Bumble-ing Along

Parrotlets def are smart AND brash! But Bumble adds cute to the mix!
I was wondering the same thing about Dora a week ago! I'm certain she is experiencing her first molt. All those adorable little feathers:D She should be about five months now. Sending scritches to baby Bumble <3

I think Bumble is was 4-5 months old for her first molt and it lasted FOR EVER. Lots of baths and skritches will help [emoji16]

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Haha! I love you guys. #teambumble

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As an Amazon Snob, my knowledge into some parts of the Parrot World is a bit thin. And the when Bumbles would begin maturity is one of those. Its why I love Parrot Forums, the knowledge base is just huge.

In the mid to large Parrot World, once the adult featheration is in place, molting of body and downy feathers is twice a year as they adjust /prepare for Natural Temperature Variations during a year. Also, having the sharpest appearing Feathers just prior to the start of their mating season. That does not mean that they will adjust if it is unseasonably hot. Flight Surface molting is year around based on always being able to fly well.

It seems that a lot of parrot info is true of all parrots, so the twice a year molt makes sense. Hopefully the grown-up molts don’t last as long. That first one was ridiculous. And then all of a sudden one day I was giving her some skritches and I realized that her little head was so soft-no more pinnies!

I’m 99% on the puberty. She regurgitated for me once and there have been a couple more times when I saw it coming and distracted her with an evil bell LOL. I also hope this passes quickly. But I survived a human-child’s puberty; I’ll make it through this one as well.

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Bumble was full of silliness tonight. We play peekaboo in several different ways. The first one is where I hold her in my finger and put my other hand between so she can’t see me. Then I move one of my hands until she can see me and say peekaboo! Her first word - peek - is from this game. She says it while she can’t see me. The second version is she’s on my shoulder and I turn my head away from her, she says peek, and when I turn back I say peekaboo. In both of these versions, I hold until she says peek. So today we were playing version one and I realized that every time I moved my hand out of the way, her head was facing a different direction. She had combined the two versions! So then we played with both of us moving our heads and no hands. And I laughed.

Later she was flying around the room and I’m so fascinated and amazed by her flying skills! She can do a 360 in the air with no warning. She likes to fly between me, her cage, and her boing but today she was playing. From the boing to the cage NOPE 360 and back to the boing. From the boing to my head but I got my hand up for an interception NOPE hard left back to the cage instead.

Before I got her, I assumed I’d clip her. Last time I had birds that was just what was done. Then I read around in here and decided against. I know this is a hot button topic (it would probably be less controversial for me to say GO TRUMP MAKE MURKA GREAT AGAIN*) and everyone has to make the best decision for themselves and their parrots, but watching her fly around, even in my tiny apartment, is so joyful. I can’t imagine making another choice for her.

*this statement is not, in fact, the opinion of this author. And if she wanted to get into that conversation, she’d go back to the gun forums. [emoji5]

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I love watching my birds fly. I could never ever imagine clipping them. Even before I had any experience with birds, I knew I could never take their gift of flight away from them. Thank you for letting Bumble be a bird! It was absolutely the right choice! The problem is, some people don’t pay attention to where the bird is at all times, and their bird escapes. Also, I would love to see a slow-mo video of her flying :)
I love watching BB HOVER in the air a few seconds,or when I call him and he looks in slow-mo as he touch downs on my arm or hand..I'm trying to envision Amy doing that! :eek: :rolleyes: :04:
Recently FlyBirdiesFly asked if Bumble would fly to me when playing fetch. I tried it the next night, and she knew what I wanted on the first try. Now we’re working on her flying both directions. I gradually hold my hand a little higher and she’s getting the hang of it. Here’s a super short video of practice.


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I LOVE BUMBLE!!! Nigel’s wings are slowly recovering from a mangling clip when he was a baby. I’m working on recall training. Will eventually build an enclosed aviary for him to fly in. Has to be well built with a closed floor as the snakes here....

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Wow Inger..that is awesome! such a smart little girl! It really is amazing how much the tiniest of fid's can learn. Bumble aims to please,and she is doing a great job at it. #teambumble!

That is awesome! Soon she’ll be flying across the room to get that ball in your hand!
Wow Inger..that is awesome! such a smart little girl! It really is amazing how much the tiniest of fid's can learn. Bumble aims to please,and she is doing a great job at it. #teambumble!


Not only is she eager to please, but lately she’s nothing but naughty until I pull out the play gym and the millet, which she knows means training time. She obviously enjoys this playtime and if I don’t do my part, she lets me know about it!

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I LOVE BUMBLE!!! Nigel’s wings are slowly recovering from a mangling clip when he was a baby. I’m working on recall training. Will eventually build an enclosed aviary for him to fly in. Has to be well built with a closed floor as the snakes here....

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That will be so great for him! I’m near Seattle, WA, home of grey skies and constant rain, so outdoor aviaries are non-existent here.

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What a smartie pie - she is obviously training you every bit as much as you are training her! :) Such a cutie!

You should sooooo nominate her for Pet of the Day! We have not had a parrotlet nominee in a while!
What a smartie pie - she is obviously training you every bit as much as you are training her! :) Such a cutie!

You should sooooo nominate her for Pet of the Day! We have not had a parrotlet nominee in a while!

The training is definitely a two-way street! And she learns faster than I do [emoji23][emoji23]

I’ve thought about nominating her but then I’d have to write stuff and I got intimidated.

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This picture, while technically awful, is one I really love. Last night she didn’t want to train or sit with me - she just wanted to fly. I was trying to get a pic for her IG account and this was the best I could do! I think it captures something precious.

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I totally have a girl-crush on Inger AND Bumble... just so cute and pretty and fun and...

Okay, is that weird?

Sorry, not sorry!
I totally have a girl-crush on Inger AND Bumble... just so cute and pretty and fun and...

Okay, is that weird?

Sorry, not sorry!


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