Fun With Fang & Jem: A Tale Of Two 'Tiels 💗💗

The Rb goes to his vet in a few days, to see heart/hematocrit/Enalapril results (see how I rattle that off as if I understand it). He's holding his own so far.
Wow! That’s great that Fang continues to do so well! I saw the video of them dancing at the top
of this thread for the first time today and it’s so cute! But it sort of looks like some sort of birdie ritual too… 😅
@Jcas, they do that synchronised dance thing a lot. They also sing their Pop Goes The Weasel/Banana Splits mashup in almost perfect tandem with each other too, it’s wild!!
How do you give Fang his medicine?

$900 for a cockatiel? Wow! Maybe I should breed and raise them. It would help pay for the new aviary/Bird House I'm building on my property this Spring! Of course the problem is that I doubt I could part with any of the adorable babies and soon I'd be overrun with tiels along with my budgies!
How do you give Fang his medicine?
He takes it from a syringe to the beak. I thought he'd hate me for it but he's pretty good about it - probably helps that it's tutti frutti flavour :)

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