RP game idea?

If nobody has an opinion about humans existence, I'll set it as "Animal Land" (because animals would replace humans like parrots in Parrot Land)
I think humans should exist... it'lll make it more interesting. I would love to hear from other members, though!
With the human version my suggestion would be to focus on birds and maybe with some other animals but maybe let's allow humans appearance when they're necessary (because for example they're owners). And maybe it would be something like in Rio - animals could talking with each other but not with humans

I'll wait for others' opinions
With the human version my suggestion would be to focus on birds and maybe with some other animals but maybe let's allow humans appearance when they're necessary (because for example they're owners). And maybe it would be something like in Rio - animals could talking with each other but not with humans.
Sounds good!
So except for making a charecter sheet everything I started with and no one seemingly was on last night.....was perfect and in the rules....LOL.

You all can restart I don't care, lets put that as an example.
Also try to remember to leave something open for the next person to work off of, end your lines with a "cliffhanger/page turn" for the next person.

*react......Add to story.....*open cliffhanger for the next person.
So except for making a charecter sheet everything I started with and no one seemingly was on last night.....was perfect and in the rules....LOL.

You all can restart I don't care, lets put that as an example.
Actually, it was against rules - it didn't look right. Later I'll add an example
With the human version my suggestion would be to focus on birds and maybe with some other animals but maybe let's allow humans appearance when they're necessary (because for example they're owners). And maybe it would be something like in Rio - animals could talking with each other but not with humans

I'll wait for others' opinions
Honestly I find this version harder. It would mean that the birds would have to leave somehow their home to meet together. I looked to Clark's version again and I'm not sure if such example bar scene would be possible. It would have to some kind of bird bar - like in Rio there was a bird party but there were mostly wild birds.

So wait... maybe let's set a place? Actually the characters don't have to be pets but wild birds. However single pets may join (somehow Nigel was in Rio despite being a cockatoo).
(I was writing thinking, I'm not removing my original thought)
I thought you wanted a "fantasy" Role playing game..... In D&D most quests start in bars/pubs/inns or the like. And for instance I included humans but they were just dumb horses the birds sit on to get somewhere at some times and have no influence on the story other than a mode of transportation.

What genre are we looking at? Noir? War spy? Fantasy realm? space?
What genre are we looking at? Noir? War spy? Fantasy realm? space?
omg, I don't understand these terms :p But I think we haven't chosen yet and some things will turn out during the story
I'm too lazy to create a scene as an example so I copied a fragment from my story, just adding colors for both "players". It's a conversation between 4 humans but it has a parrot related element

Let's say in this example:
Bartek, Marysia and Zuza are owned by a new player, so there's a small introduction to explain who they are.
Michał and Zenek are owned by another player who decided to introduce a new character - Zenek.
Natalie is just mentioned - every player could mention every character.


He [Michal] opened the door. There are three persons: one of them is a boy in the same age as Natalie named Bartek. He has quite a lot of scars of different sizes in different places, even on his face. He is with his girlfriend Zuza and her two year old daughter Marysia.

Bartek: Hello!

Marysia: Hi!

Michał: Um, hello. To be honest I forgot you were supposed to be here today.

Zuza: I hope we don’t disturb you?

Michał: Um, no.

Marysia: I wanna see the parrot!

Michał: Let’s go there.

They entered another room. Inside there’s a small cage with a quite colorful parrot.

Marysia: What does he say?

Michał: Zenek, say ‘Hello’.


Say ‘Hello’.


Marysia: Does he say ‘hello’?

Michał: Yeah and some other words too.

(He started knocking on the wardrobe. The parrot named Zenek is still quiet.)

‘Who’s that’? Zenek, ‘knock knock’.

Ignore the fact what it is about, it's just a part from my "Kidnapper" story (which of course wasn't made as a game;) ). In our story prob there would be less humans and more birds. What do you think about similar form? I think it would be a bit clearer than usual stories because of few players creating it
FYI: Zenek in this story is inpired by my irl Zenek but he has a totally different story of course.
I think I have a completely different idea what I role playing game is....I think you want to play the SIMS but with parrots. Where as I was think more; we form a party and go on a quest for millet and get tasked with riddles from crows and ravens, maybe fight an eagle but win, and have to go through an underground river and have to befriend an otter to do so....little challenges over time. But yeah I'm not sure what...you want to try here.

I love you....just confused.
No, I didn't mean any kind of quest.
Hmm... maybe I'm confused because I've never played any RP game. I'll go to the another forum to see if other games always have some kind of quest
You do what you want I'm sorry "I" misunderstood.

It's my misunderstanding.
I looked at other such games and Idk what to do... I think we should have some kind of the background because most of them has a short plot. But there are few without any plot too and I don't think there is any kind of mission

Note: As I had written - I have no experience in such games so I don't know how does a typical one look like. Maybe I should start playing another one before starting this one but I'm not brave enough to start playing there :LOL:
If.....and I'm not going to; this is your idea.... but IF this was my idea...I'd start with a setting....place...time...technology level....then move on to Goal....not plot....plot is what happens in the growing story. You need a goal to achieve. Characters (players)storylines and evolution. also evolve with the plot.

Those ground rules laid; you introduce the stage and have someone maybe not even a player (or can be) adds obstacles over time. Could be moderators can even be players.

Anyone can join the game at any time or leave. Inactivity for a week they left the party for a rest.

Rules would be parrot has infinite hit points but can get an injured wing or foot (not broken) that way the party can be slowed or encumbered for an obstacle but only temporary. Another Idea would be say budgies are all expert medics like dwarves are all expert miners. No one can die but bad guys.

Treasure would be what parrots like millet, seeds, pellets, fruit, veggies. Etc.

Quests or mini quests would be like an escape room, solve a riddle or a puzzle, out-stealth an owl, Fight an eagle or cat. Person that does accomplish (the person online more and plays more, acquires productivity points and accolades).

You could even have mini quests in the main plot lines the group could split up just remember which party is doing what and you can't automatically switch.

Anyways, that would be along the lines of a typical American role playing game with a few caveats.

Again this is what came to mind when you said role playing game.
Thanks for your explanation. It looks like the second forum confused me so much - your version looks like a game and honestly none of the games I've seen looked like this. Some of them had a small mission eg rescuing somebody, but they are like a story (usually written like I gave an example)

I don't know why I thought about Sonic the hedgehog during your post (LMAO, it looks I play it too much :LOL:) - choosing between out two versions is something like choosing between the game and the movie😅

I like your idea too, but I think I would have to spend more time to create the background and rules - it means that there would be many rules and many rules = many mistakes by players, so I don't think it is a good idea. Unfortunately some players don't take care about the rules. I've already had one a bit similar game which had some wrong "plays", so I tried to make it easier - but it turned out that not enough rules are wrong too.

So maybe the best solution is to not start this game at all
Yeah after your explanation I kind of figured out this was a cultural thing and we were talking about two different things.
It's not a RP game but I've just reminded about another story game. In the past I created a thread but later I wrote to supermods to delete it because it was too complicated and had no players. But now I'm thinking that prob now it could find some players quicker than then... but still it would be so complicated because each player would have to send a PM to each player and prob many people wouldn't like such idea. It was based on my favorite game of my childhood which was very funny to play.

Edit: I think it could work also with writing on Massage Wall but I think PM's are better
It's not a RP game but I've just reminded about another story game. In the past I created a thread but later I wrote to supermods to delete it because it was too complicated and had no players. But now I'm thinking that prob now it could find some players quicker than then... but still it would be so complicated because each player would have to send a PM to each player and prob many people wouldn't like such idea. It was based on my favorite game of my childhood which was very funny to play.

Edit: I think it could work also with writing on Massage Wall but I think PM's are better
I'm in! If you make a PM for the game you can invite me, I just wanna hear what it is first.

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