Fargo flying on flight line !

Wow! That is so incredible:). Fargo amazes me! What a wonderful bird:)
We just had another session outside, this was his 6th time!

But today i finally brought his perch down!

Well he did SO great :D

Started out small, and got further away each time- Here is quick videos of each.. Thats as far as we got, if we went any further he would just fly around!

But pretty awesome for one session!!! Was about 40 minutes outside!

He wont take treats when hes flying though, which is weird, he usually loves his treats, but i just give him praise and lots of scratches, so he knows he has done well!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiZuUoFeF3E&feature=youtu.be"]Fargo the macaw learning to fly to a perch - YouTube[/ame]

and the weirdest thing... My pony Flynn came over, this is the one that Fargo goes for horse rides on ;)

But then he just went and sat down!!! :eek: i couldnt believe it! Then he just scratched his legs... He was getting comfy to watch the show?

It started raining so we had to finish up! We both got inside a bit wet! haha
Oh and he lost his OTHER long tail feather yesterday while flying... :31:

So now he is down to a short tail again after losing his other long one a few weeks ago! Its so weird seeing him with his short tail, looks much better long :09:

But there are 2 tail feathers growing through, so hopefully he will get the nice long tail back soon! :)
This might be a little late, but I just love Kookaburra laughs! They have such spunky personalities. Last time my breeder had them he insisted that I meet one... was reluctant at first because of their massive "kingfisher beaks" but he was a sweetheart! :)
This might be a little late, but I just love Kookaburra laughs! They have such spunky personalities. Last time my breeder had them he insisted that I meet one... was reluctant at first because of their massive "kingfisher beaks" but he was a sweetheart! :)

Oh no way! Their laughs drive me insane :eek:

For some reason there are alot on our property lately, and they just sit there laughing... So annoying :p

Between galahs and crows always calling, kookaburras laughing, and just alot of other random birds all calling in the trees, its crazy... And Fargo doesnt make a peep! The other wild birds makes up for his silence :54: hahaha
Tab, I don't know if it's just me or not, but there is no video. :(

The pictures are GREAT! Flynn is too cute. He must really like Fargo (and you). :D
Oh really ! How about this -

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiZuUoFeF3E&feature=youtu.be]Fargo the macaw learning to fly to a perch - YouTube[/ame]

and yes, Flynn, Aromis and Amira all LOVE Fargo...

But Kitai and Klaatu are scared of him.. Just my luck :p hahaha
Awww really! I will send the link to you on facebook, theres a long story for you to read anyways ;)
Now it that isn't odd...now it's working perfectly, AFTER having watched it via FB. :)

TERRIFIC clip, Tab! My gosh, that Fargo is so incredibly smart!!!! :D
I hope to get her out at some point. My boy Coco has been out in his harness and has done well. I'm ordering a harness for Tinker and hopefully can get her used to it and get her out as well! I'm a little worried about keeping her flighted since our ceilings are not so high in the house and wouldn't want her to hurt herself. We'll see! At least if she's used to her harness and going out we'll be one step closer:). We're letting her settle in for now (which she seems to be doing just fine). :D. Love all your pictures and videos. Love to see the horses too :). I grew up on a ranch and will have a few poneys/ horses at our house soon ;)
Tab, this is awesome! Fargo is amazing. I always enjoy reading about the adventures you two have!

And rotflol, I can picture your two horses that are afraid of Fargo: "AHHH A DRAGON! A DRAGONNNNN!" :P

I have two horses, and I swear, sometimes its the most ridiculous things that they are convinced will eat them:

or my latest favorite:

horses :D
Yours look so calm and sweet though! Its so cute how the one layed down to watch you and Fargo.
Those are great pictures except why do you black your face out!!!! I'm sure you are just as beautiful after riding horses!!!! I sure to love Fargo!!!!!
I hope to get her out at some point. My boy Coco has been out in his harness and has done well. I'm ordering a harness for Tinker and hopefully can get her used to it and get her out as well! I'm a little worried about keeping her flighted since our ceilings are not so high in the house and wouldn't want her to hurt herself. We'll see! At least if she's used to her harness and going out we'll be one step closer:). We're letting her settle in for now (which she seems to be doing just fine). :D. Love all your pictures and videos. Love to see the horses too :). I grew up on a ranch and will have a few poneys/ horses at our house soon ;)

Ohhh ok! Yeah definitely just try the harness, least she could go for walks on it even if she is clipped!

Glad she is settling in :D

and thank you! My life just revolves around the horses and a bird ;) hahaha

Cant wait to see pictures when you get your horses and ponies :p
You have done amazing work with him.. He is such a lucky bird!! :)

Thank you!!! :D

Each session he will learn to fly to his perch from a further distance!

Then just gotta work on him flying to me! Which he didnt do yesterday :(

But wont have the chance to have a flying session until next week i think! Going to be busy :(
Tab, this is awesome! Fargo is amazing. I always enjoy reading about the adventures you two have!

And rotflol, I can picture your two horses that are afraid of Fargo: "AHHH A DRAGON! A DRAGONNNNN!" :P

I have two horses, and I swear, sometimes its the most ridiculous things that they are convinced will eat them:

or my latest favorite:

horses :D
Yours look so calm and sweet though! Its so cute how the one layed down to watch you and Fargo.

Thank you!! Awesome, but exhausting ;) hahaha

Oh yes, its a dragon trying to KILL them, dont forget :09:

HAHAHAHAHAHA, napkins are just so scary right :rolleyes:
What kind of horses do you have?!?!

Never a dull moment with them :54:
Those are great pictures except why do you black your face out!!!! I'm sure you are just as beautiful after riding horses!!!! I sure to love Fargo!!!!!

Hahahaha Thank you :09: I just thought the black box looked lovely ;)

Thanks! :D
What kind of horses do you have?!?!

Never a dull moment with them :54:

Never a dull moment indeed! Lol, living with animals can be wild sometimes. :rolleyes:

I have a Saddlebred mare named Ginger and an Arabian gelding named Murphy. They are kind of high spirited at times, but I've had my Ginge since she was only a few months old, so she's always been a really good girl for me. :D

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