Awwwwwwwww thank you
@kme3388, that's so sweet of you to say! But I've had Fang since he was a baby, so that's 12 going on 13 years now. Jem's the one who found his way to my back yard having escaped from elsewhere. We put the word out everywhere for weeks trying to find his family but to no avail, and I wasn't about to shunt him off to an animal shelter when I could give him a good home here, so we decided to keep him. Which Fang was not impressed about one little bit, I can tell you! But they get along much better now, I don't think they're what you'd call "besties", but they have a mutual enemy in Lovejoy so it's kind of an "enemy of my enemy is my friend" situation. Not that two cockatiels are any match for one feisty varied lorikeet but at least Fang and Jem have each other as allies in the ongoing war!!