Cat bite parakeet Blue Boy

Thank you Lamanuka!
I didn't weigh Blue Boy till day 3 I think, as I was focused on emergency care. But he was a living skeleton, im sure he had lost close to half his body weight. His first wright on dsy 3 was 32 grams. Today 37 grams
Edit, cuz i been schooled ( change in weight ( 5) ) ÷ 32 ( original weight) x100 ==15.65%
I found one article to link on weight loss. Blue boy it was plain starvation from a pet burd being in the wild and not find food. ( no bird feeders that I saw in the neighborhood),
According to this article weight-loss of 30% or more its difficult to save them
Avian Emaciation Protocol
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Ooohhh, close on the math, but... The 2 WAS the change in weight previously, so 2÷32 X 100 = 6.25%.

Now, at 37 grams, change is 5, so 5÷32 X 100 = 15.625%.

Sorry it's not 30%, but nothing to sneeze at, and absolutely impressive. Blue Boy is doing AMAZING! Laura, this is something to be proud of, my friend!

Also, the lesser weight loss that he had works in his favor as far as ability to recover. :)
Gosh darn it!! Thankfully my math tutor is keeping me straight!!!! Thanks!!!
Heehee, I got your back :)
according to a different article 3% -5% weight loss in your parrot is reason for quick visit to a vet. Anyway 15% still makes me hugely happy, and I'm happy I have freinds who check my work!@
And I get to learn and read articles
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Well, if he plumps up to 42 grams, then he'd hit the 30%+ mark. Not inconceivable, though he is a little guy. Still, 5 grams for a 32 gram bird is huge! My frame of reference is a little skewed of course... At a solid 640-650, Baxter drops more than 5 grams on the bottom of the cage all the time. ;)
Blue Boy is holding steady at 37 grams. He feels great so this might be his normal weight.
He eats veggies great, ive seen him eat lettuce, celery, broccoli, fresh cranberry, peas, and fresh corn.
His two ripped out throat spots feathers have grown back.


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How absolutely perfect. <3 This thread makes me so happy. :)
Just grabbed Blue Boy to weigh him, much easier to catch in dim light.
39 grams!!!
Almost 22% weight gain back!!!!
Saxguy should check my work of course!!!
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Hee hee hee! You got it! And... 22% weight gain is incredible! He's such a little a champion, thanks to his own personal hero. Nothing short of amazing, Laura!
Incredible success story, Laura! Especially because we're still living in 2020!
Woot! Woot!
Blue Boy who started out on day 3 being 32 grams, has now gained a total of 8 grams and weighs in at 40 grams!@@@ a whopping 25% weight gained back!!@@: ( unless saxguy busts my math bubble),

He also seems to be growing! He looked short next go my other two but has been catching up

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Hee hee! No bubble busting today! 25% body weight gained back is incredible!!! That is one lucky little guy to have found you! :)
Jeez he’s doing great :)
He is the one doing the eating! I think I saw him chomp on some oven baked bites pellets today! And he eats every veggies, leaf greens or fruit I offer now@! He really likes to play with toys and swing upside down.

We will see if he keeps gaining at next week weigh in
Fantastic news!! He is thriving!
Fantastic news!! He is thriving!

Thriving, and loving life as well! What a joy it must be for you Laura, to see him enjoying himself so much!
It makes me so very happy @
He is molting and seems to be growing. Its like his body is thrilled with all the good nutrition he is getting @
I weighed him because he looks less plump with his growth spurt, and the late season molting had me worried that maybe something was going on. But now I feel better that his body is just rejoicing! He was kinda stunted in size compared to my others, so I guess he was still young enough to grow. I wonder what age they stop growing?
Edit: some sources say 8 months to 2 years... he most definitely is growing
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Blue Boy still holding at 40 grams.
Here he is eating yellow bell pepper

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Blue Boy still holding at 40 grams.
Here he is eating yellow bell pepper


Oh i love this. He is clearly feeling much better.

You have a previous picture of him Healthy. He was perching near your two other budgies. He was so much improved health in that pic --but-- still, a faint hint of lingering-shell-shock about the expression in his eyes.
This was that pic:

But now, he just looks happy!

He looks like a healthy and Happy little budgie enjoying himself some yummy bell pepper! I love this new pic. Way to go Blue Boy!

(And again congratulations and Kudos and gratitude to you Laurasea, for saving this precious little Blue Boy.)

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