Can you nurture a baby bird too much?


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2023
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Windham, Maine
Budgies. Lotsa Budgies.
Mt husband and I have hand raised three budgies from hatching over the past two years. The first two, Rocky and Tiki, are completely integrated into my friendly flock of eight budgies that free fly around my great room all day. They play together and fly to us and treat us like flock members. The third baby, Joey, was born with both feet deformed. Only one toe on each foot goes back and the other back toe flips forward, nail pointing up. She can't grip a perch normally. The vet says she will lead a pretty normal life but may fall a lot.

Because we feel sorry for her, we are giving extra love and attention. She's almost 10 weeks old and not yet weaned but she eats her formula thickened with cooked rice out of a tiny bowl. She nibbles seed, oats, and tiny pellets. I'm not worried about weaning. My last baby took three months to wean and he's 100% independent now.
I do wonder if we are nurturing her too much. She wants nothing more than to sit on us calmly and preen, cuddle and have her head, face and neck scatched. She doesn't fly more than three feet, and only to us. She watches the other birds but shows no interest in joining the flock.
I can even ride in the car with her on mu lap or shoulder without worry that she will try to explore the inside of the car. She is also completely fearless. My other babies were not so clingy at this age. She shows no signs of detaching from us as her parents as my other babies did. I want her to be happy, healthy and self confident like my other babies are as adult budgies.

Does anyone think it's possible to nurture a baby bird too much?
I do not have much experience with baby birds. Iā€™ve only had 1 parrot as a baby. She used to snuggle into my neck when she was on my shoulder. She used to really be attached to my husband. When we got another parrot she became very attached to him, and now those 2 are bonded. Both donā€™t especially like to interact with us anymore. Theyā€™d prefer to be together. Itā€™s challenging to get them to come out of their cage/nest at times. Both used to come out immediately.

Parrots also change when they hit puberty. Iā€™m struggling with my sun conure who is 3 years old right now. Itā€™s almost like he turned into a different parrot. I know itā€™ll get better with time as Iā€™ve had this experience before but isnā€™t delightful to get bit because someone is being ā€œnestyā€.

I miss the baby parrot stage!!! Enjoy it ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø

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