Domnijoe - The Art Studio and Bird Herder's Residence

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  • #122
Vortex comes home Friday afternoon! **Dances with glee** She's being shipped tomorrow and will stay at the Airport overnight. The only complaint is that I couldn't get a ride, so I have to take transit there and back :D . It's maaaaybe an hour and a half ride home (Depends on how long I wait for the bus) but it's supposed to be a nice day. I hope I don't bake like I did when I picked up my first service dog dog some years back!
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  • #124
T-Minus 4 hours until Vortex arrives by plane. Fingers crossed the plane won't be late like when August (my last Pionus) arrived!
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  • #125
VORRRRRTEEEEXXXXXXX IS HOME!!!!! She's settled in and is eating her 'welcome home' treats.

Vortex comes home-Pic three_june 14 2024.JPG
Vortex is Home_June 14 2024.jpeg

And her first pic here in WInnipeg, LMAO!

First pic of Vortex in Winnipeg_June 14 2024.jpeg
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  • #126
Vortex is settling in very well! She's eating and hangs upside down to drink from her water bowl. It's hilarious to watch :) . SHe's even starting to contact call my other birds and really watches when I take the dog out for her walk. I love my little brat :D.
Vortex is settling in very well! She's eating and hangs upside down to drink from her water bowl. It's hilarious to watch :) . SHe's even starting to contact call my other birds and really watches when I take the dog out for her walk. I love my little brat :D.
I thought I'd just come in to see how you were going with your new ponious, I know you've done a lot of research, spent a lot of time looking around and waited a long time for her so I'm pleased to see she arrived in good condition. Hope all goes well
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  • #128
I thought I'd just come in to see how you were going with your new ponious, I know you've done a lot of research, spent a lot of time looking around and waited a long time for her so I'm pleased to see she arrived in good condition. Hope all goes well
Thanks for checking up! It's been almost 2 weeks with her in the home and she's an absolute delight! She screams a hello when she sees the dog, and calls for kme when I leave the room. She's starting to associate her play cage with treats, so all is good. She's a sweet, sweet girl!

NL and  Voretex 2.jpeg

The Play Cage.jpeg

Vortex outside cage.jpg
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  • #129
Oooooh boy..... I was transferring the birds to their play cages. Vortex went without a hitch. It's the only time she gets seed, so she was thrilled to be in her pay cage. Redshift and Chara went with minimal fanfare and Moon... well the little snot BIT me. And it was HARD. He doesn't like being picked up. Runs away every time. Sigh. Well, he's gotta get used to me picking him up or he's stuck inside his regular cage.

I'm looking for a decent sized cage that will hold three birds comfortably for play time. The one i got from Amazon is good, but I might look into something bigger. Anyone have suggestions? :D.

And bird pix for tax:

Vortex in her cage on sleep perch.jpeg

The play cage (small one):

Moon and Chara in play cage.jpeg
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  • #130
My hamster wheel of a brain is running to death. I'm obsessed with cats right now, in part because of mental illness (Yaaaaay.) and I have really bad impulse control. BUT! The birds are keeping me occupied , as is the dog. I can't get a cat anyways because I can't afford it, and I really really REALLY need to research how to keep the birds safe from curious paws. Bad enough Winter (dog) likes to harass the poor parrots on occasion. She's getting better, but some days the dog looks good as stir fry :p .

My question to you readers is how do you keep your parrots safe from curious cats? I was lucky when I first had cats... they ignored my birds and I could keep them in the living room while the birds had free range time in the bird room.

Can't wait for the morning. Birds need out of cage time as they never had any yesterday :)
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  • #131
The new cat's been settling in nicely. She's not even put the birds on her radar. Completely ignores them. Winter, on the other hand, is being a pest. SHe insists on trying to play with the cat and thank the GODS that Puddles is dog savvy! There's been one incident with Winter growling and that was over the cat's food. Otherwise things have gone exceedingly well. We'll see how things go as Puddles starts exploring the bird room more.

I know it's not a bird, but here's a Puddles pic:

Puddles explores apt the fitrst time_2.jpeg
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  • #132
Sorry for not updating sooner. SO far the birds are okay. The new cat and the dog have been eating up my time with the birds and likely will for a few more weeks until they're fully introduced to each other. Vortex is the only one who's garnished any attention from Puddles (cat) and she sits beside the cage and sleeps until the dog harasses her. No staring at the birds ... just... nothing. All good news!

Vortex is fitting in. She's sneezed here and there. Nothing to be worried about , but being the paranoid momma I am, I'm keeping an eye on it. She comes crawling to whatever side of the cage I'm beside and honks for me. Really cute! She'll even give a rattling honk when she sees the dog. I'm glad she feels like she's part of the family!
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  • #133
No new major updates on Vortex. She's happy, plays, and loves her food. I hope to have her visit the vet in a few days for a well-bird check. Her breeder says she sounds like a typical playful Pionus. Huzzuh!
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  • #134
**Shakes a fist at Amazon** They don't sell Bird Street Bistro through the Canadian website! AAARG! My birds LOVE(d) it! I'm trying another chop/mash I found through Amazon. Got berries and pasta and other good stuff in it. It should arrive in the next few days.

Vortex has settled in nicely! She's starting to talk (Says 'What now?!' with Charlie's inflection. Sigh) and I even caught either her or Charlie saying 'night night' as I pulled the blanket over Vortex's cage. Awwww!

The biggest non-bird news is that I have 2 cats now. Neither cat pays much attention to the birds. Winter (dog) pays more attention to them, much to my relief. I'm careful that nosey/curious toes don't slip between cage bars. Paranoid even, as we all know how dangerous that can be.

SO yeah.. overall, not too bad here at Domnijoe Pets 'N Art!

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