Buy Sell Or Toss

Buy Burger King, sell Dairy Queen, toss McDonald's

Taco truck, hot dog stand, popcorn station
Buy popcorn station, sell taco truck, toss hotdog stand.

VHS tape machine, waffle maker, electric tooth brush?
Toss the VHS Machine (use Netflix instead), buy waffle maker, sell tooth brush.

Budgie, Conure, Cockatoo (sorry, but you have to toss one of them).
Keep the budgie, sell the conure, toss the cockatoo (I wouldn't own a large bird if my life depended on it!)

Smart phone, tablet, laptop.

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I wouldn't own a large bird if my life depended on it!

I wouldn't either, however conures are pretty cute.

Sell the smart phone (some are worth more than $600!), keep the tablet, toss the laptop.

Truck, car, SUV?
Buy the SUV (still has room for a bird cage or two), sell the truck, toss the car

Microwave, toaster oven, crock pot
Buy toaster oven, sell crock pot, toss microwave

Peanut butter, strawberry jam, mayonnaise?
Buy the hummus, sell the salsa, toss the guacamole.

Vacuum, blender, electric can opener
(Can't I keep all 3?)

Buy Vacuum Sell blender Toss Electric can opener

Bath, Shower, Whirlpool
Buy the shower, toss the bath, sell the Whirlpool

Lasagna, spaghetti, jambalaya
Buy the lasagna, sell the jambalaya, toss the spaghetti

Salad, Sandwich, Soup
Buy the lasagna, sell the jambalaya, toss the spaghetti

Salad, Sandwich, Soup

Buy the Salad, sell the Sandwich, toss the soup.

Mechanical pencil, Crayon, Fountain pen.
Buy the mechanical pencil, sell the fountain pen, toss the crayon
iPad, iPhone, iPod
Toss them all!
Buy the iPad, sell the iPod, toss the iPhone.

Book, magazine, newspaper
Sent from my Galaxy s8
Buy the Book, sell the Magazine, toss the Newspaper. (great cage material!)

Boots, Gloves, Scarf
Toss all of them! I hate snow!
Buy the boots, sell the scarf, toss the gloves
Keep the bungalow, sell the condo, toss the townhouse!

Horses, jackets, lariats

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