Fargo flying on flight line !

Fargo's flight line arrived today, actually while i was riding my horse, so in the following photos you will see my hair a complete mess from riding hahahaha

I didnt realise the flight line was pegged into the ground, and then they flew along the line.. Took a while to figure it out, of course fargo just sat on my shoulder, stuck to me like glue like usual!

Not really a fan of it being in the ground :/
So will make adjustments so i will just have it on my wrist and he can fly around, least the impact wont be as bad that way either!

He did a few flies, i dont think he liked it, he just flew, then crashed to the floor, felt so bad for him... Just did it about 4 times, and then practiced flying from mum to me in short distances..

Poor boy was puffing after each flight, so had breaks in between until he caught his breath...


But i swear he was thinking 'please dont make me go mum.. i want to stay with you' hahaha

So i just sat down with him, and he was very sooky, as you can see:
Such a sweetie hehe

A big shake:

Then just soaking up the love and being a sook-

He always gives the cutest kisses, pokes his tongue out the side of his beak haha
and Wendy is going to kill me for blocking my face out!

and this is hilarious, his face is sooo happy when i gave him a big kiss!

So he did a bit of flying, but preferred feeling sorry for himself and getting cuddles hahahaha

Of course i knew he wouldnt like it, he is so unfit, so each day we will practice so he will learn to fly like a proper bird!

All I can say is


Macaw's are beautiful and full of surprises
Fargo surprises me each week
Well done
Oh yeah loved the pic's
Thanks for sharing

So, he likes the flight line? I was nervous getting one because, although I have a decent sized yard, there are trees he could possibly be tangled in. But Gilbert is now at the point where he can fly faster and farther than I can chase him with the short lead............

you said you wanted to modify it.....I had thought about that for my yard situation too. hmmm
and gilbert will also get very winded if he flies a lot. I think what awesome conditioning it must be for them to get to FLY. :)
Great pics!!! That's so awesome! Why don't you try to use a whistle when he reaches the end of the rope or something? Must be hard for Fargo to know just how much rope he has to use. So maybe by using a whistle when he reaches the end, he will learn that hearing it means the end is coming and he will turn or change direction? I don't know just a thought....
All I can say is


Macaw's are beautiful and full of surprises
Fargo surprises me each week
Well done
Oh yeah loved the pic's
Thanks for sharing


Thank you Ant :D
They really are beautiful, although its not the freedom he should get, its alot better than just flying in a house, he is such a big bird he needs to spread his wings without having to dodge around a house!! :rolleyes: haha
So, he likes the flight line? I was nervous getting one because, although I have a decent sized yard, there are trees he could possibly be tangled in. But Gilbert is now at the point where he can fly faster and farther than I can chase him with the short lead............

you said you wanted to modify it.....I had thought about that for my yard situation too. hmmm
and gilbert will also get very winded if he flies a lot. I think what awesome conditioning it must be for them to get to FLY. :)

I actually think it would be better just to buy the stuff from a hardware store, its 50 dollars for a piece of rope, i would of just got the material if i knew what it would be!

But thats because Fargo is so big, he flies the distance in seconds, where as the flight line would be ALOT better for smaller birds!

I will try and explain it, there arent any pictures of it on the internet :S

You peg it in the ground at 2 ends, and you attach this leash bit in the middle, which runs along, like how a dog can get a run line? and you attach their leash to the line and the dog can run back and forth..
So you then attach the harness to the black elastic bit, theres a very small flimsy clip, so i put another clip on just to be safe ;)

If you are worried about trees, you can adjust the size he can fly between, so could just make it 2 meters back and forth!!

Thats the diagram for it-

But because Fargo cant turn, he would just fly the few meters in seconds, then hit the end, i took the peg off, and just attached the end to the elastic bit, so now he can get the full length and me running with him as well!

If i want, i will just attach a peg to it again, that way when he is a better flyer, i can peg him in one end, i go to the other end, and get him to fly to me!

But i am not worried about that at the moment, I am just going to keep it at the full length so he learns how to do big circles! :)
Great pics!!! That's so awesome! Why don't you try to use a whistle when he reaches the end of the rope or something? Must be hard for Fargo to know just how much rope he has to use. So maybe by using a whistle when he reaches the end, he will learn that hearing it means the end is coming and he will turn or change direction? I don't know just a thought....

Thank you!!

That is an absolutely brilliant idea :eek: I never even thought of that!!

I will definitely do that now, he should learn quickly that the whistle means he is about to run out of lead, he is pretty good at associating things!

Thank you again
Great pics!!! That's so awesome! Why don't you try to use a whistle when he reaches the end of the rope or something? Must be hard for Fargo to know just how much rope he has to use. So maybe by using a whistle when he reaches the end, he will learn that hearing it means the end is coming and he will turn or change direction? I don't know just a thought....

Thank you!!

That is an absolutely brilliant idea :eek: I never even thought of that!!

I will definitely do that now, he should learn quickly that the whistle means he is about to run out of lead, he is pretty good at associating things!

Thank you again

You are most welcome! Hope it helps! :)
Nawwww, took him out flying again, he did really well, only did about 8 flies though, just taking it slowly, building up his stamina, but he did a semi circle of turning :D

and as soon as we got in he has taken a nap.. Poor boy, it is sooo tiring! :(




And fast asleep
Well if you chased me around the neighborhood a few times, I'd be sleepy, too.

GREAT pics of the Fargo, Tab!!!! :D You will have a VERY fit bird in NO time, just wait and see. And I better get my bum in shape if I'm to ever take mine out like that. :54:
That's such great exercise! His chest muscles will strengthen quickly and YOU won't be able to keep up! :)
I wish we could. We have two hawks that patrol our neighborhood daily. Thanks to them Rosie wont be doing any free flight like Fargo. those hawks are rough, they have taken rabbits out of their nests in my yard and once tried to go after my dogs. :(
awww he is adorable! *there we go again...* what fargo thinks when he is going out to flight! lol if my parrots where exhasuted i would give them a break the whole day
Kendrafitz -- at my last house I had the same problem. At this house I do see hawks sometimes but not frequently. I was also afraid to even let my dog get too far away from me (and he was about a pound and a half at the time I lived there--easy prey for that hawk.....)
Crazy, isn't it? When they went started circling the dogs (who are about 12 lbs), my husband went out and got them to leave. But they just perched on my neighbors roof, waiting. Uggh
I wish we could. We have two hawks that patrol our neighborhood daily. Thanks to them Rosie wont be doing any free flight like Fargo. those hawks are rough, they have taken rabbits out of their nests in my yard and once tried to go after my dogs. :(

Awwww that really sucks! :(
Wow!! Taken rabbits? So glad we dont have anything that big out here!

What about big parks or fields? :)
awww he is adorable! *there we go again...* what fargo thinks when he is going out to flight! lol if my parrots where exhasuted i would give them a break the whole day

Hahaha his whole day is a holiday! He does nothing except play with toys, and swing around on his gyms, then cuddle and preens with me! He has the funnest, easiest life ;) Now the poor boy thinks he has gone to training camp hahahaha

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