Hey guys!
I just want to thank you SO MUCH for all of your help and feedback! To answer some of the follow up questions:
- He was not bleeding after the first vet appointment, but he was back there for a long time and could have been and the vet may have dealt with it before. The nails are SO SHORT he can barely use them. I feel really bad I didn't notice this initially.
- Yea, the parasitic infection would have him so much sicker at this point, it's just these things look like TENTACLES, and every picture I see of the canker in chickens is much more similar than the squamous metaplasia pictures i've seen. The vet will probably get back to me tomorrow with more info.
- He is doing well, he HATES getting his medicine, but he's been eating his veggies, and we've been doing a lot of clicker training, doesn't seem sick at all, but is still getting used to me and is super moody. When he bites though he has got me a few times, but it NEVER breaks skin and doesn't hurt, so my guess is he likes me, and doesn't want to hurt me, just establishing his boundaries (even though this is when I have to give him his medicine)
-I wish I could show you the pictures of the lesions because it REALLY should be more documented for owners to see what a bad diet can do to these guys (if squamous metaplasia is definitely what is wrong). I really do think we will need surgery at some point, because i don't see them going away.
- I got some vitamin supplements online, to sort of make sure he's getting enough, if there's anything else you guys recommend to keep my bird healthy let me know!
The one thing I'm worried about the most is him trusting me after all of this, it seems like he's been really pissed at me, hasn't been talking at all.