One or two


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Mar 3, 2025
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Getting a cockatiel
Iā€™m already on the list for a breeder near me to get my first baby cockatiel in 6 weeks time, I came across a baby thatā€™s ready now however and I was debating on getting him now and keeping him separate from the other baby once I get him. Once theyā€™ve been safely quarantined from each other and they can be with each other and me outside of the cage (having their cages next to each other not together). My husband and I work separate shifts so the only time theyā€™d be without one of us and cages closed is bedtime-my predicament is this will be my first bird (Iā€™ve done extensive research for years now) even though I can obviously still learn a lot more, the breeder has been super helpful too, would this be too much for me to handle? Should I just get the one Iā€™m waiting on and pass on the recent found baby? Or is two better than one when theyā€™re out of the cage, playing etc. we also have an 8 and 10 year old daughters whoā€™ll be highly invested as much as we are as adults so thatā€™s another thing I was considering. Weā€™d have this baby 6 weeks before the next that was already planned so weā€™d have that time to bond with that one and then weā€™d take the same amount of time to seperately bond with the new baby.

Should we just do one-or two in two cages???
so this has been my experience with my two conures. i got one at 4 months old. it is now 1 and a half years i also have a 3 month old. what i found is it is better to spend the time bonding with one and not have another. my 1 and a half is fully bonded with me and tamed. the 1v1 time ive had with it has solidified my bond with my first conure i have no issues with it at all. however the 3 month. idk if its just bonded too hard with my other conjure but it is not as bonded with me. it will always come to me and chill on my shoulder like anywhere but right now it runs from my hands. so yeah not as tamed and were working on it. i got it to come to my hands on certain occasions but its still young. it will learn. my point to this story is, because i spent so much alone time with my first bird i have no issues with it. if you want to get two i would suggest different rooms and spend alot of one on one time with each. imo get two just keep them seperate and spend 1v1 time with them for 6 months atleast
so this has been my experience with my two conures. i got one at 4 months old. it is now 1 and a half years i also have a 3 month old. what i found is it is better to spend the time bonding with one and not have another. my 1 and a half is fully bonded with me and tamed. the 1v1 time ive had with it has solidified my bond with my first conure i have no issues with it at all. however the 3 month. idk if its just bonded too hard with my other conjure but it is not as bonded with me. it will always come to me and chill on my shoulder like anywhere but right now it runs from my hands. so yeah not as tamed and were working on it. i got it to come to my hands on certain occasions but its still young. it will learn. my point to this story is, because i spent so much alone time with my first bird i have no issues with it. if you want to get two i would suggest different rooms and spend alot of one on one time with each. imo get two just keep them seperate and spend 1v1 time with them for 6 months atleast
Thank you! I definitely want a relationship with one in general-I want to be itā€™s ā€œpersonā€ but in the same aspect Iā€™m afraid one of my kids will feel left out if instead it bonds with the other child. But in the same breath lol Iā€™m afraid we wonā€™t have the same amount of time being able to be spread between two, do they bond with more than one person? If we get one and then wait a few months will it be overwhelmed by the whole family and or be better to have two to go between everyone? Our family plans on doing everything with said bird.
You need to teach your kids not to take anything your birds do personaly. It's likely that your bird will like one child more than the other. Both birds if you get two may like the same one more than the other child. And some birds don't like kids at all.

Since this is your first bird, I would get one baby. You can always get another later on. I adopted a hand raised baby cockatiel and he liked both me and my husband pretty equally. In fact, he liked everyone! The perfect family bird. That's what I love about cockatiels- they are such nice birds. They don't act "psycho" like some larger parrots do.

Are you adopting a male or a female? I would get a male because they're more outgoing and entertaung. Spring for a dna test if necessary because sex is hard to tell in most baby cockatiels.

Have you handled this baby? Is he being handled fed now?
You need to teach your kids not to take anything your birds do personaly. It's likely that your bird will like one child more than the other. Both birds if you get two may like the same one more than the other child. And some birds don't like kids at all.

Since this is your first bird, I would get one baby. You can always get another later on. I adopted a hand raised baby cockatiel and he liked both me and my husband pretty equally. In fact, he liked everyone! The perfect family bird. That's what I love about cockatiels- they are such nice birds. They don't act "psycho" like some larger parrots do.

Are you adopting a male or a female? I would get a male because they're more outgoing and entertaung. Spring for a dna test if necessary because sex is hard to tell in most baby cockatiels.

Have you handled this baby? Is he being handled fed now?
Iā€™m leaning more towards just one to start with for a couple months after reading more. And yes the breeder is DNA testing, and I already talked to her about us getting a male šŸ˜Š. Their 2 weeks old as of yesterday and she is hand feeding, I plan on going once the tests come back and their older and see how they are with me to choose, rather see which baby chooses me! The breeder is pretty amazing with updates and generally talking with me through the entire process! It is mainly my bird as Iā€™ve waited years to be able to get a cockatiel however Iā€™d love nothing more than a family bird!
It sounds like you found a great breeder. I think waiting a few months or more is best. I envy you because baby cockatiels so freakin' cute, but I've got my hands full with a bunch of budgies!

Maybe a second bird in a few months can be a budgie. They usually get along well with cockatiels and I've got some extras...šŸ˜‰..I hand raise budgies.
I wouldn't have your new baby's wings clipped. You should tell your breeder now so she doesn't do it.
I wouldn't have your new baby's wings clipped. You should tell your breeder now so she doesn't do it.
Oh no Iā€™d never have that done! I asked her that too when we first talked and she refuses to do so as well! I love little budgies there so freaking cute but Iā€™ve always thought theyā€™re so flighty?
They usually are but Enlish Budgies are larger and much calmer because they are bred for exhibitions. In fact, some are so calm they seem lazy. In the US they are hard to come by but show breeders always have extra babies that aren't "champion quality". Do you live in the US?
They usually are but Enlish Budgies are larger and much calmer because they are bred for exhibitions. In fact, some are so calm they seem lazy. In the US they are hard to come by but show breeders always have extra babies that aren't "champion quality". Do you live in the US?
Oh my goodness never knew that! Would love to have them! Yes Iā€™m in ohio
This is Big Fluffy, one of our English exhibition budgies, on my husband's shoulder. He's almost the size of a cockatiel, and he's so cool! I'm in Maine but there are lots of breeders in Ohio.
This is Big Fluffy, one of our English exhibition budgies, on my husband's shoulder. He's almost the size of a cockatiel, and he's so cool! I'm in Maine but there are lots of breeders in Ohio. View attachment 78477
His head! Heā€™s gorgeous
The big fluffy head feathers are called "blow" by show breeders. A male bird is called a "c**k" (how is that a dirty word?). When you compliment a breeder's' male bird you say "your c**k has great blow" with a straight face without giggling. My husband practically fell over laughing when he heard that at a show! We bought Big Fluffy at a show.
The big fluffy head feathers are called "blow" by show breeders. A male bird is called a "c**k" (how is that a dirty word?). When you compliment a breeder's' male bird you say "your c**k has great blow" with a straight face without giggling. My husband practically fell over laughing when he heard that at a show! We bought Big Fluffy at a show.
Thatā€™s absolutely hilarious!!!
There's a breeder of these gorgeous budgies in Marysville,

If anyone wants to acquire an English Budgie that's big, beautiful, and docile I can find them a breeder in most regions of the US.
These birds are so calm that a friend who breeds them in Massachusetts sells his excess birds to a psychiatrist who gives them to her troubled patients as support birds.
The big fluffy head feathers are called "blow" by show breeders. A male bird is called a "c**k" (how is that a dirty word?). When you compliment a breeder's' male bird you say "your c**k has great blow" with a straight face without giggling. My husband practically fell over laughing when he heard that at a show! We bought Big Fluffy at a show.
OMG, that is so funny! XD!
The big fluffy head feathers are called "blow" by show breeders. A male bird is called a "c**k" (how is that a dirty word?). When you compliment a breeder's' male bird you say "your c**k has great blow" with a straight face without giggling. My husband practically fell over laughing when he heard that at a show! We bought Big Fluffy at a show.
You, hubby and that beautiful guy w that nickname were in my dreams last night. I think in pictures surrounded by words. I kept thinking about that picture and statements. My fingers itched to brush that fluffy comb. Somehow decided to go to breeder you suggested. Maine, Ohio, NY ect has to be smaller than TX. Couldn't get too lost? My reason made minimal control effort. I'm a lot closer to 80 then yesterday. But I can walk, talk, know; name, BD, mother's BD, SS#, multiple and different PINS, get to grocery (walking, mass trans or driving), remember list, put away, cook, know multiple meds time, side effects, same w allergies, started wtg training & moving faster then a slug at 68, service dog insists on 8 miles/hour minimum. So, I could handle a second cutie like that. Don't know how but got a similar cutie and a hawk headed (my original first choice). Returned then proceeded to turn craft room into an aviary. Then the voice: whatchadoing? Whatchagot? Yeah, yippee I never had them so fresh! Where's the Carolina reaper sauce? My CAG's size didn't change but her presence increased. I woke up laughing. I still keep picturing that beautiful little guy. Hearing that voice. Laughing at myself. No, I don't put it past her. She likes reapers, just recently dethroned from worlds #1 hottest pepper. But she ā¤ļø hot wings! Trying to get myself back together. My daughter had comments about my behavior. I just keep grinning at myself, not natural for me!
That's SO funny! Big Fluffy's real name is Corona. We fell in love with him at the budgie show. He's not the best flyer in the flock- my husband calls him a bomber and the smaller more agile budgies fighter pilots. Not sure how well he can see with all that "blow" and he's heavy for a budgie so he can't get as much lift. He's flown right into us several times.
There's a breeder of these gorgeous budgies in Marysville,

If anyone wants to acquire an English Budgie that's big, beautiful, and docile I can find them a breeder in most regions of the US.
These birds are so calm that a friend who breeds them in Massachusetts sells his excess birds to a psychiatrist who gives them to her troubled patients as support birds.
Ugh 2 hours from me šŸ˜ž I have 3 kids haha makes driving hard

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