Buy Sell Or Toss


Buy the cockatiels and greys :D toss the chair

RV, trailer, "tiny house"
Buy RV, sell trailer, toss "tiny house

King bed, bunk bed, waterbed
Buy king bed, sell waterbed, toss bunk bed.

Labrador retriever, pekingese, Pomeranian.

Sent from my Galaxy s8
Keep all of them!
But if I have to choose...
Buy the labrador, then put the pekingese and pomeranian in loving homes :D

Hyacinth macaw, umbrella cockatoo, budgie
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Buy the budgie (parakeet) and then re-home the macaw and cockatoo in loving homes

full bed, queen bed, king bed
Toss the full bed, buy the king bed, sell the queen bed

Taco stand, hot dog stand, ice cream shop
Buy the ice cream shop, sell the taco stand, toss the hot dog stand.

Canoe, Jet-ski, Sailboat
Buy the canoe, toss the jet-ski, sell the Sailboat

Gazebo, grill, table
Buy the grill, sell the gazebo,toss the table

Wife, car, feathery friend lol
Buy the feathery friend, sell the car, toss the wife! (loyalty!!!)

Stationary exercise bike, patio furniture, Fancy coffee maker that grinds beans and makes a fresh pot at the time you decide?
Buy the patio furniture, sell the exercise bike, toss fancy-shmancy coffee maker

Mobile vacuum cleaner, an ''Alexa,'' self-driving car
Buy mobile vacuum cleaner
Sell self driving car
Toss Alexa

Kanye West CD, Eminem CD and Taylor Swift CD

Buy Taylor Swift CD, Sell Eminem CD, Toss Kanye West CD

Radio, iPod, CD player
Buy the iPod, toss the radio, sell CD player.

Chess set, Rubik's Cube, Ouija Board?
Buy lamp
Sell gold coins
Toss flip flops

Potato gun, pellet gun, water gun
Potato gun, pellet gun, water gun

Buy Pellet Gun, sell water gun, toss potato gun

Horse, Cat, Cow
BUY- cow
SELL- horse
TOSS-cat (LOL!)

cockatoo, penguin, hawk

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