Fun With Fang & Jem: A Tale Of Two 'Tiels 💗💗


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Aug 29, 2018
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Queensland, Australia
Fang ({ab}normal grey cockatiel), Valentino (budgie), Jem (cinnamon cockatiel), Lovejoy(varied lorikeet), Peach (princess parrot)
I've been trying for ages to get some video of Fang and Jem performing this "dance" that they've been doing together. Of our current flock Fang has been with us the longest, he's around about 13 years old now and we've had him since he was a baby. Jem joined the flock in March 2022 having been an escapee from elsewhere whom we caught in our back yard - we tried to find his family for weeks with no luck so decided to keep him here. Fang was not impressed with Jem at first at all, he's getting on to be a middle-aged gent now who has long kind of considered himself more "people" than "bird" and was not thrilled with Jem and his youthful exuberance or attempts at making friends. Enter Lovejoy the lorikeet, whom neither of the 'tiels like, and more recently Peach the princess parrot who L💖VES Lovejoy, and Fang seems to have become much more accepting of Jem which makes me happy for both of them. Even if it is sort of an "enemy of my enemy is my friend" scenario, the two of them are much more comfortable in each others' company than before, and where one goes now the other is almost sure to follow.

Now as to this dance, it's a curious thing. They do this almost mesmerised, mirror-image "dance" with each other, which I call the 'tiel two-step, make heart wings at each other and there is much clicking of beaks although in all other respects the dance is carried out in complete silence. It doesn't appear to be threatening thing at all, and they follow it up with a preening session where, again, the moves are almost a mirror image of each other - if one preens their left side so will the other etc etc. This is the longest I've seen them doing the dance without Lovejoy, Val or Peachie swooping in and breaking it up, and I'm quite fascinated by it!

Fang really hasn't had another birdy friend since we lost Twinkle about 10 or 11 years ago. She was a beautiful but much older lutino 'tiel hen with whom he fell MADLY in love. Unfortunately he fell a little too hard for her though and would get a bit violent when she didn't return his affections, and I'd frequently have to step in and rescue her from him. So I'm happy that he and Jem seem to have bonded with each other much more closely, they may not be besties just yet the way Lovejoy and Val the budgie are, but they are well on the way 💖
Ah that's nice, I hope my two tiels get along some day, their still juvenile but one won't accept the others attempts to be friendly.
Ah that's nice, I hope my two tiels get along some day, their still juvenile but one won't accept the others attempts to be friendly.
I honestly never thought Fang would get on with Jem, being an older gent he's rather set in his ways. But if Fang can do it, then maybe your two can as well. And wouldn't you know, they did another little dance this afternoon and Jem whistled as he danced - naturally I was FAR too slow to capture it on camera before Lovejoy buzzed over and broke it all up!! :(
The funniest thing happened this evening with Fang and Jem. It was during snuggle time with Lovejoy, so therefore everyone else was in bed for the evening and I had my hands full of snuggly lorikeet whom I CANNOT put down to go reach for my phone and start recording because he won't permit it! I think it was Jem who initiated it, but for a minute or two they were both whistling a mash-up between "Pop Goes The Weasel" and the theme tune from "The Banana Splits"!! For those unfamiliar, this is "The Banana Splits" theme, I've taught them the "tra la la" bit ...

Poor Jem, he's moulting REALLY badly right now is covered in pin feathers. And to top it off, this morning he suffered the indignity of the last of his long crest feathers falling out....


He didn't seem particularly happy with me trying to get pics of it either. "Awwwwwwwwwww mum, do you HAVE to take photos of me looking like this??" Yes, little dude, sorry, but I do!
Yeah, but he's still pretty stinking cute! ♥️
I fear this thread... it makes me want a cockatiel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well why stop at one, when you can have TWO?!!😉

The Rb wouldn’t mind, would he? WOULD HE???
Lucky lucky Fang and Jem got to go to the doctor's for their annual wellness checks today!! They are now SO bonded to each other that I really don't have the option to take just one or the other, Jem in particular would scream the house down, but neither of them would be real happy to be separated for too long. Indications from their physical exams were good, Fang has piled some weight on and came in at 94 grams today, which is big for him as he's usually more around the high 80s mark. His heart condition really is no better or worse so we continue to manage him on daily doses of Pimobendan. Overall his doctor was pretty happy with him considering his long term health issues. Jem was due for his blood test and results will be in tomorrow, but again doctor very happy with physical condition and his poop test was fine so we're not expecting any surprises from his blood test. Jem was fortunate to have got a better start in life - he was an escapee that I caught in my back yard 2 years ago but his doctor thinks he must've come from a VERY good breeder since he looks so good. "Superb" was the word he used! Here's a quick video, NOBODY is very happy but it seems like Jem is doing his very best to give Fang some moral support!

And now for the very sad news. Having been my most trusted bird vet for the best part of 30 years, my birdies' Uncle Adrian is finally retiring as of the end of January. Hence why I snuck Fang and Jem in for their annual checks a few weeks early so that I could get to see him one last time. Thankfully his clinic will remain open under the new manager, and his staff will stay on too, which is awesome as it's just a few minutes drive from my house, but it's so very hard to lose someone with such encyclopaedic knowledge, and in whom I have had such absolute trust for such a long time. He tells me he'll be doing things like going on expeditions all over the country, taking part in studies of wild bird populations etc, and I can just imagine how much he's going to enjoy that, what a wonderful asset he will be to teams out in the field and how much our native Aussie birdlife will benefit too. Thank you for EVERYTHING, Dr Adrian, although I am in floods of tears cos I'll miss you, I know how fortunate I've been to have known you and that my birds and I have been the recipients of all your dedication, love and care. And I wish you all the very best in this exciting next chapter of your life 💖
Lucky lucky Fang and Jem got to go to the doctor's for their annual wellness checks today!! They are now SO bonded to each other that I really don't have the option to take just one or the other, Jem in particular would scream the house down, but neither of them would be real happy to be separated for too long. Indications from their physical exams were good, Fang has piled some weight on and came in at 94 grams today, which is big for him as he's usually more around the high 80s mark. His heart condition really is no better or worse so we continue to manage him on daily doses of Pimobendan. Overall his doctor was pretty happy with him considering his long term health issues. Jem was due for his blood test and results will be in tomorrow, but again doctor very happy with physical condition and his poop test was fine so we're not expecting any surprises from his blood test. Jem was fortunate to have got a better start in life - he was an escapee that I caught in my back yard 2 years ago but his doctor thinks he must've come from a VERY good breeder since he looks so good. "Superb" was the word he used! Here's a quick video, NOBODY is very happy but it seems like Jem is doing his very best to give Fang some moral support!

And now for the very sad news. Having been my most trusted bird vet for the best part of 30 years, my birdies' Uncle Adrian is finally retiring as of the end of January. Hence why I snuck Fang and Jem in for their annual checks a few weeks early so that I could get to see him one last time. Thankfully his clinic will remain open under the new manager, and his staff will stay on too, which is awesome as it's just a few minutes drive from my house, but it's so very hard to lose someone with such encyclopaedic knowledge, and in whom I have had such absolute trust for such a long time. He tells me he'll be doing things like going on expeditions all over the country, taking part in studies of wild bird populations etc, and I can just imagine how much he's going to enjoy that, what a wonderful asset he will be to teams out in the field and how much our native Aussie birdlife will benefit too. Thank you for EVERYTHING, Dr Adrian, although I am in floods of tears cos I'll miss you, I know how fortunate I've been to have known you and that my birds and I have been the recipients of all your dedication, love and care. And I wish you all the very best in this exciting next chapter of your life 💖
Thanks for sharing. Good to hear that your tiels are doing well 🙂👍
As some of you may know, Fang has a heart arrhythmia for which he is on daily medication. So today he went to the vet for a check up and to get his Pimobendan prescription renewed, and I am VERY pleased to report he passed with flying colours! In fact his vet thanked me for bringing him such a healthy bird! His heart condition seems to be pretty consistent and he is also in excellent feather, other than a bit of sticky stuff around his beak from where he tends to wear a bit of his meds, or spit it out even :rolleyes: It's hard to believe he's been on Pimobendan for six years now, but he tolerates it well and is doing great on it. And he got home and got straight back into fighting with Lovejoy and Peachie - at least he did stop for long enough to have a snack and let me get a pic of him though. Good birdy Fang, I'm very proud of you! 💖


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