CAG first vet appointment, was I scammed?

I am familiar with all the dangers. Just never owned a grey or even adopted a bird from a bad situation before. I’m just extremely confused why the vet I went to didn’t give me more information because there are so many things that could cause these plaques... if he gave the antibiotic it must mean he felt strongly it was bacterial or viral which really freaks me out. If he thought it was fungal he would have waited...

He has been active just not eating enough, even the seeds.
after a vet visit many birds are " off " a couple if days...

Maybe some warm oatmeal?

The vets don't think we the public, can handle all the info... it can be bacterial, the vet saw your bird we didn't

This is a great article, might have tips to help your parrot with being in a new home.

Pamela Clark is an expert in parrot behavior, yiu can research her blog.
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keep asking questions--I am sure my vet hates me LOL, but all of his techs say that Noodles is the sweetest cockatoo they have ever seen- so I must be doing something right lol! You have to ask questions and be pushy if needed-- if this vet is not appropriate, then find another, but know that you have to be your own advocate in many cases if you are not dealing with an avian vet.
Yea I tried talking to him last night and today, he just told me we have to wait for the culture to come back, but whether it’s fungal or bacterial both are bad. I’m so anxious. Lol
Yea I tried talking to him last night and today, he just told me we have to wait for the culture to come back, but whether it’s fungal or bacterial both are bad. I’m so anxious. Lol

I know the feeling- it's very scary to have to wait when someone tells you they think something COULD be wrong (been there, done that). Sometimes, they are wrong, and sometimes they are right. That's what sucks-- just not knowing. My vet was worried a few years back that Noodles might have PBFD (it was scary because I was already worried about this, but they said that she probably didn't initially, until some other things happened that made them worried she might). At the time, I was seeing a good exotics vet,and that vet wasn't nearly as good as my current CAV, but she loved my bird and listened to my concerns (she actually did a lot of her own research to brush up on the stuff that she didn't know off the top of her head, which was good, but also a hurdle that you don't have to deal with when dealing with a certified avian vet. Long story (shortish??) Noodles didn't have PBFD, but I felt better knowing for sure (despite the agony of waiting).

Parrots are so tricky because of the way they hide illnesses and because of how easily asymptomatic birds can spread stuff around. That having been said, there are certain diseases that can look very similar (and some are really bad, while others are very treatable) so just feel some solace in the fact that your vet appears to be being thorough because at least once you know, you will be able to rule out what it is or isn't.

You knew all of that, but I guess what I am saying is that it is better to be overly-cautious than under-cautious, which is probably why your vet is testing thoroughly...because they have to rule things out in order to make the best call.
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Sweeter heater is a very good radiant heat panel sold on Amazon, smallest size way more than enough, even at that you have to set back a few inches from cage.
Extra warmth is huge in helping sick parrots.

Also get those veggies rich in vitamin A in him. This plaque can just be low vitamin A . He was on a crap diet low in nutrition
I know you just spent a lot of money, but a blood panel would also provide some info-- once you get these back.
Blood won't tell you about aspergillosis in many cases (especially if it is a long-term issue) BUT it can tell you a lot of other good info and is an important baseline for future health issues.

I would say this to anyone who had recently gotten a new parrot (whether or not there were health concerns).
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I made another vet appointment for tonight with a vet referred to me by a local rescue, I just want a second opinion before I go forward. I’m also getting the vibe the antibiotic is making him sicker. He only started acting this way since he started getting it...
I made another vet appointment for tonight with a vet referred to me by a local rescue, I just want a second opinion before I go forward. I’m also getting the vibe the antibiotic is making him sicker. He only started acting this way since he started getting it...

Never hurts to get a second opinion-- and parrot/avian rescues often know the better vets in the area. I hate that you are hemorrhaging money lol, but that is often life with parrots :(
Well this appointment went a lot better because the vet has his own African greys and was a lot more talkative and informative. He showed me pictures of the lesions and did a gram stain in house, they look like little tentacles coming out of the side of his mouth, and could potentially be painful (poor guy) he took him off the antibiotic, and instead has him on an anti inflammatory. He THINKS it’s a dietary issue from the vitamin a deficiency, but it could also be trichotolimetris(sp) so hopefully the blood work doesn’t come back suggesting further damage to his internal organs. If it doesn’t get better in a month with a better diet he’s going to biopsy it, and it could potentially lead to surgery to cut them out. Please keep my little guy in your thoughts!
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Sweeter heater is a very good radiant heat panel sold on Amazon, smallest size way more than enough, even at that you have to set back a few inches from cage.
Extra warmth is huge in helping sick parrots.

Also get those veggies rich in vitamin A in him. This plaque can just be low vitamin A . He was on a crap diet low in nutrition

I'm so glad you got a second opinion!!! Sounds like this new vet is much better!! Yippee the best thing would be just the low vitamin A levels. And you said he has been enjoying the addition of veggies. Hopefully things improve quickly.
Yea I’m just hoping he doesn’t have a parasitic infection.

Oh and BTW they only charged me $400 and they did everything the other vet did and then some! With blood work and diagnostics.

He also told me his nails were cut above the quick. SO never going back to that other vet!
how were they cut above the quick and not bleeding? You got a dang good deal for 400! Especially in NJ. Glad you got a second opinion!
You are being the best parront ever! So glad you have this parrot!
If yiu Google and got scared by the trz'chomonas. Then you should have seen by they time they have theses lesions they are very very ill, so sick they can't hide it, tgey are at deaths door. So your bird 99.999% doesn't have this. I feel bad for even sharing, but I'm an information person, so when you asked i shared.. but I said its most likely low vitamin A or yeast...
You said new vet did stains and slides???? He should have seen bacteria, or yeast organisms if they were there...did he say ??,

How does your bird seem today?,
Do you have a scale?
Yay! I am so glad you found a great vet! I’m still on the search for a great one in driving distance! Luckily we have telemedicine :) when addition information is needed.
Yeah, I wish my vet was closer too (even though an hour isn't super long, its rough in an emergency). That having been said, if the rescue recommended this one, they probably have a lot of parrot experience and it's probably worth the drive if there are no others nearby.
Hey guys!

I just want to thank you SO MUCH for all of your help and feedback! To answer some of the follow up questions:

- He was not bleeding after the first vet appointment, but he was back there for a long time and could have been and the vet may have dealt with it before. The nails are SO SHORT he can barely use them. I feel really bad I didn't notice this initially.

- Yea, the parasitic infection would have him so much sicker at this point, it's just these things look like TENTACLES, and every picture I see of the canker in chickens is much more similar than the squamous metaplasia pictures i've seen. The vet will probably get back to me tomorrow with more info.

- He is doing well, he HATES getting his medicine, but he's been eating his veggies, and we've been doing a lot of clicker training, doesn't seem sick at all, but is still getting used to me and is super moody. When he bites though he has got me a few times, but it NEVER breaks skin and doesn't hurt, so my guess is he likes me, and doesn't want to hurt me, just establishing his boundaries (even though this is when I have to give him his medicine)

-I wish I could show you the pictures of the lesions because it REALLY should be more documented for owners to see what a bad diet can do to these guys (if squamous metaplasia is definitely what is wrong). I really do think we will need surgery at some point, because i don't see them going away.

- I got some vitamin supplements online, to sort of make sure he's getting enough, if there's anything else you guys recommend to keep my bird healthy let me know!

The one thing I'm worried about the most is him trusting me after all of this, it seems like he's been really pissed at me, hasn't been talking at all.
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this is so great to hear!!!
Yes my sick burd us so mad at me right now too!
We are just going to have to be groveling , apologizing, and bribing! But I'm sure both will forgive us in time.
I was just talking to my Friend saying dogs know we are helping them when sick. And parrot are smarter! So why are we getting blamed!

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