!! :D

Yeah, same here... slim at the very least! IOW, It just ain't gonna happen! would be birdnapping andyou cant fault a girl for trying right? Malcolm would love having a feathered playmate :)
Brittney, we have 2 YNA's as well.........The GW's don't exactly play nice with them

They YNA's would be even harder to "birdnap"....unless you're a short redhead with an attitude....(my wife) :D
Lol it does not really matter how much I want a new pet my husband says I have met my quota a while back ago. But, I keep bringing them in hehe if I "found" another bird I may need to find a new home!!!
lol yea he would never leave my sight. hes a good boy tho.
i seen thi spost just seeing if i can get anymore people to post on this one
i paid $4500 dollars for Fargo, he was meant to be $5000 because he was the only boy, but in the end we only had to pay the $4500 :)
this was from an excellent professional breeder in queensland, but there are small breeders who are asking over $6000
I put a down payment on Niko of $20. I swear, that' ALL I had on my at the time I saw him and fell in love with him. I BEGGED the breeder to take it and mark him as "sold". She did. :D

In total he was $1,250 (+ tax)
My Catalina "Doogie" was GIVEN to me by my family doctor
My B&G "Kayko" was GIVEN to me by a girl who saw me at the beach with Doogie
My Scarlet had a price of $2,700 on him and did not sell for Christmas 2003. They agreed to sell him to me for $1,800 on January 6th 2004
Lol it does not really matter how much I want a new pet my husband says I have met my quota a while back ago. But, I keep bringing them in hehe if I "found" another bird I may need to find a new home!!!

Your husband sounds like my wife. I would like a GW, a Military, a Hy, a peach colored Molucan, and a female Eclectus, but my wife's maximum load limit is three, and she says she will divorce me if I bring another one home.
Hey Plax, I liked your nice list back up there in #32. Looking over the list I wonder why the blue-head macaw never made it into the pet world. Anyway, for those wanted to see what a Spix looks like, this picture came from a zoo somewhere in Europe. There is a Sultan in UAE that has about 70% of the world's population of Spixes and is breeding them. You might Google to find about this. The second picture is of two Spix (Spixes??)closer up. The last pic is of a Blue-Head
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Hey Alasana, With those hefty prices I see you have in the Land Down Under, you might want to check into what it takes to get an export license from the USA, come get your bird here and spend a little time at Disney World all for less money.
i paid $4500 dollars for Fargo, he was meant to be $5000 because he was the only boy, but in the end we only had to pay the $4500 :)
this was from an excellent professional breeder in queensland, but there are small breeders who are asking over $6000

Tab, here about the rarest thing on the planet is a Black Palm Cockatoo. Since he comes from your neck of the woods, How much is one of those there? I could get you about 10 B&Gs for one Black Palm... Al

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