Bumble-ing Along

Ok I know you’ve all seen Bumble fetch, and she’s not even at the top of her game here, but I *love* the sound of her little feet padding across the table [emoji23][emoji7]


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Oh it’s adorable...

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Oh my, she is so darn cute playing fetch :)
Bumble fetches better then our dog,Tinker ! Tinker will go over to the object, pick it up and promptly drop it. And thats with years and years oftrying. Our old Jack Russels, Sasha, on the other hand would have built me a house or painted the living room, if we gave her dog tools.

Bumble is in the latter category, and cute too!
I’ve been working on teaching Ducky to fly with the ball. He is very good at regular fetch on a table, but when I call him to fly to me, he immediately drops the ball and flies to me without it. Have you tried teaching Bumble this trick?
I’ve been working on teaching Ducky to fly with the ball. He is very good at regular fetch on a table, but when I call him to fly to me, he immediately drops the ball and flies to me without it. Have you tried teaching Bumble this trick?

I want that to be the next phase, but if it drops off the table she does that parrot thing, you know the one. Look quizzically at the floor, you can practically see them shrug, walk away. Ohhhbut as I’m writing this, it occurs to me that she could fly from the table. Haha! I’m a dork again. Ideally I will toss it and she’ll bring it back-but tricks get taught in stages. I think I’ll start trying to get her to fly to me tonight!

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Bumble may be the most adorable thing on this planet. Just saying.

Most of the time I would agree with you! But right now she’s fighting me for my peanut butter sandwich, trying to bite my fake nails off (she wins-they come off this Saturday), and making it her life’s work to remove any tiny growth, mole, skin tag, goose bump, etc. from my neck. OUCH!

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I’ve been working on teaching Ducky to fly with the ball. He is very good at regular fetch on a table, but when I call him to fly to me, he immediately drops the ball and flies to me without it. Have you tried teaching Bumble this trick?

I want that to be the next phase, but if it drops off the table she does that parrot thing, you know the one. Look quizzically at the floor, you can practically see them shrug, walk away. Ohhhbut as I’m writing this, it occurs to me that she could fly from the table. Haha! I’m a dork again. Ideally I will toss it and she’ll bring it back-but tricks get taught in stages. I think I’ll start trying to get her to fly to me tonight!

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Well. I told her our new plan, put the bead on the table, after she grabbed it Inheld up my finger and said “here,” and she flew over and dropped the bead in my hand. Huh.

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I’ve been working on teaching Ducky to fly with the ball. He is very good at regular fetch on a table, but when I call him to fly to me, he immediately drops the ball and flies to me without it. Have you tried teaching Bumble this trick?

I want that to be the next phase, but if it drops off the table she does that parrot thing, you know the one. Look quizzically at the floor, you can practically see them shrug, walk away. Ohhhbut as I’m writing this, it occurs to me that she could fly from the table. Haha! I’m a dork again. Ideally I will toss it and she’ll bring it back-but tricks get taught in stages. I think I’ll start trying to get her to fly to me tonight!

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Well. I told her our new plan, put the bead on the table, after she grabbed it Inheld up my finger and said “here,” and she flew over and dropped the bead in my hand. Huh.

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That’s great! Ducky drops the ball just before flying to me. Bumble is a quick learner!
That’s great! Ducky drops the ball just before flying to me. Bumble is a quick learner!

Parrotlets are smart. Sometimes I feel like I can’t think of things to teach her fast enough.

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I’m an idiot. Bumble has been SUCH a brat lately, I was starting to think the Rickeybird had come calling! Ha! Then today I realized she looks kinda scruffy. THEN I noticed the half dozen or so feathers scattered about the living room. Molting again. Seems like she just did this-but if I understand correctly, most birds have that first molt (man that lasted forever) and then the second one not long after and then usually once a year? Please?

She might also be hitting puberty. I haven’t found a clear answer anywhere, but it looks like maybe around a year is when it happens-and she’ll be 11 months old this week.

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Yes to everything. The molt and maturity phase! Keep consistent and you’ll make it. Some people ignore their birds and stay away during the difficult time of maturity but i think it’s better for the relationship to keep it going. Boundaries snacks training love and showers!!!

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Bumble is at home with her human-sis while I’m away for two nights at a work retreat. I miss them both! Susannah (daughter) asked for a list of instructions and I was VERY specific. Like my kid might be insulted [emoji23] although I stopped myself from listing suggested topics of conversation.

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I was wondering the same thing about Dora a week ago! I'm certain she is experiencing her first molt. All those adorable little feathers:D She should be about five months now. Sending scritches to baby Bumble <3
As an Amazon Snob, my knowledge into some parts of the Parrot World is a bit thin. And the when Bumbles would begin maturity is one of those. Its why I love Parrot Forums, the knowledge base is just huge.

In the mid to large Parrot World, once the adult featheration is in place, molting of body and downy feathers is twice a year as they adjust /prepare for Natural Temperature Variations during a year. Also, having the sharpest appearing Feathers just prior to the start of their mating season. That does not mean that they will adjust if it is unseasonably hot. Flight Surface molting is year around based on always being able to fly well.
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Bumble is the cutest little thing. I have a friend with a little parrotlet and I so love the big bird in a tiny bundle, #teambumble

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#teambumble...we should get that trending for sure!
Bumble, here are some seeds so you can follow me home!
*Kermit is jealous*

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