Cat bite parakeet Blue Boy

I was inspired

And if I dont stop trying to tweak it its going be a big mess, maybe tomorrow il try and rework


Spectacular rendering! I can barely draw a straight line, let alone anything resembling a bird!
Just gave Blue Boy last treatment. Its a good thing too, he bit me hard enough to break skin. Escaped into the bathroom ( I take cage in the to treat him) 4 times!!

He is beating himself up flying in his hospital cage. I talked to CAV about the possibility if him picking up parasites from the wild birds. Since he wasn't eating, he likely has extremely low chances chance of that. I asked about him possibly having any viruses or things to worry about for my birds. Very low she said, if he had anything other than starvation and trauma cat bite , he wouldn't have lived. Or we would see symptoms....
So today or the next few days will join my flock. Depending on how tolerant he is of hospital cage, as id like him to stay put longer...

Very hard to get a good picture today..

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Just gave Blue Boy last treatment. Its a good thing too, he bit me hard enough to break skin. Escaped into the bathroom ( I take cage in the to treat him) 4 times!!

He is beating himself up flying in his hospital cage. I talked to CAV about the possibility if him picking up parasites from the wild birds. Since he wasn't eating, he likely has extremely low chances chance of that. I asked about him possibly having any viruses or things to worry about for my birds. Very low she said, if he had anything other than starvation and trauma cat bite , he wouldn't have lived. Or we would see symptoms....
So today or the next few days will join my flock. Depending on how tolerant he is of hospital cage, as id like him to stay put longer...

Very hard to get a good picture today..


Picture looks just fine to me Laura :) And I love that he's so feisty!
I'm so glad he is rambunctious too.
I got a call from my lost listing on the little heart in my throat! But it was a very sad momma looking for her cockatiel....
There is also a lost Amazon, and lost macaw near me sad....please look at tree tops near your homes as your birds can call in lost ones, and keep eyes peeled when able. There has been on average a parrot a month lost near me, I'm sure its the same in your area.
Laura he looks SO GOOD! I know you must have mixed feelings about the possibility of finding his previous humans. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that the universe provides the best possible outcome for Blue Boy, whatever that is, and I know you do too.

If they appear, though, you can only give him back if they promise to join here and give us daily updates!

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Laura he looks SO GOOD! I know you must have mixed feelings about the possibility of finding his previous humans. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that the universe provides the best possible outcome for Blue Boy, whatever that is, and I know you do too.

If they appear, though, you can only give him back if they promise to join here and give us daily updates!

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Very well said. As a mom of a lost boy, i want reunite . He is listed on parrot 911, and lost pet fscebook for mine and my sister town, and the neighborhood he was found in. But true after fighting for his life, I want to give him the best life. I think he was lost for at least a week, and its been 10 more days with me , so its looking like he will be mine. I feel sad tho...maybe his people thought there was no chance....or I feel mad that he might have been let go...

He actually tiny compared to my other budgies. Clear is checking him out, and very interested to be freinds, Cloudy hasn't bothered yet. It would be nice if he and Clear are special freinds. Cloudy and Clear are buddies, but Cloudy is so social with everyone.

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Oh and for fun, playing with pitiful broken paintbrush and dried up old paint ( 2020 after all) Ta-dah is helpful by holding the paintbrush. Its our mommy and me time.

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Blue Boy has joined my flock!!
weight still 34 grams

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Welcome home (officially) Blue Boy! Handsome little devil :) He couldn't ask for a better flock to join!
Hi Laura..;)..

I've been following this thread and thought it was time to comment. Girl,YOU ARE JUST AMAZING!!! :07::60: I am sooo happy for you and Blue Boy! As folks have stated,if it weren't for you,he would not have survived.
The pictures you posted of his recovery,day 3,5,7 show an amazing transformation. He is a fighter!! and he beat an overly terrible chance of survival because of your ability and determination to do whatever it took to make him well again.

I'm wondering if you know what the "average" weight of a healthy budgie is? I haven't a clue lol. At 34g's,one BB makes almost three Blue Boy's lol and one Amy makes almost 16!!!:18:

I have a friend who a few months ago rescued a blue budgie. Ray was getting into his SUV and the little budgie LANDED on his door! He said "Pretty Bird" looked disshelved..his feathers were ragged and he looked thin.
Ray has never owned a bird though his girl friends daughter had a budgie as a child. He did take Pretty Bird to a CAV. The Doc (one of the doc's that works where I take my kid's to that works/on call at a clinic in my town) said even though he looks dirty/ratty and a little under weight,is in overall good health.Ray got a cage from his gf's daughter and has set it up
Pretty Bird is said to be pretty young,less than a year old,and is probably an escapee :o
Someone is prolly missing this guy. I told Ray he should make posts on different sites but he hasn't. I also suggested he join the forum :D
From what he has told me,he is treating the bird just fine..feeding him fruit and veggies,has toys,and he asks me a lot of questions,knowing i have Amy and Beebs.
He invited me to go visit tomorrow lol.

Again Laura..THANK YOU for all that you do,and what you did for this little creature. There are people out there that would say "'s just a bird :(
Remember..BLM...Bird Lives Matter!

Wish I could give you a huge :60::60:
I'm still saying prayers that Neppy finds his way back to you.

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Thank you!
I'm so glad Pretty Bird was saved!! So many birds get many as I have found out. I do hope you freind joins our community, im always learning and picking up tips.

I learned a lot with Blue Boy, he was my first cat bite victim . I knew the bacteria was bad and fast. But I didn't remember it Pasteurella at first, or that the doubling time could be as fast as 30 minutes. My vet hadn't advised me to do the intense wound care, that I decided to do every two hours that first day. But I've dealt with wounds before, and I knew you couldn't get all the bacteria out, and that whatever was left after each cleaning would keep multiplying. I knew humans could get septic in mere hours since I had a freind who was in the hospital a few hours after a cat bite to a joint. I have to look back , but I think 5 hours after the bite when his face swelled and he started hock sitting was a critical turning point. I think the wound care really gave him a chance until the antibiotics kicked in......because unlike swelling from trauma a few hours later it went down . I had a puncture thst swelled abd sent me to the hospital in hours, and they gave me a shot and had me wait in tye ER to see if it woukd go down or I was going to be hospitalized. Thankfully it quickly did. So now that everything is said and done, I think that was the most critical life threatening moment for him !! And then again later when I stopped treating the wound briefly, the wound got worse again on day 3, so for the rest of the healing I cleaned the wound 3 times a day. Obviously he had no chance without antibiotics, but I think the wound care made a difference too..

Also I gave him 1/2 - 1ml of warm sugar water 50/50. When i first got him home, for shock, and starvation weakness. I only did this once as emergency treatment, and to get a little fluid into him. I had been advised by the parrot 911 recovery team, that if I found my parrot, and he was in a bad way to give him apple juice ( a great electorate drink, better than Gatorade, for birds) , and offer applesauce, incase he hadn't been eating or drinking . ( for if I found him those first few days), I didn't have apple juice on hand when I got Blue Boy.
" If not enough food is ingested, then the blood sugar drops (hypoglycemia) and no glucose is available to enter the cells, even if there is enough insulin to permit glucose to enter the cells. The brain is very susceptible to low blood sugars, and coma has a very quick onset.
Treatment is providing sugar. If the person is awake enough to swallow, a sugar solution by mouth is used, otherwise, intravenous fluids containing glucose are provided. If the lack of sugar was of short duration, the person will awaken almost immediately after treatment. If blood sugars remain low for prolonged periods of time, the brain's ability to recover is potentially lost. "

I also provided supplemental warmth immediately, for this I used my sweeter heater a radiant heat panel. I do not use or like heat lamps, as many suffer burns and damage from them...
( i hope the thread helps others)

Everyday I hope someone will call me with Neptune . But because someone did call me about this bird , thinking it was Neptune. Then I like to believe Neptune helped save him too
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... But because someone did call me about this bird , thinking it was Neptune. Then I like to believe Neptune helped save him too

I have been thinking from the beginning of the thread, that if Blue Boy recovered then Neptune has helped to save him. :)
Thank you Jen.

Well interesting developments. I've managed to turn Blue Boy into a 2 tone blue....hmmm.....i only used peroxide on a q tip, and then wiped off.... his very first dsy picture he wasn't 2 tones of blue..

Here he us pictured with his new buddy Clear. Clear has a lipoma on his chest so he looks fat


Yesterday he didn't have this!!!! O just talked too Vet she doesn't have a medical reason.......thinks it was a little freaked out i didn't treat the wound the last day because it was healed

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Thank you Jen.

Well interesting developments. I've managed to turn Blue Boy into a 2 tone blue....hmmm.....i only used peroxide on a q tip, and then wiped off.... his very first dsy picture he wasn't 2 tones of blue..

Here he us pictured with his new buddy Clear. Clear has a lipoma on his chest so he looks fat


Yesterday he didn't have this!!!! O just talked too Vet she doesn't have a medical reason.......thinks it was a little freaked out i didn't treat the wound the last day because it was healed

Peroxide is FAIRLY safe at 3%-- I mean, you don't want them getting it in their eyes or eating it, or inhaling the mist (it WILL burn human hands with repeat exposure-- I learned that recently)...but Noodles once flew down while I was in the garden and I had these cans sitting in the kitchen that had been sprayed with it (covid etc)...When I came back in, she was over by the tangerines (also on the kitchen floor) BUUUUUTTTT, it was still very scary (since I didn't know how long she had been on the ground without supervision). The vet said, for a bird her size, a single lick of peroxide (wet/on a soda can top...pooling) would not be terribly poisonous-- that it would likely just gross out the bird and discourage further investigation/consumption if it was just a test run. I am NNNNOT saying to let your bird contact it, but, given that peroxide likely saved your bird, I would say..."let sleeping dogs lie?"...Feathers are dry, and I'm not certain, but I am fairly sure that much of its reactivity reduces when dry.

I clean with hydrogen peroxide at 3% when Noodles is nearby 6 ft or so, but your guy was sick when you used it and he probably didn't preen it until dry (as he felt crappy).
Oh haha Laura - now we know what "peroxide blonde" would look like on naturally Blue hair!

I mean, feathers are pretty similar to hair really. And hydrogen peroxide is almost the main ingredient in Sun-In Hair Lightener. Which is activated by heat, or by Sunlight. (Hence the name "Sun-In.")

And, I notice in the "before" pic, Blue Boy exposed to sunlight in front of horizontal blinds-slats. Which could account for the lovely horizontal two-tone effect.
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Laura he looks so good..and HAPPY just hanging out with Cloudy. At first I didn't notice his two-tone blue lol

Oh haha Laura - now we know what "peroxide blonde" would look like on naturally Blue hair!

I mean, feathers are pretty similar to hair really. And hydrogen peroxide is almost the main ingredient in Sun-In Hair Lightener. Which is activated by heat, or by Sunlight. (Hence the name "Sun-In.")

And, I notice in the "before" pic, Blue Boy exposed to sunlight in front of horizontal blinds-slats. Which could account for the lovely horizontal two-tone effect.

We will call it beachy blue! He seems very healthy happy abd active. Clear and he are best buddies . The 3 parakeets have meetings on the ceiling fan, much is discussed.
Today Blue Boy's weight is 37 grams!!!!!!@@
According to my math tutor ( saxguy) that is 15% gain!!!!!!
He was so close to death by starvation that last day....he was weak flying the day before...
He feels great, when I held his body, felt close to normal . I don't think he will go above 39 grams when he gains a his weight back.. Cloudy at 44 grams is much larger bird than he is.
He plays with toys, hauls his lettuces around, and is full of acrobatic antics.
15% weight gain back!!!! Yippee
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Laura I am lousy at maths too but any percentage in the positive has to be a good thing, and he sounds like he is so fun and full of life! Give Blue Boy a big kiss from his Aussie aunty won't you?! :10:

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