Cat bite parakeet Blue Boy

Remarkable progress, Laura! The dedication you've shown for Blue Boy (and all your fids) is something we can all learn from, leading by example. Thank you for all you do!
Wow!!! The pictures speak SO loudly of how much progress he has made!! You've saved this guy's life... I'm in awe... You're my new Hero. :)
Amazing progress! Keep up the good work, Laura.

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What a wonderful collection of angry budgie burritos. <3

He looks great!
Today the puncture seems sealed, but you can see in the picture evidence of the wound still weeping. In a few hours I will decide if I want to do wound debride, to open it back up and let it continue to drain. Puncture need to heal from the inside out. A scab can trap bacteria inside. Will consult my CAV. Abd will try to find an article on wound care.

Will put pictures in a row. I do wish I had a picture of the wound on day one, but I w as focused on emergency care....and the whole stress had him passing out from shock and weakness from starvation.. The first picture is from day 3, the second from day 6, and third is Today day 7
Excerpt from above:
" Wound Debridement
Manna B, Nahirniak P, Morrison CA.

Publication Details

The concept of preparing the wound bed to promote reepithelialization of chronic wounds has been applied to wound management for more than a decade. The 4 general steps to follow for better preparation are compassed in the acronym DIME.[1][2][3][4][5]

D: Debridement of nonviable tissue within the Wound.
I: Management of Inflammation and Infection
M: Moisture control
E: Environmental and Epithelialization assessment
The DIME approach to chronic wound management is a global concept approach from which a more detailed pathway can be initiated to bring about wound resolution.

The primary goal of debridement is to remove all the devitalized tissue from the wound bed to promote wound healing. Debridement is also used for removal of biofilm, bioburden along with senescent cells, and it is suggested to be performed at each encounter.[6][7][8] "

A little clarity on above terms, biofilm is that first sealing of wound by proteins before scab forms. Bio burden seems like a pretty fancy term for trying to remove as much bacteria from wound as possible....




Ha! Love Bugs angry parakeet burrito!! Lol he was not happy for sure. Giving me the stink eye!"
No tail bobbing or sneezing.
He is super sonic fast, and active in his cage. Very frustrated that he can't be with my other 2 Cloudy, and Clear. But that's not happening for 2 more weeks.
Last antibiotics tomorrow!!!
Blue Boy beat the odds!!!
Tomorrow will close this chapter on cat bite wound. Yippee!
And then will just be happy updates of weight gain and flock introduction
Hero of the day award goes to LAURA!!!
This makes me soooo happy :D
I'm bouncing off the walls with glee! Laura's a true hero, credit to quick intervention, antibiotics, and loving care.

You are a truly wonderful person! Thank you so much for saving this little bird.


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Blue Boy and I thank you for all the love!
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I'm so thrilled for both of you with this fantastic outcome! Brilliant work Laura and welcome to the rest of your life Blue Boy!
I just weighed him, he feels like a bird not a skeleton now. He went up to 34 grams!! ( hopefully scale is accurate) 2 gram weight gain!!

Thanks Mica for egg food recommendations, and ground up nutri berries he ate both, and is eating his veggies, millit spray sbd seed mix for budgies.

Bug gave great advice for thickening meds or tube feeding if i need it.

He is snugged up to radiant hest panel...ahhh all is welll
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You're welcome!! I'm so glad he beat the odds!! Great job!!
YAY!!! To those of us with larger birds, 2 grams doesn't amount to much, but to a tiny budgie going from 32 to 34, those same 2 grams represent a 6.25% weight gain. That's huge! You got this, little buddy!
YAY!!! To those of us with larger birds, 2 grams doesn't amount to much, but to a tiny budgie going from 32 to 34, those same 2 grams represent a 6.25% weight gain. That's huge! You got this, little buddy!

so glad you did the math fir me!!! Laughing because I was just trying to figure it out!
Please show your work mister !! 6.25% is huge and I can feel it on his body too!!
Ahh, the math lol! Show my work, she says...

2 (change in weight) ÷ 32 (original weight)= .0625 X 100 = 6.25%

Woo hoo, all those years of physics and math in college finally paid off! :)
Ahh, the math lol! Show my work, she says...

2 (change in weight) ÷ 32 (original weight)= .0625 X 100 = 6.25%

Woo hoo, all those years of physics and math in college finally paid off! :)

Yep!!! Going to write this down thanks
I was inspired

And if I dont stop trying to tweak it its going be a big mess, maybe tomorrow il try and rework

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Have you kept the cat's owner updated on his progress? I bet they would like to hear he is doing so well. :)

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