Domnijoe - The Art Studio and Bird Herder's Residence

I asked my mom, who is like a mentor to me/health care provider and otherwise in charge of my money, if i could get another big bird. I want to save up for a larger bird (Most likely a pionus, as TAGS are rarer than Unicorn teeth) and she gave me the okay! This is a BIG DEAL, as she's always complaining that I have too many birds, LOL!!

and peekture tax: Here's august, my former White capped Pionus. he died several years gao to illness.

I AM SO FRUSTRATED. So many people claim to have birds, but something always goes wrong on my end or they charge an arm and a leg for one. Or they're scammers. One guy wants just over 3 THOUSAND Cdn for a blue head pionus. Like... wow. I've seen folks ask as much as 4 thousand cdn for one. I have the money, but convincing my mom I need a bird like I need a hole in my head is gonna be a challenge.

Price is only part of the issue. SOme birds are badly cared for. There was one without toys and a deformed beak in his picture. I would have snatched the bird up, but something was fishy about the whole transaction. Not a scammer. JUst.... something was off.

Then there's my mom. Oh yes... you can have a bird, but when I find one, she's like 'wait until your oldest birds die.' Like.. that could be five years from now and Pionus breeders are hard enough as it is to find, damn it! She says yes, then no, then tells me I've not saved up anything yet (long story. I have money, but it's for housing.)


Sorry. JUst needed to vent. This is going to be like my fourth night in a row I've Been Unable to sleep due to bird-buyers anxiety. Help me please... prayers, good vibes.. something :)
I AM SO FRUSTRATED. So many people claim to have birds, but something always goes wrong on my end or they charge an arm and a leg for one. Or they're scammers. One guy wants just over 3 THOUSAND Cdn for a blue head pionus. Like... wow. I've seen folks ask as much as 4 thousand cdn for one. I have the money, but convincing my mom I need a bird like I need a hole in my head is gonna be a challenge.

Price is only part of the issue. SOme birds are badly cared for. There was one without toys and a deformed beak in his picture. I would have snatched the bird up, but something was fishy about the whole transaction. Not a scammer. JUst.... something was off.

Then there's my mom. Oh yes... you can have a bird, but when I find one, she's like 'wait until your oldest birds die.' Like.. that could be five years from now and Pionus breeders are hard enough as it is to find, damn it! She says yes, then no, then tells me I've not saved up anything yet (long story. I have money, but it's for housing.)


Sorry. JUst needed to vent. This is going to be like my fourth night in a row I've Been Unable to sleep due to bird-buyers anxiety. Help me please... prayers, good vibes.. something :)
Greek philosopher Plato named patience as a virtue. Its hard but try and excersise it. Do you need such an expensive bird? 3k is alotta money and you dont want to scar your relationshipwith your mum either. I recently spent $300aud on a princess parrot to join my tiel and im pleased with it. Maybe choose a cheaper species
Greek philosopher Plato named patience as a virtue. Its hard but try and excersise it. Do you need such an expensive bird? 3k is alotta money and you dont want to scar your relationshipwith your mum either. I recently spent $300aud on a princess parrot to join my tiel and im pleased with it. Maybe choose a cheaper species
It is very hard being patient, LOL! It's like.. my brian says 'I want a bird nownownow (part of it is me being obsessive compulsive. Sigh. Toopid broken brain).' I may have to wait and save some cash up to placate my mom. I have my heart set on a Pionus, just because they're the best fit for me out of all the larger birds.
An update on the Pionus search... there's a rescue I found that Miiiiiight have a bird for me. I have to jump through some hoops (taking an online parrot care course, saving up, possible transport of said bird) before I can adopt it, but it's looking ..interesting. I fired off an email to the rescue and have my fingers, toes and tail feathers crossed in hope. The bird has been with the rescue for 2 years. Lets hope this works out!
An update on the Pionus search... there's a rescue I found that Miiiiiight have a bird for me. I have to jump through some hoops (taking an online parrot care course, saving up, possible transport of said bird) before I can adopt it, but it's looking ..interesting. I fired off an email to the rescue and have my fingers, toes and tail feathers crossed in hope. The bird has been with the rescue for 2 years. Lets hope this works out!
Good luck
Bought an el cheap-o cage off Amazon and I'm pleased with it so far! Well worth the money, even though some design features could be better. Like the 'locks' on the doors. But it's huge for my birds and the birds seem to like it. Seems easy enough to clean.

Excuse the papers at the bottom of the cage. Dog was pulling through through the bottom of the cage again and I was trying to prevent her from doing it. :)

Amazon Bird Cage.webp
OMG OMG OMG - The breeder in which I'm on a breeder's list for a Pionus said her blue heads are on an egg and the white caps are working the nest box! I MIGHT HAVE A PIONUS BY THIS SUMMER!! **dances wiff glee**

And I trust this breeder - she's come highly recommended :D by numerous people!
OMG OMG OMG - The breeder in which I'm on a breeder's list for a Pionus said her blue heads are on an egg and the white caps are working the nest box! I MIGHT HAVE A PIONUS BY THIS SUMMER!! **dances wiff glee**

And I trust this breeder - she's come highly recommended :D by numerous people!
Good luck
I'm frustrated.... the pionus breeder that comes highly recommended just increased the price of her white caps $700 and her blue heads by $400. I think Kijiji might be my best plan of attack at this point. Just have to save up, dang it. :(
I'm frustrated.... the pionus breeder that comes highly recommended just increased the price of her white caps $700 and her blue heads by $400. I think Kijiji might be my best plan of attack at this point. Just have to save up, dang it. :(
Kijijiji? A different species?
So... I've decided to try finding a rehomed african grey if I can't find a pionus in a few months time. MY heart bird is a pionus of some flavor, but realistically it doesn't seem to happening. So I've contacted my local parrot club and asked them to direct people looking to rehome their greys to me. Which, of course, requires more research :) . I want to make sure i know what i'm getting into before I Adopt a grey, as I've never had one before. I'm hoping for an older bird so I don't have to write my birds into a will before/when I die, LOL! Also, there's NO TEEEEEEEEENAGE PHASE!

Now if you excuse me, I'm going to lurk in the AG section of the forum, LOL!
The breeder who raised her Pionus prices by $700 said her pionus pairs (Two whitecaps and a blue headed) are on 10 eggs. NOw is the question - do I pay a deposit once the babies hatch (not for another 26 or so days) or do I risk Kijiji sales and fight off potential scammers? Instinct screams that a white cap baby is more expensive but the safer way. Logically my brain is telling me the same thing, but most of my rescue birds were found on Kijiji. I know I'm also looking for an african grey, but my heart really wants another pionus. I'll be eating rice for the next 4 months if I go the breeder route. :D

As for my other birds - Charlie (Peach Front Conure) - has started calling Winter (my dog) 'WHAT NOW?" and 'GAWD DAMN IT!'. And he's teaching Moon, my older cockatiel, how to say 'GAWD DAMN IT!'. Funny coming from a cockatiel.
Sigh. My Pionus hunt still continues. Found one in Calgary, Alberta, Canada that's going for $2500 with a chance to reduce the price. They claim they just want to find the bird, a male Blue Headed Pionus named Coro, a nice place to live. I have to hear back from them, especially in regards to shipping.

Pic of Coro for Tax: :D

coro_1 copy.webp

I offered Charlie and the tiels some shredded carrot today. Charlie took one look at the food and proceeded to toss everything out of the bowl. Little stinker. Moon, however (or was it Chara? I can never tell them apart!) dug right in and chased Redshift away from 'their' treat, LOL!
Well the Pionus in Calgary was a bust. The owner didn't feel comfortable shipping the bird as he was quite a nervous bird. Ah well. I'll keep looking :)
The search for a Pionus is proving difficult. I'm sorry to hear that. You can remain patient and keep looking or your can pick another species that's easier to find.
The search for a Pionus is proving difficult. I'm sorry to hear that. You can remain patient and keep looking or your can pick another species that's easier to find.
I have a Timneh African Grey breeder as backup if I can't find a Pionus. By the time her birds breed, I should have enough saved up for one :D .

I bring home Vortex in 3-4 months. Sex unknown at this point, but they're bred by Ineke Montgomery of Ontario, Canada :)

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