Domnijoe - The Art Studio and Bird Herder's Residence

Going to be moving tomorrow, so I might be gone for 2 weeks while my internet is connected./set up. The birds are in their travelling cages and are going WTF? Even the dog knows something is up, as she's relegated to sleeping on the floor with me (Futon's been disassembled).
SO it's been almost 2 weeks in my new place. The birds scream every time they hear the fire trucks go by, probably because they heard it ALL THE TIME in the old place :) . We lived in the north end of winnipeg, which is well known for being the 'is that a gunshot, or is that a firecracker?" part of the city. So happy to be in a better part of town! Charlie's started screaming his head off every time he sees the broom being used. The same broom he's seen in the 2-3 years he's been with me. le sigh. You'd think he wouldn't scream if he saw it all the time. Nope. He's a stinker, LOL!

The one downside to the move is that Charlie's started plucking his down feathers, which he never used to do. But he's honestly happier being part of a flock and habitually rings his bell. I've even taught him how to say 'Bell'. My mom's been over a lot since the move to help me unpack and settle in and charlie drives her nuts. LOL! Charlie screams and my mom is like 'SHUT UP! '


Redshift is so much happier being part of a flock, too, and has cozied up to the new cockatiels Moon and Chara. He's started singing again, which he never used to do after Mindwipe, his mate, died! Moon sings 'if you're happy and you know it' all the time. USually just before bed and after eating.

SO that's the update! Thought you guys wanted to know :D.
More bird pix! Figured out how to connect the oooooooooooooooooold (I mean 18 plus year old) digicam to the new computer and it WORKS! It's a bonus, as my camera takes MUCH better pictures than my phone. :P


Charlie hiding behind toy oct 16 2023.webp
Charlie in the dark.webp


Red oct 16 2023JPG.webp

Redshift hiding behind the bells.webp

Moon and Chara:
Chara and Moon at bottom.webp


The birds are doing great lately. Fantastic even. It's just my service dog, Winter. Either one of the birds bit her ear or she nicked it somewhere because the *&^%ing thing will NOT stop bleeding! Every time it clots, she scratches it and the thing bleeds more. I hope to get into our regular vet monday. Tuesday at latest. Every time she shakes, she makes it looks like a crime scene. I am soo tired of mopping after her, LOL! Bandages are replaced every 3 hours because she wiggles out of them.

Two things. First, is Winter (dog)'s ear is healed up. I've kept a bandaid on in case it bleeds again and she decides to let loose with a shake that'll remove the scab. Little stinker.

The second is a love triangle with Redshift , Chara and Moon. Chara and Red seem to be an item, but Moon still has the hots for Chara. The three are seen sitting by eachother and Redshift and Chara are often on the bottom of the cage looking for food. If Moon gets too close, Redshift loses his mind. it's sad and comical in a way.
Well, PF is weird tonight... LIKES are not registering... GRRRR!
We have some things in common I have a small eBay gallery, offering (among other things) pet portraits. We also share some bird issues. Anywayyyyyyyyyyyy... DM me or here if you'd liked to share some experiences. :)
Well, PF is weird tonight... LIKES are not registering... GRRRR!
We have some things in common I have a small eBay gallery, offering (among other things) pet portraits. We also share some bird issues. Anywayyyyyyyyyyyy... DM me or here if you'd liked to share some experiences. :)
Coolness! That would be great! :D.
Last night I wheeled the birdcage closer to the computer desk. There's both good and bad things about the temporary position. Pro: Closer to the birds - I can stick my hand in the cage while typing! Cons: Bird mess is now beside the computer. The upside is that it's just as easy to clean up as where the cage usually sits. I just roll the cage out of the way.! Also there's more light inside the cage, which keeps them up longer.

The birds seem to like the new position. They're closer to me and the dog... she's just happy to have something to sniff that she can reach for a change. Sigh. Gonna have to keep an eye on her.

Moon and Chara_ dec 11 2023.webp

Charlie_dec 11 2023.webp

Redshift_dec 11 2023.webp
I decided to try clicker training Moon to do 'spin'. We're associating the click with a treat and have started doing the 'spin'. So far so good!

And a HUGE event happened to me yesterday - Charlie, who never jumps on me, hopped onto my arm at feeding time! OMG! It's gonna hurricane! LOL!
MERRY CHRISTMAS/ HAPPY HOLIDAYS everybirdy! :D. Hope the festivities treat you right !
So charlie escaped the cage while I was feeding the other Dinosaurs today. While keeping an eye on him while he was exploring the top of the cage, I took photos. :D

Charlie_dec 29_2023_1JPG.webp

Charlie_dec 29_2023_4.webp

Charlie's also developed some arthritis in his one foot by the looks of it. He's limping when he walks, but he's otherwise his usual, bratty self. Typical conure, LOL!!
I love cockatiel feet. I tease the Rb about having such cute little dusty-pink cockatiel footsies on a big bird. Thanks for all the cute photos, strengthening my case that Patagonians have cockatiel feet.
Heads up!
My mom and sister got me a new cell phone, so I took a pic with it. Here's Moon or Chara climbing in the community cage:

Moon or Chara climbing the cage_Dec 31 2023.webp
Two things going on here in the bird room and studio. The first is that I think my cockatiel, Chara, is not a female like i was told, but a male! They beak bang, sing and hop. All male cockatiel traits. I am both disappointed and thrilled with this news. I wanted a hen, but at the same time. NO EGG THREAT! LOL!! I love Chara, no matter what.

The second thing is, for those who missed my original post, is that I've put in an adoption request for a Timneh African grey named Jojo through my local parrot club. In all honesty, I'm terrified. I've heard horror stories about their bites and their plucking, but at the same time I've had years of bird expertise under my belt and I should be more self confident. My dog is also a pest with the smaller birds and will learn respect with the grey in the home. The noise and mess I can live with, I think. I've had as many as 21 birds in my care, so a Timneh shouldn't be a problem. Then my mom is worried I'm gonna get evicted if i bring in ANOTHER bird, especially a big one But I paid my pet deposit. I was never given a limit on the number of birds I could have. Jo Jo, the Timneh, will bring my total up to five...

Below is the birdy picture tax. It's of Jo jo if anyone missed the original post:

JOJO 1.jpg
The longer I wait to hear news of my application for the Timneh African Grey at my local parrot club, the more anxious I become. I've got limited BIG bird experience and I... well, i just don't want to screw up with a bird that'll end up hating me. My research makes me worry. WIll I end up with a future plucker? My Peach Front, Charlie, is a plucker and his plucking seems to be worse with the months. I might have a vet visit planned in his future to rule out something physical. Sigh.

I feel like a failure as a parrot parent, partially because Charlie plucks. But you guys - I have survived worse and I know lots of people with big bird experience that can give me tips. African Greys are going to be a challenge for me and I've survived with weirder birds, like green cheeks, who are quite entertaining on their own. I'm probably overthinking things and things will end up fine.
It turns out that the Timneh Grey I was interested in adopting had some problems that would be an issue in an apartment, including screaming whenever caged.. and not just a dislike for women, but an utter HATRED of them. I figured he'd be better with someone with big bird experience.

Sigh. Maybe next time :) Until then, my four stinkers are who I'll keep entertained :D.
I'm currently looking for another Timneh Grey. I found one potential prospect.. here's to hoping it is affordable. LOL! SOme birds I've seen are going for $4 THOUSAND for a chick. The bird i'm interested in is 12 yrs old, male, and dog/cat exposed. Fingers crossed that they are willing to ship :)
Found a pionus that I asked some questions about. Contacted a breeder about a breeder Timneh. That bird isn't tame, but hey. I don't care. LOTS of my birds have been untame, including my last Pionus. :)

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