Hi Laura..

I've been following this thread and thought it was time to comment. Girl,YOU ARE JUST AMAZING!!! :07::60: I am sooo happy for you and Blue Boy! As folks have stated,if it weren't for you,he would not have survived.
The pictures you posted of his recovery,day 3,5,7 show an amazing transformation. He is a fighter!! and he beat an overly terrible chance of survival because of your ability and determination to do whatever it took to make him well again.
I'm wondering if you know what the "average" weight of a healthy budgie is? I haven't a clue lol. At 34g's,one BB makes almost three Blue Boy's lol and one Amy makes almost 16!!!:18:
I have a friend who a few months ago rescued a blue budgie. Ray was getting into his SUV and the little budgie LANDED on his door! He said "Pretty Bird" looked disshelved..his feathers were ragged and he looked thin.
Ray has never owned a bird though his girl friends daughter had a budgie as a child. He did take Pretty Bird to a CAV. The Doc (one of the doc's that works where I take my kid's to that works/on call at a clinic in my town) said even though he looks dirty/ratty and a little under weight,is in overall good health.Ray got a cage from his gf's daughter and has set it up
Pretty Bird is said to be pretty young,less than a year old,and is probably an escapee

Someone is prolly missing this guy. I told Ray he should make posts on different sites but he hasn't. I also suggested he join the forum

From what he has told me,he is treating the bird just fine..feeding him fruit and veggies,has toys,and he asks me a lot of questions,knowing i have Amy and Beebs.
He invited me to go visit tomorrow lol.
Again Laura..THANK YOU for all that you do,and what you did for this little creature. There are people out there that would say "oh...it's just a bird
Remember..BLM...Bird Lives Matter!
Wish I could give you a huge :60::60:
I'm still saying prayers that Neppy finds his way back to you.