Bumble-ing Along

WOW ! She's like a flying torpedo. Well done, both of you!
See if you can teach Bumble "the Bomb" thing , descending whistle and then a explosion.
One of the first things Salty learned. His trigger is when I point my finger up, and then slowly lower it while he does the whistle. Then BOOM.

I’m gonna need video [emoji16] and I’m not sure Bumble will vocalize that well lol. No whistles yet!

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So adorable - I just love how she flap, flap, flaps.... and then tucks her wings in to glide part of the way back. She looks like a little bumble-bullet in slo-mo when she tucks in on the home stretch :).

Haha! Bumble Bullet! Love it! Slo-mo is so fun because I can see things I’d never see at full speed-like the gliding, and sometimes I see all of her tail feathers fan out as she lands. It’s really amazing to me.

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The slo-mo video is so awesome, I love how she tucks in her wings so she looks like a torpedo. I have quite a few slo-mo flight videos myself. ALL my birds are molting now too... so many feathers EVERYWHERE. Poor Pearl looks more like a white porcupine than a budgie.

Knowing what an advocate for flight you are, I suspected you would like the video [emoji16] You should post some of yours!

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I love that video! Watching Bumble make that turn in slo-mo is so cool!

I know!! I love it!

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I love it.

And you know what, Inger? I love how you love that little bird, and how Bumble loves you. You two are such a precious pair!

Awwww you warm my heart. And this is almost the only place where I can let on how much I really love that ounce of fluff and not be worried that everyone will think I’m strange [emoji16]

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Moltinggggggg. Again. Forever. And sooooo much. I’ve been reminded of the times Mr. Boats has described coming home to a feather snowstorm! The blizzard has slowed finally and she’s got lots of pins she’s been working on. She’ll sit on me and preen herself and it will be like a whole different snowstorm!

She asks for (demands) skritches regularly. She will bump my thumb with her head, and if I don’t respond quickly enough, she’ll give me a little chirp and sometimes a gentle beak to get me moving.

She went through a HORRIBLE bitey phase, but I did my best not to react (maybe 50% success LOL) and recently she’s pretty much stopped, thank heaven. I get beak messages but they’re mostly very gentle, and she likes to preen my fingers and say “tickle”.

She’s fetching really well and flying to/from the bead instead of just waddling. We’re working on distance. Time to come up with a new trick to work on. It’s pretty much ALWAYS time for a new trick with this one!

Words: peekaboo (while head-butting me), tickle (while preening) beeeeeeeeep when I walk into the kitchen or when she hears my sister’s voice on the phone. She makes kissy noises but back in the day, when I sometimes heard her practice, she made them better so I’m still hopeful she’ll bust out the good kisses anytime now. Peek when we’re playing peekaboo (weirdo) and she’s made a new game up: when she sits on my shoulder, sometimes I’ll turn my head away and back and say peekaboo. One day, out of nowhere, she started turning her head every time she says peek. Sooooo cute. She also has a new word that she says while she sits on my shoulder during nightly bowl-cleaning. I have NO IDEA what it is. 2 syllables, *might* be thank you but I can’t get that to make sense to me. I wish I could figure it out so I could encourage her. Little girl parrotlets are not the clearest speakers. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Tonight we were sitting in my room and she was doing laps from my finger to the bathroom door and back. I made this slo-mo video of her. It’s interesting to watch because I didn’t realize that she starts low, goes up and then turns at the door, but it’s very consistent. Video is poorly edited, has stock iMovie music, and features my laundry pile haha but I hope you enjoy anyway. And the picture is the tiniest feather, which she gave to me tonight. [emoji5]



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I had to watch Bumble's video SEVERAL more times :D So calculating! She turns on your finger to see exactly where she wants to go,then takes flight,tucks her arms in as she reaches the door,turns,then opens them back up and glides to you finger. BB would have been flapping like a goof ball, yelling his head off,not knowing what hes gonna do to the last second. :o

Again, I just love the slow-mo!

Moltinggggggg. Again. Forever. And sooooo much. I’ve been reminded of the times Mr. Boats has described coming home to a feather snowstorm! The blizzard has slowed finally and she’s got lots of pins she’s been working on. She’ll sit on me and preen herself and it will be like a whole different snowstorm!

She asks for (demands) skritches regularly. She will bump my thumb with her head, and if I don’t respond quickly enough, she’ll give me a little chirp and sometimes a gentle beak to get me moving.

She went through a HORRIBLE bitey phase, but I did my best not to react (maybe 50% success LOL) and recently she’s pretty much stopped, thank heaven. I get beak messages but they’re mostly very gentle, and she likes to preen my fingers and say “tickle”.

She’s fetching really well and flying to/from the bead instead of just waddling. We’re working on distance. Time to come up with a new trick to work on. It’s pretty much ALWAYS time for a new trick with this one!

Words: peekaboo (while head-butting me), tickle (while preening) beeeeeeeeep when I walk into the kitchen or when she hears my sister’s voice on the phone. She makes kissy noises but back in the day, when I sometimes heard her practice, she made them better so I’m still hopeful she’ll bust out the good kisses anytime now. Peek when we’re playing peekaboo (weirdo) and she’s made a new game up: when she sits on my shoulder, sometimes I’ll turn my head away and back and say peekaboo. One day, out of nowhere, she started turning her head every time she says peek. Sooooo cute. She also has a new word that she says while she sits on my shoulder during nightly bowl-cleaning. I have NO IDEA what it is. 2 syllables, *might* be thank you but I can’t get that to make sense to me. I wish I could figure it out so I could encourage her. Little girl parrotlets are not the clearest speakers. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Tonight we were sitting in my room and she was doing laps from my finger to the bathroom door and back. I made this slo-mo video of her. It’s interesting to watch because I didn’t realize that she starts low, goes up and then turns at the door, but it’s very consistent. Video is poorly edited, has stock iMovie music, and features my laundry pile haha but I hope you enjoy anyway. And the picture is the tiniest feather, which she gave to me tonight. [emoji5]



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I had to watch Bumble's video SEVERAL more times :D So calculating! She turns on your finger to see exactly where she wants to go,then takes flight,tucks her arms in as she reaches the door,turns,then opens them back up and glides to you finger. BB would have been flapping like a goof ball, yelling his head off,not knowing what hes gonna do to the last second. :o

Again, I just love the slow-mo!


I suspect she’s so good at it because she’s always been able to do it. She had a very light clip when she came home-it barely slowed her down-so she’s been practicing all her life. She DOES occasionally get startled but even then, she’s accustomed to flying around the place so she knows what she’s about.

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Moltinggggggg. Again. Forever. And sooooo much. I’ve been reminded of the times Mr. Boats has described coming home to a feather snowstorm! The blizzard has slowed finally and she’s got lots of pins she’s been working on. She’ll sit on me and preen herself and it will be like a whole different snowstorm!

She asks for (demands) skritches regularly. She will bump my thumb with her head, and if I don’t respond quickly enough, she’ll give me a little chirp and sometimes a gentle beak to get me moving.

She went through a HORRIBLE bitey phase, but I did my best not to react (maybe 50% success LOL) and recently she’s pretty much stopped, thank heaven. I get beak messages but they’re mostly very gentle, and she likes to preen my fingers and say “tickle”.

She’s fetching really well and flying to/from the bead instead of just waddling. We’re working on distance. Time to come up with a new trick to work on. It’s pretty much ALWAYS time for a new trick with this one!

Words: peekaboo (while head-butting me), tickle (while preening) beeeeeeeeep when I walk into the kitchen or when she hears my sister’s voice on the phone. She makes kissy noises but back in the day, when I sometimes heard her practice, she made them better so I’m still hopeful she’ll bust out the good kisses anytime now. Peek when we’re playing peekaboo (weirdo) and she’s made a new game up: when she sits on my shoulder, sometimes I’ll turn my head away and back and say peekaboo. One day, out of nowhere, she started turning her head every time she says peek. Sooooo cute. She also has a new word that she says while she sits on my shoulder during nightly bowl-cleaning. I have NO IDEA what it is. 2 syllables, *might* be thank you but I can’t get that to make sense to me. I wish I could figure it out so I could encourage her. Little girl parrotlets are not the clearest speakers. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Tonight we were sitting in my room and she was doing laps from my finger to the bathroom door and back. I made this slo-mo video of her. It’s interesting to watch because I didn’t realize that she starts low, goes up and then turns at the door, but it’s very consistent. Video is poorly edited, has stock iMovie music, and features my laundry pile haha but I hope you enjoy anyway. And the picture is the tiniest feather, which she gave to me tonight. [emoji5]



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I had to watch Bumble's video SEVERAL more times :D So calculating! She turns on your finger to see exactly where she wants to go,then takes flight,tucks her arms in as she reaches the door,turns,then opens them back up and glides to you finger. BB would have been flapping like a goof ball, yelling his head off,not knowing what hes gonna do to the last second. :o

Again, I just love the slow-mo!


I suspect she’s so good at it because she’s always been able to do it. She had a very light clip when she came home-it barely slowed her down-so she’s been practicing all her life. She DOES occasionally get startled but even then, she’s accustomed to flying around the place so she knows what she’s about.

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Exactly! When my birds get startled they just fly in circles really fast until they get tired and land. They never run into anything!
I love it.

And you know what, Inger? I love how you love that little bird, and how Bumble loves you. You two are such a precious pair!

Awwww you warm my heart. And this is almost the only place where I can let on how much I really love that ounce of fluff and not be worried that everyone will think I’m strange [emoji16]

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Not strange in the least, your videos and posts warm my heart:)
I took Bumble to work with me last week. Got new windows in my apartment, so I didn't want to leave her home while that was going on. Thank goodness I have such a great boss!

She was very good, only made noise when I left the room (and if I got a co-worker to come "babysit" for the 3 minutes it took me to go to the ladies, she was fine LOL). She charmed the socks off of everyone. They all stopped in to visit and she would come out of the cage, sit on hands for millet, do all of her tricks, and generally look cute - which is certainly her greatest skill!

Oh and remember my sister, the one Bumble and I stayed with in Virginia? Now, all of you know that asking someone to take you and your bird for three weeks is a lot - merry Christmas put away your teflon and don't light any candles thank you very much - and I've thanked my sister and told her how much it meant about 100 times since then and she keeps telling me to stop it and she loved having her. WELL. This weekend we were on the phone and she had been out to some garage sales, saw a cage and a stand and almost bought it "so it's there next time Bumble comes to visit." She decided against, because, well we are an animal loving family and she knew that if she bought the cage, before long she would decide it needed a bird in it, but the thought was still amazing and I really count my blessings that I have such a great family.
Dang, what must it be like to have such an adorable little angel who loves everybody and everybody loves? Doggone it, I love her, too, so I can't even be cranky about it!
Your sister and co-workers sound like gems, too!
Inger, you much be doing things right! :)
Dang, what must it be like to have such an adorable little angel who loves everybody and everybody loves? Doggone it, I love her, too, so I can't even be cranky about it!
Your sister and co-workers sound like gems, too!
Inger, you much be doing things right! :)

She doesn't love everybody. She loves millet. She's a bit anti-social and bitey without it. I hope that makes you feel better LOL.

Oh and I forgot! Kisses and beeps.

When we first arrived in Virginia last December, my sis was giving us examples of all the beeps her new car makes as various warnings. From out of nowhere, Bumble said “beeeeeeeep” for the first time ever. This certainly helped my sister’s love affair with her! The funniest part is that now she beeps when I walk in the kitchen and . . . When I have my sister on speaker phone! As if to say “Hey Aunt Judi! Here’s beeping at ya!” It is AMAZING to me that she obviously recognizes a voice even over speaker phone.

And kisses-she’s been making kissy noises for ages, but rarely in “public.” I heard her doing perfect kisses during a practice session when she thought I was napping ages ago, and she no longer does practice when I’m around (it at all??). So recently, she’s started making kissy noises when she expects me to. For example, if I leave her in the living room for a minute, she will let loose with her contact call. I’ll say “I hear you” only once, and as soon as she’s quiet, I’ll make the kissy noise. The other day, I was distracted and when she stopped calling, I just kept on with what I was doing. Shortly I heard a near perfect kiss. And she doesn’t like for me to take a nap unless I face her cage while I sleep, and even then she’ll get a little squawky and again, I’ll do kisses and she quiets right down. This weekend I was taking a nap and sure enough-kissy noise while I slept.

She really doesn’t adore other people, but she does adore me and she fills me with joy and makes me melt.

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Awww Bumble! So cute. Kiss kiss.
"loves millet". The key to socializing any parrot is thru their bellies. Bumble is no different from Salty, they both would wash your car or build you a couch for their favorite treat, if they could. LOL sounds like Bumble is getting you trained right up!
Oh and I forgot! Kisses and beeps.

When we first arrived in Virginia last December, my sis was giving us examples of all the beeps her new car makes as various warnings. From out of nowhere, Bumble said “beeeeeeeep” for the first time ever. This certainly helped my sister’s love affair with her! The funniest part is that now she beeps when I walk in the kitchen and . . . When I have my sister on speaker phone! As if to say “Hey Aunt Judi! Here’s beeping at ya!” It is AMAZING to me that she obviously recognizes a voice even over speaker phone.

And kisses-she’s been making kissy noises for ages, but rarely in “public.” I heard her doing perfect kisses during a practice session when she thought I was napping ages ago, and she no longer does practice when I’m around (it at all??). So recently, she’s started making kissy noises when she expects me to. For example, if I leave her in the living room for a minute, she will let loose with her contact call. I’ll say “I hear you” only once, and as soon as she’s quiet, I’ll make the kissy noise. The other day, I was distracted and when she stopped calling, I just kept on with what I was doing. Shortly I heard a near perfect kiss. And she doesn’t like for me to take a nap unless I face her cage while I sleep, and even then she’ll get a little squawky and again, I’ll do kisses and she quiets right down. This weekend I was taking a nap and sure enough-kissy noise while I slept.

She really doesn’t adore other people, but she does adore me and she fills me with joy and makes me melt.

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Inger...I TOTALLY agree about phone recognition! As soon as Beebs hears his Uncle DJ's voice <always have the phone on speaker when DJ calls>
BB could be sitting on one of his perches in his house,or even on my shoulder,he runs right to the phone and does his wolfie whistle as loud as he can and as long as he can lol..what a character he is!
Way to go Ms Bumble!! :07:


Now that the play gym I built has been in the house for 6 weeks, Bumble has decided she can use it. We’ve been hanging out in my bedroom (I have 2 rooms and the TV is in my bedroom) and her boing is in the living room, so I brought the play gym in with us in case she wanted to have some independent time.

So two days ago she started flying to it on her own and hanging out a bit. Yesterday I gently made her hang from one of the toys (which she had been ignoring) and after she’d done it once, all bets were off and she spent a good portion of last night playing and perching and reminding me that she’s a big girl now. It often takes her a while to warm up to new things, but once she finally does it’s great to see her enjoy herself!

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It seems impossible, but today marks one year since Bumble came home. We celebrated with extra skritches (so many pinnies in that little head) and a new ring toss (thanks for the link, Sunnyclover!). And I am patting myself on the back for making the brilliant decision to add her to my life. What a great little friend she is.

I was looking at the pictures from her first day home and I’d forgotten how pink her beak was! Go back to the first post of this thread if you want to see the difference. Nothing as extreme and beaks that start black and get light or vice versa, but still noticeable.

Here she is looking sassy with her (maybe too big) ring toss.


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Aw, sweet Bumble. A year has passed already since she was the “possible bird”??! Definitely a decision worth patting yourself on the back for!

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