I thought I'd post an actual update instead of just pictures of my little darling.
She's perfect. The end.
Ok that's not what I really planned. She is really pretty wonderful though. She has/we have survived her first molt. It lasted FOREVER. Started end of June and she actually has one more wing feather that still has about half its sheath on it. She looked so scruffy for a while! But the other day my kid looked at her and commented that she looked very nice and smooth now that it's over. The two little feathers that always stood up on her back are less pronounced and not always there anymore. They looked ridiculous but I miss them. Oh and it seems that the feathers that had. Eek clipped (I think only 2 per side) have been replaced. They clip never stopped her from flying, but she seems to fly around the room for a little longer sometimes. Mostly in search of my head to land on!
She keeps learning tricks at a pace that shocks me. So far she will target, walk through a hoop, spin on table, perch, finger, loop around perch or finger, recall and go to perch (she definitely KNOWS these but she sort of chooses when she wants to do them), hang by one foot from my finger, play peekaboo (still only says peek unless she thinks nobody is listening, but I've heard peeka a few times and peekaboo once or twice "in public" now). Oh and potty training is going quite well - sometimes she even takes herself to her perch to do her business. We were working on wave until I realized I had messed it up and we were actually working on shake hands. It's taking a little longer because she wants to step up, but we'll get there soon.
She's getting a bit more independent which is great. She actually stayed on her boing for 10-15 minutes yesterday-usually it's about 12 seconds before she flies back to me. I am planning to build her a PVC play gym, so maybe now that she doesn't want/need to be on my all the time, I should get to that.
I'm starting to read her body language a lot better and being able to figure out what she wants and when. She likes to take a drink out of the kitchen faucet every night, and probably twice a week she turns it into bath time (remember when I thought she'd never bathe?). I can pretty much tell when she's ready for her drink and whether it's bath night most of the time. As the weather cools off I'm going to have to switch it to morning drinks though, since I don't want her chilled at night.
My favorite thing is sitting next to her cage while she falls asleep. The minute I sit down, she starts grinding her beak and making happy noises. It's very peaceful. I don't do it more than about once a week, because I don't want to HAVE to do it, but it's a nice treat and a lovely way to unwind at the end of the day.
If you're still with me, thanks for sharing in my parronting joy and wonder. [emoji2] here's a picture for your time.
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