My fear is that all of this is just going to make him hate me long term, this morning I had to put gloves on to hold him down to give him his medicine, and he was NOT happy, it was the first time he really tried to dig into my skin but I had the avian gloves on so I was fine, but if it was my arm, I would be in the emergency room.
I'm scared i'm investing so much time and effort and MONEY (over 5k at this point) on this bird, and he will always hate me because of these first few weeks (not that it changes me wanting to help him). I feel like I've depleted my birdie bank and a face dive is coming soon.

Really upset you guys.
The bird could die without this medication, but giving it to him is like absolute torture for him. I even bought the little funnel at a bird store to just sit it in his mouth to deliver the medication, and he fights me, so I have to hold him down. We aren't close enough for all of these bad experiences. I've only had him 11 days. He was kept in the cage 24/7 for 3 years of his life, this is his first interaction with people, and he's also learning how to fly, and he keeps flying away to avoid me and then crash landing because he has no idea what he's doing. Should I have the vet clip him a little until he feels safe with me? (SOMETHING I REALLY DO NOT WANT TO DO).
Also, I can't just ignore him to wait until he calms down, there is a strict time interval for this medication, and because I work in surgery in the mornings. I don't have the time in the mornings to sit around and wait for him to just relax, and he hasn't been pleased with me since the first vet appointment, so it feels like he will never calm down anyway. He's always pinning at me, bowing down, raising his feathers, no matter what I do, even when I try and give him his favorite treat. He will literally go for my finger, and not the treat, and mind you, he has only been getting veggies and pellets, so his desire for a treat should definitely be high since he's so used to just seeds and peanuts!
I'm really overwhelmed at the moment, and scared, 1. that he will end up dying from this, and 2. that he will never like me/bond with me.