Domnijoe - The Art Studio and Bird Herder's Residence

Update on the TAG situation - the breeder still has Covid-19 and says as soon as she feels better she'll message me with more questions. We both agree the older chick she has might not be a good fit and that I should wait for a chick to hatch. That could be this summer, at least :D . No sweat! Gives me more time to save!

I have a list of names already. Drift, Hoist, and Chromia are all potential names.
Hey-o! I'm still searching for the perfect bird, and I've even started handing out job applications so I can put money towards one! I came across a breeder, but I know next to nothing about them. They seem legit, but I'm not sure if they're pulling my leg and really are scammers. The first breeder is slow to respond.. still sick. ANd there's an Older TAG being offered by another breeder in Quebec.

SO many options. Just need the cash now :P
I put an application in for an older TAG through a breeder who also places unwanted birds, and apparently, my application was quite impressive. The owners of this older TAG want me as their new bird's home! Now it's. matter of shipping and affording the adoption fee.

I put an application in for an older TAG through a breeder who also places unwanted birds, and apparently, my application was quite impressive. The owners of this older TAG want me as their new bird's home! Now it's. matter of shipping and affording the adoption fee.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Thanks, rheashard2! I hope I can bring him home by February. I'm waiting on an inheritance and at the earliest, that's when I'd be able to afford shipping and stuff. I'm asking questions and stuff about the boy. He's in his 20's !
... Aaaand it's looking like the breeder I like as my first choice is in first place again, just for affordability's sake. I tried getting funding for the older bird I talked about last time. No go. Nobody I know is a co-signer and my parents least of all. Which means I'm back to getting a cage and choosing a name. I've added Eject to my list and that one seems to resonate loudest right now.

Eject, Hoist, and Drift are my top three picks for names.
I'll keep hoping for you and keeping fingers snd toes crossed!
My Poor old fart at 24 yrs old , Charlie, seems to be uncomfortable with his foot. He does use it if he's forced to, but I fear Arthritis may have butt in and is making it difficult for him to move around. Redshift is slower, but at 23, he's still spritely compared to Charlie, LOL.
Yaaaay! I finally bought a cage for my future TAG! It's probably not the best cage for a TAG, but I can always upgrade to something better later. It's from Aosom and the one cage I did see seemed to be of decent quality. Oddly enough, the video I saw it in also had a TAG.

STill waiting to hear back from the TAG breeder. I haven't heard from her since before Christmas, so she must be really freaking busy. She says she lets her birds choose when they breed, so NI might not get a bird until the summer. No problems there!
1) WHy does choosing a bird name have to be so HAAARD? LOL! I keep jumping on new names. Right now it's steady at Hoist, Chromia, (Especially if female), or Eject.

2) They tried delivering my new cage on Friday, but for whatever reason it never could be delivered. The company is gonna try again on Monday morning. I'm worried it's gonna be too small, but I have a large play cage/the community cage that Charlie and Redshift are currently in as a suitable place that s/he can be moved to once my old boys pass.

3) And in case folks have missed my Hangout thread - I'm feeling better! HUZZUH!
UPS sucks.. like... in a huge, horrible way. THree times they 'tried' to deliver my cage, three times I've not heard anything. I complained to the company that used them and they said they've sent UPS a note about delivering asap. OY. what a nightmare!
UPS sucks.. like... in a huge, horrible way. THree times they 'tried' to deliver my cage, three times I've not heard anything. I complained to the company that used them and they said they've sent UPS a note about delivering asap. OY. what a nightmare!
Yuck. I'm keeping fingers crossed for you. Waiting for deliveries is kinda like a mini BD. It has all the anticipation of receiving a 🎁. Even when you know what it is!
MY CAGE FINALLY ARRIVED! It's a decent size. It's not perfect, but it works, LOL. I'm going to have to find a way to close the top portion of the cage so there are no escapes. Gonna zip tie it for now. I'll post pix once I get the chance :D
😃Yeah!😃 Would suggest those carabiners as small size as possible. I have collected dozens all shapes, sizes salvaged from toys. Zip ties are like chew treats, the same as bottle caps etc. Plus it's easier to remove/replace the carabiner in future, hang toys from it etc. A heavy toy helps prevent the bounce which can encourage more 'investigation'. This also avoids the 'in a minute or be right back distraction syndrome' if no handy zip tie. Long ago lost track of how many times I'd hear the tops bouncing up and down because I forgot to replace zip tie.
MY CAGE FINALLY ARRIVED! It's a decent size. It's not perfect, but it works, LOL. I'm going to have to find a way to close the top portion of the cage so there are no escapes. Gonna zip tie it for now. I'll post pix once I get the chance :D
Zip ties are my go-to attachment devices, but I have budgies that can't destroy them. The big heavy duty ones are very strong. They love long zip tie loops as swings, I attach one pointing outside the cage and I have an instant budgie perch. Love carabiners too but can big birds get their beaks trapped in the spring clip ones? Aren't the screw ones safer?
My CAG, uses her tongue to feel around for the zip tie clip. She'll rotate it if necessary. Then carefully removes clip leavingmost of tie intact. If she can't rotate it or the mood strikes she chews em up. She also unscrews the screw type only carabiner. I've learned to only put light weight items on those. She can't get much stability on it to unscrew easily as it swings about. A heavy duty screw type just takes longer. The snap types only I use rarely. I prefer the heavy duty combination of screw and snap. I check these in the morning with her chop. I can see/feel screw being loose. If too many times of same one loosened, she's figured out beak, body, claw placement to remove it. I then move it to a different location or choose a different brand. The investigative ability for removal/disassembly of items in some parrots is unreal. It's also the most fun and irritating thing they do. I and an untold number of human pets would be filthy rich if paid one US dollar for a variation of these statements. How did you do... or But I thought you couldn't...
My CAG, uses her tongue to feel around for the zip tie clip. She'll rotate it if necessary. Then carefully removes clip leavingmost of tie intact. If she can't rotate it or the mood strikes she chews em up. She also unscrews the screw type only carabiner. I've learned to only put light weight items on those. She can't get much stability on it to unscrew easily as it swings about. A heavy duty screw type just takes longer. The snap types only I use rarely. I prefer the heavy duty combination of screw and snap. I check these in the morning with her chop. I can see/feel screw being loose. If too many times of same one loosened, she's figured out beak, body, claw placement to remove it. I then move it to a different location or choose a different brand. The investigative ability for removal/disassembly of items in some parrots is unreal. It's also the most fun and irritating thing they do. I and an untold number of human pets would be filthy rich if paid one US dollar for a variation of these statements. How did you do... or But I thought you couldn't...
LOL!! I have been forewarned! I might have to invest in carabiner with screws!
Here's my new cage for my future TAG. I think it's big enough for a temporary cage. I have to find something sturdier to tie the top exit door. The cage opens at the top, plus there's a door without a latch that I've zip-tied closed. I have yet to get more toys. I'm going to research Amazon/grey-sized toys so I can make my own.

New bird cage 2025 jan.webp

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