Domnijoe - The Art Studio and Bird Herder's Residence

Oy... Charlie's been more vocal lately. So has Redshift. The pair of them are starting to say words they normally or never say... Charlie was saying 'pretty charlie, pretty pretty... What do you want? Waaaater?'. Redshift has obviously tried saying stuff to me, but it's so garbled I can't make it out.

I might be moving in September. I know I'm moving, 100%, but it's a matter of when and where. There's two places that look hopeful right now. One of them I have to phone on Monday to see if it's still available and therefore cna schedule a viewing. The other... I hope I can schedule a viewing :) . it's in the heart of Downtown Winnipeg, has a pool and a garden. Oh, and an elevator because my knees suck (arthritis starting. Weeeeee.). Thankfully i knew about this move a year ago. I'm 3/4 of the way packed. Just have some hard core cleaning to do. It's amazing where you find bird seed :P .

SO yeah. Wish me luck :) . I have to kill time this weekend doing stuff, otherwise my head will explode with the anxiety of not knowing. **Makes a big poof noise, parrot style**
WOOOOOOT! It's currently written in jello, but I HAVE AN APARTMENT FOR SEPT! it's a 1 story house converted into 3 apartments. It's not bad and in a decent area. Plus it has a cool butt mural on the side of bears and wolves! I'm trying to schedule a viewing and application signing. I have 2 weeks yet before I give my current landlord my moving notice. The future landlord is telling me he'll get ahold of me, but he's gonna hold the apartment for me because I'm so interested. :)

So excited and so nervous!

So.. gotta ask my bro to transport the bird cages and some of the apartment boxes, such as food and cleaning supplies. Gonna ask a friend to babysit my Service dog , as her dogs absolutely LOVE my misfit. The birds are usually pretty good in the apartments in a travel cage until they can be moved into their proper cage(s). **slaps her cheeks like the kid from Home ALone** AAAAAAH! I have so many bird toys! Where am I gonna put them all??!!
OMG OMG OMG.. I'm adopting two white faced cockatiels that the owners were desperately wanting to find a good home for! Their names are Chara and Moon (Probably gonna change the name from Chara to Whirl) and they're sooo cute. They come home on Tuesday. Charlie and Redshift are gonna love/hate having roommates, LOL! Now to clean the cage the new guys are gonna be in quarantine in...

The apartment hunt has ended! I have a place by my parents and official move in date in October 1st. I have a month and a week to finish my packing and all that jazzy fun stuff. Weeee.
So the new white faced cockatiels are gonna be housed together in a tall-ish cage. The bar spacing is a bit bigger than I want (It originally housed my white capped pionus when he was still alive), but it's big and roomy and good until the birds can be moved into the flight cage with the other two terrors in a few weeks. Below is a picture of the new 'kids', who come home on Tuesday.

Chara and Moon 1.webp

I'm nervous. I dunno if my new landlord will have a fit about me having two birds more than I originally said I had, but my current two are so very old. I'll be shocked if they last another year. I'd rather go through this pain now than when my old farts pass. I love Red and Charlie a whole lot and wish they could live forever. I'd love if they could have a happy and comfortable end to their lives, tho. This move should have them find a home without mice and Red so very much misses having another cockatiel to scream with. You should hear him scream.. err, I mean flock call... when I play cockatiel videos, LOL!

Wish us luck, folks :)
Well, it seems the birds really enjoy... or Redshift does, anyways... The Hu's 'Wolf Totem'
. Nothing like a cockatiel squeaking to Mongolian Rock .
Oh. My. GOD. I cleaned my tall cage today because it was in dire need of a scrubbing and the movers complain if it's not perfect. BOY did it need a deep clean! Now it's sparkly and ready for Chara and Moon when they arrive :) I even changed out some of the duty old toys and tossed a bunch of stuff.

Moving is so much fun. NOT.

I'm not sure how I'm going to transport four birds to the new place, as I only have a travel cage big enough for 2 birds. I might have to consider getting a cheap budgie cage, or risk an argument in the 15 minute drive from my place to the new place on moving day with all 4 birds in the travel cage. I'm sure I'll figure something out :) .
Chara and Moon are home! They're settling in okay. A bit nervous, which is to be expected, but they're already trying out the new perches and eating a bit :) . Chara is the dark tailed female, and Moon is the light tailed bird with the dark dot on the back of his head :)
Chara and Moon's first day at NLs place-1.webp
Turns out the new birds are settling a-okay! Charlie is yakking up a storm at the sound of the new cockatiels and Redshift is thrilled to have new birds in the home again. Moon, the male, sings 'If you're happy and you know it' mixed with the snapping from 'the Addams Family' . Freaking hilarious! Moon was being taught the Addams Family theme before he had to be given up, so I'm gonna attempt to finish teaching him it. :) If not, I'm sure Charlie will teach him some words, LOL!
I've taught Charlie how to say 'Water'! It was purely accidental! Every time I change his water bowl I tell him I'm 'getting waaater' and giving him 'waaater'. The past few days he's seen me grab his water bowl and he said 'water', in the clearest conure voice! I am so stoked! LOL!

Now to see if the cockatiels will learn it :)
I've taught Charlie how to say 'Water'! It was purely accidental! Every time I change his water bowl I tell him I'm 'getting waaater' and giving him 'waaater'. The past few days he's seen me grab his water bowl and he said 'water', in the clearest conure voice! I am so stoked! LOL!

Now to see if the cockatiels will learn it :)
That’s so exciting and cute!
Gave Charlie a toy today that I made up myself! Rolled up a bit of newspaper with sunflower seeds in it, folded it up and stuck it in a wire rabbit hay ball. Instant success! Charlie was soooooo quiet when he attacked the thing, swinging it while he hug upside down from the top of his cage. It was a hoot to watch! I apologize for the blurry photo. My phone is archaic...

Charlie_Sept 5 2023.webp

and here are Chara and Moon. I keep forgetting who is who when looking at the tail, so I look for Moon's spot on the back of his head. For some reason, that stuck with me. **Shrugs**

Chara and Moon - sept 5 2023.webp
Charlie is talking up a storm! I'm teaching him 'Bell' and he says it when ringing them.. sometimes. As mentioned above, he sees me change the water and he says 'water'. He's quite charming! However... He sees the dog and says in an exasperated tone: 'Gawd D@mn it!'.

Yeah... I wonder if he's learning stuff off of my videos I'm watching. I watch a lot of paranormal shows on youtube and some of my favorites swear. Frequently. Loudly. Colorfully. Oh my... I think I might have to invest in headphones. :o
I've noticed that since getting Moon and Chara that Redshift's been playing with his toys more often! WHile he doesn't sing anymore, I've Also noticed he's more alert and friendly. Perhaps being an only cockatiel for two/three years was depressing the boy. Especially after losing his mate. Poor Red. I'm glad he's having more fun with the new tiels!

I've Also noticed that Charlie's been more talkative since the new bird have arrived. Like WOW is he ever talking. Constantly learning new words, swearing (Lord.. I so have to watch that!) and learning stuff in context. It's a hoot that he says 'bell GAWD D@MN IT!' every time I shake his favorite bell toys. Funny, but not encouraged. I keep expecting him to bark, as Winter, my service dog, barks often. Maybe one day, LOL!
OMG OMG OMG.. the move is 9 days away! I have to start hardcore cleaning. Birds know something is up, the dog especially knows something is up because i never (and i mean never!) have people over and all of a sudden there's all these strangers! Charlie shrieks like it's nobody's business when people come to view the apartment :o But he's got a lot of fans, LOL!

And below are updated pix of the Dinosaurs at playtime.
Moon and Chara and redshift in back_Sept 21-2023.webp

Charlie and Redshift-Sept 21 2023.webp
I want a cat. Like, it's driving me crazy, 'I want a cat'. But I can't because it's expensive, I already have 4 birds and a dog, I'm Moving in 7 days AND did I mention it's expensive? LOL! So many free cats on KIjiji (kinda like Craigslist for folks who don't know it.) but.. yeah. I just can't. The reason why is to control mice and give my dog a companion. Maaaaybe when the older birds finally pass on. depends on what the new landlord says :)

On that note, got more packing done and taped a few boxes yesterday. Now just packing my last minute stuff like my pills and my blankets and toss the old futon mattress and the computer desk. I'm in dire need of new both, sadly.

My dog's discovered she can pull out the papers to the bottom of the community cage to snack on the seed and poop on it. Dis-GUST-ing! And she does it at night, so she freaks the birds out. Little brat knows that she gets yelled at if she does it when I'm in the room. Sighs.
Got more bird pix for everyone! Gotta pay the bird photo tax, LOL!
Charlie . Those bells.. all of them... are his.
Charlie_ September 26_2023.webp

Moon (I think) and Redshift
Moon or Chara and Redshift_sept 26 2023.webp

Chara (I think)
Moon or Chara sept 26 2023.webp
Forgot to mention - my dad found a canary (he says) on a mouse sticky board today! He got it free, but it got loose in the house. Me, being the family bird expert, got a panicked call from my mom, who passed the phone to my dad and I told them what to feed the bird and how to care for it until they could find out where it came from. Unfortunately it was too stressed and died an hour later :( .

That's twice in as many years I've been called by my dad to save a bird, LOL!
My word... 2 days to my big move! MY mom is gonna have kittens knowing i have 4 birds, but I am 47 not 12. Hrrrmph. If problems happens, I'll deal with them. Besides, the new landlord seemed to have more issues with me having a dog than having caged birds, LOL!

Sorry.. my train of thought is wrapped in plastic and boxed right now, LOL!

I am so happy my big cage is being moved by movers. They have the space for it and whatnot. The birds are suspecting something is up and are happy to see activity. Just wait till I unpack the books! Winter (Dog) will be in her glory knocking them off the shelves *Eye roll** I can see Charlie screeeeeaming his life away when he sees the new place !

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